// ESSocket.h : header file // #ifndef ESSOCKET_H #define ESSOCKET_H #pragma once #include <Winsock2.h> // win32 socket stuff #define WM_LTC_WINSOCK_MSG_RECEIVED WM_USER+001 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CESSocket class - a replacement-class for CSocket of MFC // // CESSocket should not block on high data rate, as CSocket does. However, // CESSocket is not a full replacement of CSocket. class CESSocket { friend class CMessageTargetWnd; public: CESSocket(); virtual ~CESSocket(); protected: virtual void OnReceive(int nErrorCode); public: bool Create(); bool Connect(LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress, UINT nHostPort); int Send(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags = 0); int Receive(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags = 0); void Close(); int GetLastError(); private: CMessageTargetWnd *m_pWndMessageTarget; SOCKET m_sock; int m_nLastError; static int m_nInstanceCount; }; //Helper class CMessageTargetWnd class CMessageTargetWnd : public CWnd { public: CMessageTargetWnd(CESSocket*); protected: LRESULT OnDataReceive(WPARAM, LPARAM); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: CESSocket *m_pESSocket; }; #endif // ESSOCKET_H
// ESSocket.cpp // #ifndef WINVER #if _MSC_VER <= 1200 // up to VC6.0 #define WINVER 0x0400 #else #define WINVER 0x0501 #endif #endif #include <afxwin.h> #include "ESSocket.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CESSocket class // int CESSocket::m_nInstanceCount = 0; CESSocket::CESSocket() { m_pWndMessageTarget = new CMessageTargetWnd(this); m_sock = 0; m_nLastError = 0; // keep track of #of instances; CESSocket is not designed to support multiple instances! m_nInstanceCount++; ASSERT(m_nInstanceCount == 1); } CESSocket::~CESSocket() { Close(); // just in case the application did not call Close() if (WSACleanup()) TRACE(_T("WSACleanup() failed ")); if (m_pWndMessageTarget) { if (::IsWindow(m_pWndMessageTarget->m_hWnd)) VERIFY(m_pWndMessageTarget->DestroyWindow()); delete m_pWndMessageTarget; } m_nInstanceCount--; } void CESSocket::OnReceive(int nErrorCode) { ASSERT(false); // derived class does not provide an implementation for OnReceive() TRACE(_T("virtual OnReceive() called")); } bool CESSocket::Create() { WSADATA WSAData; ASSERT(m_sock == 0); // call Create only once! m_nLastError = 0; if (m_nInstanceCount != 1) { ASSERT(false); return false; // this class does not support more than one instance } if (!::IsWindow(m_pWndMessageTarget->m_hWnd)) { CWnd *pWndParent = CWnd::GetDesktopWindow(); // This call may fail on Win98 / Unicode builds! use non- Unicode version in these cases m_pWndMessageTarget->CWnd::Create(NULL, _T("cessocket_message_sink"), WS_CHILD, CRect(0, 0, 20, 20), pWndParent, 0); if (!::IsWindow(m_pWndMessageTarget->m_hWnd)) { ASSERT(false); TRACE(_T("Creation or message- target window failed ")); return false; } if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &WSAData) == 0) { m_sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (m_sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { m_nLastError = WSAGetLastError(); m_sock = 0; WSACleanup(); VERIFY(m_pWndMessageTarget->DestroyWindow()); TRACE(_T("Socket creation failed ")); return false; } } else { TRACE(_T("WSAStartup failed ")); return false; } } else { ASSERT(m_sock != 0); ASSERT(false); // target window and socket already exists - Create should be called only once! } return true; } bool CESSocket::Connect(LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress, UINT nHostPort) { #ifdef _UNICODE USES_CONVERSION; // for W2A macro #endif PHOSTENT phe; SOCKADDR_IN dest_sin; struct in_addr address; if (!m_pWndMessageTarget) { ASSERT(false); return false; } if (m_sock == 0) { // Did you miss to call Create()? Did you already close the socket? ASSERT(false); return false; } // Note: Once Close() is called, you cannot re-use the socket! // CESSocket class is neither designed to support multiple // instances not to re-use once closed connections. You must // delete the current instance and create a new one for a // re-connection or a connection to a different server. memset(&dest_sin, 0, sizeof dest_sin); dest_sin.sin_family = AF_INET; dest_sin.sin_port = htons(nHostPort); if (_tcschr(lpszHostAddress, '.') == 0) { #ifdef _UNICODE phe = gethostbyname(W2A(lpszHostAddress)); #else phe = gethostbyname(lpszHostAddress); #endif if (phe == NULL) { m_nLastError = WSAGetLastError(); TRACE(_T("gethostbyname failed ")); return false; } // if memcpy((char FAR *)&(dest_sin.sin_addr), phe->h_addr, phe->h_length); } // if else { #ifdef _UNICODE address.s_addr = inet_addr(W2A(lpszHostAddress)); #else address.s_addr = inet_addr(lpszHostAddress); #endif dest_sin.sin_addr = address; } if (connect(m_sock, (LPSOCKADDR)&dest_sin, sizeof dest_sin)) { m_nLastError = WSAGetLastError(); TRACE(_T("Connection to server failed. Check host-id and port# ! ")); return false; } if (WSAAsyncSelect(m_sock, *m_pWndMessageTarget, WM_LTC_WINSOCK_MSG_RECEIVED, FD_READ) > 0) { m_nLastError = WSAGetLastError(); TRACE(_T("WSAAsyncSelect failed ")); return false; } // if TRACE(_T("Connection to server OK ")); m_nLastError = 0; ASSERT(m_sock != 0); return true; // success } int CESSocket::Send(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags) { if (send(m_sock, (const char*)lpBuf, nBufLen, nFlags) == SOCKET_ERROR) { m_nLastError = WSAGetLastError(); return false; } m_nLastError = 0; return true; } int CESSocket::Receive(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags) { int nBytes = 0; if ((nBytes = recv(m_sock, (char*)lpBuf, nBufLen, nFlags)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { m_nLastError = WSAGetLastError(); return false; } m_nLastError = 0; return nBytes; } void CESSocket::Close() { if (m_sock) { m_nLastError = 0; ASSERT(m_pWndMessageTarget); // stop receiving messages WSAAsyncSelect(m_sock, *m_pWndMessageTarget, 0, 0); if (closesocket(m_sock) == SOCKET_ERROR) m_nLastError = WSAGetLastError(); m_sock = 0; TRACE(_T("Socket closed ")); } } int CESSocket::GetLastError() { return m_nLastError; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMessageTargetWnd class // CMessageTargetWnd::CMessageTargetWnd(CESSocket *pESSocket) { m_pESSocket = pESSocket; } LRESULT CMessageTargetWnd::OnDataReceive(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { m_pESSocket->OnReceive(HIWORD(lParam)); return 0; } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMessageTargetWnd, CWnd) ON_MESSAGE(WM_LTC_WINSOCK_MSG_RECEIVED, OnDataReceive) END_MESSAGE_MAP()