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  • k近邻法(二)

    上一篇文章讲了k近邻法,以及使用kd树构造数据结构,使得提高最近邻点搜索效率,但是这在数据点N 远大于 2^n 时可以有效的降低算法复杂度,n为数据点的维度,否则,由于需要向上回溯比较距离,使得实际效率总是很低(接近线性扫描)。比如SIFT特征矢量128维,SURF特征矢量64维,维度都比较大,N 远大于 2^n 可能无法满足。此外,由于每个最近邻点都需要回溯到根节点才算结束,那么,在获取k个近邻点时,必然存在大量不必要的回溯点,这些都需要另寻其他查询方法。

    一个简单的改进思路就是将“查询路径”上的结点进行排序,如按各自分割超平面(也称bin)与查询点的距离排序,也就是说,回溯检查总是从优先级最高(Best Bin)的树结点开始

    所以这篇文章讨论这种改进的方法 Best Bin First(BBF)。



    1. 将根结点store in 优先列表Priority中。声明一个最近节点对象nearest,先令其指向根节点,一个当前节点对象current
    2. 取出第一项,根据访问规则,访问其左子节点或者右子节点,并令current指向它,然后将另一个子节点store in Priority中,递归向下,直到遇到叶节点,此时,比较current和nearest哪个距离目标节点更近,更新nearest,
    3. 如果Priority中还有项,则继续步骤2,否则返回nearest,此为最近邻点


         private List<Tuple<TreeNode, double>> _priorities = new List<Tuple<TreeNode, double>>();
            /// <summary>
            /// 按priority升序排序插入
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="node"></param>
            /// <param name="priority"></param>
            private void InsertByPriority(TreeNode node, double priority)
                if(_priorities.Count == 0)
                    _priorities.Add(new Tuple<TreeNode, double>(node, priority));
                    for(int i = 0; i < _priorities.Count; i++)
                        if(_priorities[i].Item2 >= priority)
                            _priorities.Insert(i, new Tuple<TreeNode, double>(node, priority));
            private double GetPriority(TreeNode node, Point p, int axis) => Math.Abs(node.point.vector[axis] - p.vector[axis]);
            public Point BBFSearchNearestNode(Point p)
                var rootPriority = GetPriority(root, p, root.axis);
                InsertByPriority(root, rootPriority);
                var nearest = root;
                TreeNode topNode = null;        // 优先级最高的节点
                TreeNode curNode = null;        
                while(_priorities.Count > 0)
                    topNode = _priorities[0].Item1;
                    while(topNode != null)
                        if(topNode.left != null || topNode.right != null)
                            var axis = topNode.axis;
                            if(p.vector[axis] <= topNode.point.vector[axis])
                                // wanna to go down left child node 
                                if(topNode.right != null)                                       // 将右子节点添加到优先列表
                                    InsertByPriority(topNode.right, GetPriority(topNode.right, p, axis));
                                topNode = topNode.left;
                                // wanna to go down right child node
                                if(topNode.left != null)
                                    InsertByPriority(topNode.left, GetPriority(topNode.left, p, axis));
                                topNode = topNode.right;
                            curNode = topNode;
                            topNode = null;
                        if(curNode != null && p.Distance(curNode.point) < p.Distance(nearest.point))        // find a nearer node
                            nearest = curNode;
                return nearest.point;

     上面的代码仅仅是返回了最近的那一个点,如果要返回k个近邻点,则只需对上面代码稍作修改,将 上面每次的current保存到一个按距离排序的列表中,这样前k个点就是所求的k近邻点,代码如下:

