1. $ git clone https://******.git
Cloning into 'dt-engine-server'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://******.git/': Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out
2. IDEA git pull
Git Pull Failed: fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
3. git 提交代码
- 如果只有一个master分支
1)git clone ***.git
2) 把自己的代码src文件夹覆盖过来,相同的文件手动merge
3)git add . (git pull origin 再刷新一下代码)
4) git commit -m 'your comment'
5) git push
- 如果更新的是已有的分支
1)git clone -b branchname ***.git
2) 把自己的代码src文件夹覆盖过来,相同的文件手动merge
3) git add .
4) git commit -m 'your comment'
5) git push origin branchname