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  • 小程序swiper实现订单页面



      1 <view class="swiper-tab">
      2   <block wx:for="{{swipertab}}" wx:key="sptab">
      3     <view class="swiper-tab-list {{currtab == item.index ? 'on' : ''}}" 
      4     data-current="{{item.index}}" 
      5     bindtap="tabSwitch">{{item.name}}</view>
      6   </block>
      7 </view>
      9 <swiper current="{{currtab}}" style="height:{{deviceH-31}}px" bindchange="onTabChange">
     10   <swiper-item>
     11     <scroll-view class="hot-box" scroll-y="true" style="height: 100%;">
     12       <view class="container-0">
     13         <view class="order" wx:for="{{allOrderS}}" wx:key="{{item.orderid}}" wx:for-item="order">
     14           <view class="orderNumber">订单编号:{{order.orderid}}</view>
     15           <view class="orderStatus">{{order.status}}</view>
     16           <view class="orderList" wx:for="{{order.goods}}" wx:key="item.index" bindtap="orderDetailShow" data-orderid="{{order.orderid}}">
     17               <image src='{{item.image}}'></image>
     18               <view class='orderDetail'>
     19                 <view class='orderTitle'>{{item.title}}</view>
     20                 <view class='orderStyle'>
     21                   <view class="orderColor">{{item.properties}}</view>
     22                   <!-- <view class="orderSize">{{item.size}},</view>
     23                   <view class="orderUnit">{{item.unit}}</view> -->
     24                 </view>
     25               </view>
     26               <view class='orderInfor'>
     27                 <view class='orderPrice'>{{item.price}}</view>
     28                 <view class='orderNum'>{{item.number}}</view>
     29               </view>
     30           </view>
     31           <view class='orderSumPri'>
     32             共{{order.totalNumber}}件商品 合计:
     33             <view class='orderPri'>{{order.totalPrice}}元</view>
     34           </view>
     35           <view class="orderHander">
     36             <view class="orderCancel" bindtap="orderHandleOne" hidden="{{order.ifhiddenone}}">{{order.orderHandleOne}}</view>
     37             <view class="orderConfirm" bindtap="orderHandleTwo" hidden="{{order.ifhiddentwo}}">{{order.orderHandleTwo}}</view>
     38           </view>
     39         </view>
     40       </view>
     41     </scroll-view>
     42   </swiper-item>
     43   <swiper-item>
     44     <scroll-view class="hot-box" scroll-y="true" style="height: 100%;">
     45       <view class="container-1">
     46         <view class="order" wx:for="{{waitPayOrder}}" wx:key="{{item.orderid}}" wx:for-item="order">
     47           <view class="orderNumber">{{order.orderid}}</view>
     48           <view class="orderStatus">{{order.status}}</view>
     49           <view class="orderList" wx:for="{{order.goods}}" wx:key="item.index" bindtap="orderDetailShow">
     50               <image src='{{item.image}}'></image>
     51               <view class='orderDetail'>
     52                 <view class='orderTitle'>{{item.title}}</view>
     53                 <view class='orderStyle'>
     54                   <view class="orderColor">{{item.properties}}</view>
     55                   <!-- <view class="orderColor">{{item.color}}</view>
     56                   <view class="orderSize">{{item.size}}</view>
     57                   <view class="orderUnit">{{item.unit}}</view> -->
     58                 </view>
     59               </view>
     60               <view class='orderInfor'>
     61                 <view class='orderPrice'>{{item.price}}</view>
     62                 <view class='orderNum'>{{item.number}}</view>
     63               </view>
     64           </view>
     65           <view class='orderSumPri'>
     66             共{{order.totalNumber}}件商品 合计:
     67             <view class='orderPri'>{{order.totalPrice}}元</view>
     68           </view>
     69           <view class="orderHander">
     70             <view class="orderCancel" bindtap="orderHandleOne" hidden="{{order.ifhiddenone}}">{{order.orderHandleOne}}</view>
     71             <view class="orderConfirm" bindtap="orderHandleTwo" hidden="{{order.ifhiddentwo}}">{{order.orderHandleTwo}}</view>
     72           </view>
     73         </view>
