给出一个链表,链表有 next、random 指针。深度复制这张链表
采用一个 Map 记录是创建的新节点并采用递归进行深度复制。
public RandomListNode copyRandomList(RandomListNode head) { HashMap<Integer, RandomListNode> map = new HashMap<Integer, RandomListNode>(); return copyRandomList(head, map); } private RandomListNode copyRandomList(RandomListNode head, HashMap<Integer, RandomListNode> map) { if(head == null) return null; int val = head.label; if(map.containsKey(val)) return map.get(val); RandomListNode cloneNode = new RandomListNode(val); map.put(val, cloneNode); cloneNode.next = copyRandomList(head.next, map); cloneNode.random = copyRandomList(head.random, map); return cloneNode; }
采用一个 Map 记录新建的节点,并采用两个循环进行 next、random 指针赋值。
public RandomListNode copyRandomList2(RandomListNode head) { if(head == null) return null; HashMap<RandomListNode, RandomListNode> map = new HashMap<RandomListNode, RandomListNode>(); // copy all nodes RandomListNode node = head; while(node != null) { map.put(node, new RandomListNode(node.label)); node = node.next; } // asign next、random pointer node = head; while(node != null) { map.get(node).next = map.get(node.next); map.get(node).random = map.get(node.random); node = node.next; } return map.get(head); }
不另外开辟新的 Map 空间。采用指针直接创建新链表。
②、为新节点赋值 random 指针。
public RandomListNode copyRandomList3(RandomListNode head) { RandomListNode iter = head, next; // First round: make copy of each node, and link them together side-by-side in a single list. while(iter != null) { next = iter.next; RandomListNode copy = new RandomListNode(iter.label); iter.next = copy; copy.next = next; iter = next; } // Second round: assign random pointers for the copy nodes. iter = head; while(iter != null) { if(iter.random != null) iter.next.random = iter.random.next; iter = iter.next.next; } // Third round: restore the original list, and extract the copy list. iter = head; RandomListNode pseudoHead = new RandomListNode(0); RandomListNode copy, copyIter = pseudoHead; while(iter != null) { next = iter.next.next; copy = iter.next; copyIter.next = copy; copyIter = copy; iter.next = next; iter = next; } return pseudoHead.next; }