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  • 初识python 之 爬虫:爬取某电影网站信息



      1 #!/user/bin env python
      2 # author:Simple-Sir
      3 # time:2019/7/20 20:36
      4 # 获取电影天堂详细信息
      5 import requests
      6 from lxml import etree
      8 # 伪装浏览器
      9 HEADERS ={
     10     'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36',
     11 }
     12 # 定义全局变量
     13 BASE_DOMAIN = 'https://www.dytt8.net'
     14 # 获取首页网页信息并解析
     15 def getUrlText(url,coding):
     16     respons = requests.get(url,headers=HEADERS)  # 获取网页信息
     17     # enc = respons.encoding
     18     # urlText = respons.content.decode('gbk')
     19     if(coding=='c'):
     20         urlText = respons.content.decode('gbk')
     21         html = etree.HTML(urlText)  # 使用lxml解析网页
     22     else:
     23         urlText = respons.text
     24         html = etree.HTML(urlText)  # 使用lxml解析网页
     25     return html
     27 # 获取电影详情页的href,text解析
     28 def getHref(url):
     29     html = getUrlText(url,'t')
     30     aHref = html.xpath('//table[@class="tbspan"]//a/@href')
     31     htmlAll = map(lambda url:BASE_DOMAIN+url,aHref) # 给每个href补充BASE_DOMAIN
     32     return htmlAll
     34 # 使用content解析电影详情页,并获取详细信息数据
     35 def getPage(url):
     36     html = getUrlText(url,'c')
     37     moveInfo = {}  # 定义电影信息字典
     38     mName = html.xpath('//div[@class="title_all"]//font[@color="#07519a"]/text()')[0]
     39     moveInfo['电影名字'] = mName
     40     mDiv = html.xpath('//div[@id="Zoom"]')[0]
     41     mImgSrc = mDiv.xpath('.//img/@src')
     42     moveInfo['海报地址'] = mImgSrc[0]  # 获取海报src地址
     43     if len(mImgSrc) >= 2:
     44         moveInfo['电影截图地址'] = mImgSrc[1]  # 获取电影截图src地址
     45     mContnent = mDiv.xpath('.//text()')
     46     def pares_info(info,rule):
     47         '''
     48         :param info: 字符串
     49         :param rule: 替换字串
     50         :return:  指定字符串替换为空,并剔除左右空格
     51         '''
     52         return info.replace(rule,'').strip()
     53     for index,t in enumerate(mContnent):
     54         if t.startswith('◎译  名'):
     55             name = pares_info(t,'◎译  名')
     56             moveInfo['译名']=name
     57         elif t.startswith('◎片  名'):
     58             name = pares_info(t,'◎片  名')
     59             moveInfo['片名']=name
     60         elif t.startswith('◎年  代'):
     61             name = pares_info(t,'◎年  代')
     62             moveInfo['年代']=name
     63         elif t.startswith('◎产  地'):
     64             name = pares_info(t,'◎产  地')
     65             moveInfo['产地']=name
     66         elif t.startswith('◎类  别'):
     67             name = pares_info(t,'◎类  别')
     68             moveInfo['类别']=name
     69         elif t.startswith('◎语  言'):
     70             name = pares_info(t,'◎语  言')
     71             moveInfo['语言']=name
     72         elif t.startswith('◎字  幕'):
     73             name = pares_info(t,'◎字  幕')
     74             moveInfo['字幕']=name
     75         elif t.startswith('◎上映日期'):
     76             name = pares_info(t,'◎上映日期')
     77             moveInfo['上映日期']=name
     78         elif t.startswith('◎IMDb评分'):
     79             name = pares_info(t,'◎IMDb评分')
     80             moveInfo['IMDb评分']=name
     81         elif t.startswith('◎豆瓣评分'):
     82             name = pares_info(t,'◎豆瓣评分')
     83             moveInfo['豆瓣评分']=name
     84         elif t.startswith('◎文件格式'):
     85             name = pares_info(t,'◎文件格式')
     86             moveInfo['文件格式']=name
     87         elif t.startswith('◎视频尺寸'):
     88             name = pares_info(t,'◎视频尺寸')
     89             moveInfo['视频尺寸']=name
     90         elif t.startswith('◎文件大小'):
     91             name = pares_info(t,'◎文件大小')
     92             moveInfo['文件大小']=name
     93         elif t.startswith('◎片  长'):
     94             name = pares_info(t,'◎片  长')
     95             moveInfo['片长']=name
     96         elif t.startswith('◎导  演'):
     97             name = pares_info(t,'◎导  演')
     98             moveInfo['导演']=name
     99         elif t.startswith('◎编  剧'):
    100             name = pares_info(t, '◎编  剧')
    101             writers = [name]
    102             for i in range(index + 1, len(mContnent)):
    103                 writer = mContnent[i].strip()
    104                 if writer.startswith(''):
    105                     break
    106                 writers.append(writer)
    107             moveInfo['编剧'] = writers
    108         elif t.startswith('◎主  演'):
    109             name = pares_info(t, '◎主  演')
    110             actors = [name]
    111             for i in range(index+1,len(mContnent)):
    112                 actor = mContnent[i].strip()
    113                 if actor.startswith(''):
    114                     break
    115                 actors.append(actor)
    116             moveInfo['主演'] = actors
    117         elif t.startswith('◎标  签'):
    118             name = pares_info(t,'◎标  签')
    119             moveInfo['标签']=name
    120         elif t.startswith('◎简  介'):
    121             name = pares_info(t,'◎简  介')
    122             profiles = []
    123             for i in range(index + 1, len(mContnent)):
    124                 profile = mContnent[i].strip()
    125                 if profile.startswith('◎获奖情况') or '【下载地址】' in profile:
    126                     break
    127                 profiles.append(profile)
    128             moveInfo['简介']=profiles
    129         elif t.startswith('◎获奖情况'):
    130             name = pares_info(t,'◎获奖情况')
    131             awards = []
    132             for i in range(index + 1, len(mContnent)):
    133                 award = mContnent[i].strip()
    134                 if '【下载地址】' in award:
    135                     break
    136                 awards.append(award)
    137             moveInfo['获奖情况']=awards
    138     downUrl = html.xpath('//td[@bgcolor="#fdfddf"]/a/@href')[0]
    139     moveInfo['下载地址'] = downUrl
    140     return moveInfo
    142 # 获取前n页所有电影的详情页href
    143 def spider():
    144     base_url = 'https://www.dytt8.net/html/gndy/dyzz/list_23_{}.html'
    145     moves = []
    146     m = int(input('请输入您要获取的开始页:'))
    147     n = int(input('请输入您要获取的结束页:'))
    148     print('即将写入第{}页到第{}页的电影信息,请稍后...'.format(m, n))
    149     for i in range(m,n+1):
    150         print('******* 第{}页电影 正在写入 ********'.format(i))
    151         url = base_url.format(i)
    152         moveHref = getHref(url)
    153         for index,mhref in enumerate(moveHref):
    154             print('---- 第{}部电影 正在写入----'.format(index+1))
    155             move = getPage(mhref)
    156             moves.append(move)
    157     # 将电影信息写入本地本件
    158     for i in moves:
    159         with open('电影天堂电影信息.txt', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    160             f.write('
    ********* {} ***************
    161         for info in i:
    162             with open('电影天堂电影信息.txt','a+',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    163                 f.write('{}:{}
    164     print('写入完成!')
    166 if __name__ == '__main__':
    167     spider()




    世风之狡诈多端,到底忠厚人颠扑不破; 末俗以繁华相尚,终觉冷淡处趣味弥长。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/simple-li/p/11219525.html
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