     74       </view>
     75     </scroll-view>
     76   </swiper-item>
     77   <swiper-item>
     78     <scroll-view class="hot-box" scroll-y="true" style="height: 100%;">
     79       <view class="container-2">
     80         <view class="order" wx:for="{{waitSentOrder}}" wx:key="{{item.orderid}}" wx:for-item="order">
     81           <view class="orderNumber">{{order.orderid}}</view>
     82           <view class="orderStatus">{{order.status}}</view>
     83           <view class="orderList" wx:for="{{order.goods}}" wx:key="item.index" bindtap="orderDetailShow">
     84             <image src='{{item.image}}'></image>
     85             <view class='orderDetail'>
     86               <view class='orderTitle'>{{item.title}}</view>
     87               <view class='orderStyle'>
     88                 <view class="orderColor">{{item.properties}}</view>
     89                 <!-- <view class="orderColor">{{item.color}}</view>
     90                 <view class="orderSize">{{item.size}}</view>
     91                 <view class="orderUnit">{{item.unit}}</view> -->
     92               </view>
     93             </view>
     94             <view class='orderInfor'>
     95               <view class='orderPrice'>{{item.price}}</view>
     96               <view class='orderNum'>{{item.number}}</view>
     97             </view>
     98           </view>
     99           <view class='orderSumPri'>
    100             共{{order.totalNumber}}件商品 合计:
    101             <view class='orderPri'>{{order.totalPrice}}元</view>
    102           </view>
    103           <view class="orderHander">
    104             <view class="orderCancel" bindtap="orderHandleOne" hidden="{{order.ifhiddenone}}">{{order.orderHandleOne}}</view>
    105             <view class="orderConfirm" bindtap="orderHandleTwo" hidden="{{order.ifhiddentwo}}">{{order.orderHandleTwo}}</view>
    106           </view>
    107         </view>
    108       </view>  
    109     </scroll-view>
    110   </swiper-item>
    111   <swiper-item>
    112     <scroll-view class="hot-box" scroll-y="true" style="height: 100%;">
    113       <view class="container-3">
    114         <view class="order" wx:for="{{waitReceivedOrder}}" wx:key="{{item.orderid}}" wx:for-item="order">
    115           <view class="orderNumber">{{order.orderid}}</view>
    116           <view class="orderStatus">{{order.status}}</view>
    117           <view class="orderList" wx:for="{{order.goods}}" wx:key="item.index" bindtap="orderDetailShow">
    118               <image src='{{item.image}}'></image>
    119               <view class='orderDetail'>
    120                 <view class='orderTitle'>{{item.title}}</view>
    121                 <view class='orderStyle'>
    122                   <view class="orderColor">{{item.properties}}</view>
    123                 </view>
    124               </view>
    125               <view class='orderInfor'>
    126                 <view class='orderPrice'>{{item.price}}</view>
    127                 <view class='orderNum'>{{item.number}}</view>
    128               </view>
    129           </view>
    130           <view class='orderSumPri'>
    131             共{{order.totalNumber}}件商品 合计:
    132             <view class='orderPri'>{{order.totalPrice}}元</view>
    133           </view>
    134           <view class="orderHander">
    135             <view class="orderCancel" bindtap="orderHandleOne" hidden="{{order.ifhiddenone}}">{{order.orderHandleOne}}</view>
    136             <view class="orderConfirm" bindtap="orderHandleTwo" hidden="{{order.ifhiddentwo}}">{{order.orderHandleTwo}}</view>
    137           </view>
    138         </view>
    139       </view>
    140     </scroll-view>
    141   </swiper-item>
    142   <swiper-item>
    143     <scroll-view class="hot-box" scroll-y="true" style="height: 100%;">
    144       <view class="container-4">
    145         <view class="order" wx:for="{{completeOrder}}" wx:key="{{item.orderid}}" wx:for-item="order">
    146           <view class="orderNumber">{{order.orderid}}</view>
    147           <view class="orderStatus">{{order.status}}</view>
    148           <view class="orderList" wx:for="{{order.goods}}" wx:key="item.index" bindtap="orderDetailShow" data->