            /// <summary>
            /// 最大检测次数
            /// </summary>
            public int max_nn_chks = 0x1000;
            /// <summary>
            /// 搜索k近邻点
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p"></param>
            /// <param name="k"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public List<TreeNode> BBFSearchKNearest(Point p, int k)
                var list = new List<BBFData>();    //
                var pq = new MinPQ();
                pq.insert(new PQNode(root, 0));
                int t = 0;
                while(pq.nodes.Count > 0 && t < max_nn_chks)
                    var expl = pq.pop_min_default().data;
                    expl = Explore2Leaf(expl, p, pq);
                    var bbf = new BBFData(expl, expl.point.Distance(p));
                    insert(list, k, bbf);
                return list.Select(l => l.data).ToList();
            /// <summary>
            /// 向下访问叶节点,并将slide添加到优先列表中
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="node"></param>
            /// <param name="p"></param>
            /// <param name="pq"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private TreeNode Explore2Leaf(TreeNode node, Point p, MinPQ pq)
                TreeNode unexpl;
                var expl = node;
                TreeNode prev;
                while(expl != null && (expl.left != null || expl.right != null))
                    prev = expl;
                    var axis = expl.axis;
                    var val = expl.point.vector[axis];
                    if(p.vector[axis] <= val)
                        unexpl = expl.right;
                        expl = expl.left;
                        unexpl = expl.left;
                        expl = expl.right;
                    if(unexpl != null)
                        pq.insert(new PQNode(unexpl, Math.Abs(val - p.vector[axis])));
                    if(expl == null)
                        return prev;
                return expl;
            /// <summary>
            /// 将节点按距离插入列表中
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="list"></param>
            /// <param name="k"></param>
            /// <param name="bbf"></param>
            private void insert(List<BBFData> list, int k, BBFData bbf)
                if(list.Count == 0)
                int ret = 0;
                int oldCount = list.Count;
                var last = list[list.Count - 1];
                var df = bbf.d;
                var dn = last.d;
                if(df >= dn)        // bbf will be appended to list
                    if(oldCount == k)     // already has k nearest neighbors, nothing should be done
                    list.Add(bbf);      // append directively
                // bbf will be inserted into list internally
                if(oldCount < k)
                    // suppose bbf be inserted at idx1, all elements after idx1 should be moved 1 backward respectively
                    // first we move the last element
                // from backer to former, move related elements
                int i = oldCount - 2;
                while(i > -1)
                    if (list[i].d <= df)
                    list[i + 1] = list[i];      // move backward
                list[i] = bbf;


        public class BBFData
            public TreeNode data;
            /// <summary>
            /// 节点与目标点的距离
            /// </summary>
            public double d;
            public BBFData(TreeNode data, double d)
                this.data = data;
                this.d = d;
        public class PQNode
            public TreeNode data;
            /// <summary>
            /// 目标点与当前节点的超平面的距离
            /// </summary>
            public double d;
            public PQNode(TreeNode data, double d)
                this.data = data;
                this.d = d;
        public class MinPQ
            public List<PQNode> nodes;
            // 将节点插入优先列表中
            public void insert(PQNode node)    
                int i = nodes.Count - 1;
                int p = parent(i);
                PQNode tmp;
                while(i > 0 && p >= 0 && nodes[i].d < nodes[p].d)
                    tmp = nodes[p];
                    nodes[p] = nodes[i];
                    nodes[i] = tmp;
                    i = p;
                    p = parent(i);
            public PQNode get_min_default() => nodes.Count > 0 ? nodes[0] : null;
            public PQNode pop_min_default()
                if (nodes.Count == 0) return null;
                var ret = nodes[0];
                nodes[0] = nodes[nodes.Count - 1];
                nodes.RemoveAt(nodes.Count - 1);
                restore_minpq_order(0, nodes.Count);
                return ret;
            private void restore_minpq_order(int i, int n)
                int l = left(i);
                int r = right(i);
                int min = i;
                if (l < n && nodes[l].d < nodes[i].d)
                    min = l;
                if (r < n && nodes[r].d < nodes[min].d)
                    min = r;
                if(min != i)
                    var tmp = nodes[min];
                    nodes[min] = nodes[i];
                    nodes[i] = tmp;
            public static int parent(int i) => (i - 1) / 2;
            public static int right(int i) => 2 * (i + 1);
            public static int left(int i) => 2 * i + 1;





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sjjsxl/p/6863586.html
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