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  • CentOS 7.5 安装 CDH6.3.2

    #install OS centos 7.5
    #install lsb net-tools package

    yum install -y redhat-lsb net-tools

    1. Configure hostnames

    Configure each host in the cluster as follows to ensure that all members can communicate with each other:

    Set the hostname to a unique name (not localhost).

    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname foo-1.example.com

    Edit /etc/hosts with the IP address and fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of each host in the cluster. You can add the unqualified name as well.  foo-1.example.com  foo-1  foo-2.example.com  foo-2  foo-3.example.com  foo-3  foo-4.example.com  foo-4

    Edit /etc/sysconfig/network with the FQDN of this host only:


    Verify that each host consistently identifies to the network:

    Run uname -a and check that the hostname matches the output of the hostname command.
    Run /sbin/ifconfig and note the value of inet addr in the eth0 (or bond0) entry, for example:

    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:29:A4:E8:97  
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

    Run host -v -t A $(hostname) and verify that the output matches the hostname command.

    The IP address should be the same as reported by ifconfig for eth0 (or bond0):

    Trying "foo-1.example.com"
    foo-1.example.com. 60 IN

    2.Disabling the Firewall

    To disable the firewall on each host in your cluster, perform the following steps on each host.

    For iptables, save the existing rule set:

    sudo iptables-save > ~/firewall.rules

    Disable the firewall:

    RHEL 7 compatible:

    sudo systemctl disable firewalld
    sudo systemctl stop firewalld


    #disable selinux

    sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/'  /etc/selinux/config
    setenforce 0


    sysctl vm.swappiness=10
    echo 'vm.swappiness=10' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
    echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag
    echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
    echo 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag'  >> /etc/rc.local
    echo 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled'  >> /etc/rc.local
    chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local

    4.set ntp
    yum install -y ntp

    #Edit the /etc/ntp.conf file  master
    server iburst
    server iburst

    #other server

    vim /etc/ntp.conf

    fudge stratum 10


    ntpdate -u
    sudo systemctl start ntpd
    sudo systemctl enable ntpd
    hwclock --systohc

    # all server

    systemctl stop chronyd.service
    systemctl disable chronyd.service

    5.Installing Cloudera Manager, CDH, and Managed Services on manager-server
    #enable httpd

    sudo yum -y install httpd
    sudo systemctl enabled httpd
    sudo systemctl start httpd

    #download cm6

    sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html/cloudera-repos/cm6
    wget https://archive.cloudera.com/cm6/version/repo-as-tarball/cm6.3.1-redhat7.tar.gz
    tar xvfz cm6.3.1-redhat7.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/cloudera-repos/cm6 --strip-components=1
    sudo chmod -R ugo+rX /var/www/html/cloudera-repos/cm6

    #download cdh6.3.2

    sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html/cloudera-repos
    sudo wget --recursive --no-parent --no-host-directories https://archive.cloudera.com/cdh6/6.3.2/redhat7/ -P /var/www/html/cloudera-repos
    sudo wget --recursive --no-parent --no-host-directories https://archive.cloudera.com/gplextras6/6.3.2/redhat7/ -P /var/www/html/cloudera-repos
    sudo chmod -R ugo+rX /var/www/html/cloudera-repos/cdh6
    sudo chmod -R ugo+rX /var/www/html/cloudera-repos/gplextras6

    sudo rpm --import https://archive.cloudera.com/cm6/6.3.1/redhat7/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-cloudera

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