    149             <image src='{{item.image}}'></image>
    150             <view class='orderDetail'>
    151               <view class='orderTitle'>{{item.title}}</view>
    152               <view class='orderStyle'>
    153                 <view class="orderColor">{{item.properties}}</view>
    154                 <!-- <view class="orderColor">{{item.color}}</view>
    155                 <view class="orderSize">{{item.size}}</view>
    156                 <view class="orderUnit">{{item.unit}}</view> -->
    157               </view>
    158             </view>
    159             <view class='orderInfor'>
    160               <view class='orderPrice'>{{item.price}}</view>
    161               <view class='orderNum'>{{item.number}}</view>
    162             </view>
    163           </view>
    164           <view class='orderSumPri'>
    165           共{{order.totalNumber}}件商品 合计:
    166           <view class='orderPri'>{{order.totalPrice}}元</view>
    167           </view>
    168           <view class="orderHander">
    169             <view class="orderCancel" bindtap="orderHandleOne" hidden="{{order.ifhiddenone}}">{{order.orderHandleOne}}</view>
    170             <view class="orderConfirm" bindtap="orderHandleTwo" hidden="{{order.ifhiddentwo}}">{{order.orderHandleTwo}}</view>
    171           </view>
    172         </view>
    173       </view>
    174     </scroll-view>
    175   </swiper-item>
    176 </swiper>


    // pages/myOrder/myOrder.js
      1 import {
      2   ApiUrl
      3 } from '../../utils/apiurl.js';
      4 import {
      5   httpReq
      6 } from '../../utils/http.js';
      7 Page({
      9   /**
     10    * 页面的初始数据
     11    */
     12   data: {
     13     currtab: 0,//当前滑块的index
     14     swipertab: [{ name: '全部', index: 0 }, { name: '待付款', index: 1 }, { name: '待发货', index: 2 }, { name: '待收货', index: 3 }, { name: '已完成', index: 4 }],
     15     height: 0,
     16     allOrderS: [],//全部订单
     17     waitPayOrder: [],//待付款订单
     18     waitSentOrder: [],//待发货订单
     19     waitReceivedOrder: [],//待收货订单
     20     completeOrder: [],//已完成订单
     21     token: '',//app.js里面拿token
     22     vipid: '',//会员号
     23     ifhiddenone: true,//按钮隐藏
     24     ifhiddentwo: false //按钮隐藏
     25   },
     26   /**
     27    * 请求数据
     28    */
     29   getGoods: function () {
     30     let that = this
     31     httpReq({
     32       header: {
     33         'Content-Type': 'application/json',
     34         'Accept': 'application/json'
     35       },
     36       //获取数据的接口,
     37       url: ApiUrl.phplist + 'order/getorder?token=' + this.data.token + '&member_id=' + this.data.vipid,
     38     }).then((res) => {
     39       let lists = res.data.lists
     40       //数据重组
     41       let orders = []
     42       let waitPayOrder = []
     43       let waitSentOrder = []
     44       let waitReceivedOrder = []
     45       let completeOrder = []
     46       for (let m in lists) {
     47         let ss = {}
     48         let goods = []
     49         ss.orderid = lists[m].order_sn
     50         ss.totalNumber = Number(lists[m].pay_num)
     51         ss.totalPrice = Number(lists[m].order_amount)
     52         if (lists[m].pay_status == '0') {
     53           ss.status = "待付款"
     54           ss.orderHandleOne = '取消订单'
     55           ss.orderHandleTwo = '确认付款'
     56         }
     57         else if (lists[m].pay_status == '1') { 
     58           ss.status = "已取消"
     59           ss.ifhiddenone = true,
     60           ss.ifhiddentwo = true
     61         }
     62         else if (lists[m].pay_status == '2') { 
     63           ss.status = "待发货"
     64           ss.orderHandleOne = '催TA发货'
     65           ss.orderHandleTwo = '申请退款'
     66         }
     67         else if (lists[m].pay_status == '3') {
     68           ss.status = "待收货"
     69           ss.orderHandleOne = '申请退款'
     70           ss.orderHandleTwo = '确认收货'
     71          }
     72         else { 
     73           ss.status = "已完成"
     74           ss.orderHandleTwo = '删除订单'
     75           ss.ifhiddenone = true
     76           }
     77         for (let n in lists[m].goods) {
     78            let mm = {}
     79           // console.log(lists[m].goods[n])
     80           if (lists[m].goods[n].hasOwnProperty('goods_logo')) {
     81             mm.image = lists[m].goods[n].goods_logo
     82           }
     83           if (lists[m].goods[n].hasOwnProperty('goods_name')) {
     84             mm.title = lists[m].goods[n].goods_name
     85           }
     86           if (lists[m].goods[n].hasOwnProperty('goods_price')) {
     87             mm.price = lists[m].goods[n].goods_price
     88           }
     89           if (lists[m].goods[n].hasOwnProperty('number')) {
     90             mm.number = lists[m].goods[n].number
     91           } 
     93           goods.push(mm)
     94           ss.goods = goods
     95         }
     96         if (ss.status == "待付款") {
     97           waitPayOrder.push(ss)
     98         }
     99         if (ss.status == "待发货") {
    100           waitSentOrder.push(ss)
    101         }
    102         if (ss.status == "待收货") {
    103           waitReceivedOrder.push(ss)
    104         }
    105         if (ss.status == "已完成") {
    106           completeOrder.push(ss)
    107         }
    108         completeOrder
    109         orders.push(ss)
    110       }
    111       // console.log(orders)
    112       // console.log(that)
    113       that.setData({
    114         allOrderS: orders,
    115         waitPayOrder: waitPayOrder,
    116         waitSentOrder: waitSentOrder,
    117         waitReceivedOrder: waitReceivedOrder,
    118         completeOrder: completeOrder
    119       })
    120     })
    121   },
    122   /**
    123    * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
    124    */
    125   onLoad: function (option) {
    126     let token = wx.getStorageSync('token')//缓存中获取数据
    127     let vipid = wx.getStorageSync('vipid')//缓存中获取vipid
    128     this.setData({
    129       token: token,
    130       vipid: vipid
    131     })
    132     //拿后台数据
    133     this.getGoods()
    134     //外部进入时默认选swiper的index为currtab,如果获取失败就默认设置为0.
    135     if (option.currtab == null || option.currtab == '') {
    136       option.currtab = 0
    137     } else {
    138       let tab = option.currtab
    139       this.setData({
    140         currtab: tab
    141       })
    142     }
    143   },
    144   /**
    145    * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
    146    */
    147   onReady: function () {
    148     this.getDeviceInfo()
    149   },
    150   /*
    151   * 设置swiper高度,swiper本身高度限制必须重写否则里面内容过多不显示,这是swiper本身的坑。
    152    */
    153   getDeviceInfo: function () {
    154     let that = this
    155     wx.getSystemInfo({
    156       success: function (res) {
    157         that.setData({
    158           deviceW: res.windowWidth,
    159           deviceH: res.windowHeight
    160         })
    161       }
    162     })
    163   },
    164   /**
    165    * @Explain:选项卡点击切换
    166    */
    167   tabSwitch: function (e) {
    168     var that = this
    169     let tab = e.target.dataset.current
    170     if (this.data.currtab === tab) {
    171       return false
    172     } else {
    173       that.setData({
    174         currtab: tab
    175       })
    176     }
    177   },
    178   /**
    179  * 选项卡滑动切换页面
    180  */
    181   onTabChange: function (e) {
    182     var that = this
    183     let tab = e.detail.current
    184     that.setData({
    185       currtab: tab
    186     })
    187   },
    188   /**
    189    * 点击订单进入订单详情
    190    */
    191   orderDetailShow: function(e) {
    192     // console.log(e.currentTarget.dataset.orderid)
    193     let orderid = e.currentTarget.dataset.orderid
    194     wx.navigateTo({
    195         //订单详情接口
    196       url: '../orderDetail/orderDetail?orderid=' + orderid
    197     })
    198   },
    199   /**
    200    * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
    201    */
    202   onShow: function () {
    203   },
    205   /**
    206    * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
    207    */
    208   onHide: function () {
    210   },
    212   /**
    213    * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
    214    */
    215   onUnload: function () {
    217   },
    219   /**
    220    * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
    221    */
    222   onPullDownRefresh: function () {
    224   },
    226   /**
    227    * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
    228    */
    229   onReachBottom: function () {
    231   },
    233   /**
    234    * 用户点击右上角分享
    235    */
    236   onShareAppMessage: function () {
    238   }
    239 })


      1 /* pages/myorder/myorder.wxss */
      2 .on {
      3   color: red;
      4   border-bottom:2px solid red;
      5 }
      7 swiper {
      8   height: auto;
      9 }
     11 .swiper-tab {
     12    750rpx;
     13   height: 80rpx;
     14   background: #f5f7f9;
     15   display: flex;
     16   justify-content: space-around;
     17   margin-top: 18rpx;
     18   margin-bottom: 36rpx; 
     19 }
     21 .swiper-tab view {
     22    90rpx;
     23   height: 80rpx;
     24   font: 30rpx/76rpx "";
     25   color: #333;
     26   text-align: center;
     27 }
     29 .container-0 {
     30   box-sizing: border-box;
     32 }
     34 .container-1 {
     35   box-sizing: border-box;
     36 }
     38 .container-2 {
     39   box-sizing: border-box;
     40 }
     41 .container-3 {
     42   box-sizing: border-box;
     43 }
     45 .container-4 {
     46   box-sizing: border-box;
     47 }
     49 .orderNumber {
     50   float: left;
     51   font-size: 24rpx;
     52   padding-left: 20rpx;
     53   padding-top: 10rpx;
     55 }
     57 .orderStatus {
     58   float: right;
     59   font-size: 28rpx;
     60   padding-left: 20rpx;
     61   padding-top: 10rpx;
     62   padding-right: 19rpx;
     63   color: orangered;
     64 }
     66 .order {
     67   box-sizing: border-box;
     68    678rpx;
     69   background: #e6e6e6;
     70   margin: 0 auto;
     71   border-radius: 20rpx;
     72   padding-bottom: 32rpx; 
     73   margin-bottom: 20rpx;
     74 }
     76 image {
     77    150rpx;
     78   height: 150rpx;
     79 }
     81 .order .orderList {
     82   clear: both;
     83   display: flex;
     84   flex-direction: row;
     85   padding-top: 32rpx;
     86   padding-left: 20rpx;
     87 }
     89 .orderDetail {
     90   margin-left: 21rpx;
     91 }
     93 .orderDetail .orderTitle {
     94    260rpx;
     95   height: 62rpx;
     96   font: 28rpx/28rpx "";
     97   color: #333;
     98 }
    100 .orderDetail .orderStyle {
    101    103rpx;
    102   height: 24rpx;
    103   font: 24rpx/24rpx '';
    104   color: #999;
    105   margin-top: 17rpx;
    106   display: flex;
    107   flex-direction: row;
    109 }
    111 .orderInfor {
    112   margin-left: 116rpx;
    113 }
    115 .orderInfor .orderPrice {
    116    98rpx;
    117   height: 19rpx;
    118   font-size: 24rpx;
    119 }
    121 .orderInfor .orderNum {
    122    30rpx;
    123   height: 19rpx;
    124   font-size: 24rpx;
    125   color: #999;
    126   margin-top: 26rpx;
    127 }
    129 .orderSumPri {
    130    286rpx;
    131   height: 20rpx;
    132   font: 22rpx/24rpx '';
    133   color: #999;
    134   display: flex;
    135   flex-direction: row;
    136   margin-left: 385rpx;
    137   margin-top: 10rpx;
    138 }
    140 .orderHander {
    141   box-sizing: border-box;
    142    100%;
    143   display: flex;
    144   flex-direction: row;
    145   padding-left: 379rpx;
    146   padding-top: 10rpx;
    147 }
    149 .kk {
    150   margin-left: 510rpx;
    151 }
    152 .orderCancel, .applyrefund{
    153    130rpx;
    154   height: 35rpx;
    155   font: 19rpx/35rpx "";
    156   color: #333;
    157   background: #fff;
    158   text-align: center;
    159   margin-right: 19rpx;
    160   border-radius: 26rpx;
    161   border: 1rpx solid #333;
    162 }
    163 .orderConfirm, .urgeSent, .confirmReceipt {
    164    130rpx;
    165   height: 35rpx;
    166   font: 19rpx/35rpx "";
    167   color: #333;
    168   background: #fff;
    169   text-align: center;
    170   border-radius: 20rpx;
    171   border: 1rpx solid #333;
    172 }
    173  .order .mou{
    174   color: #FF9130;
    175 }
    177 myOrder.json
    179 {
    180   "usingComponents": {}
    181 }

  • 相关阅读:
    查询数据SELECT 之单表查询
    socketserver及相关的类 (处理socket服务端)+ event事件的使用
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sinceForever/p/11363991.html
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