<?php /** * wechat php test */ //define your token define("TOKEN", "weixin"); $wechatObj = new wechatCallbackapiTest(); $wechatObj->responseMsg(); //$wechatObj->valid(); class wechatCallbackapiTest { /*public function valid() { $echoStr = $_GET["echostr"]; //valid signature , option if($this->checkSignature()){ echo $echoStr; exit; } }*/ public function responseMsg() { //get post data, May be due to the different environments $postStr = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; //extract post data if (!empty($postStr)){ $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $RX_TYPE = trim($postObj->MsgType); $fromUsername = $postObj->FromUserName; $toUsername = $postObj->ToUserName; $keyword = trim($postObj->Content); $time = time(); $textTpl = "<xml> <ToUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></ToUserName> <FromUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></FromUserName> <CreateTime>%s</CreateTime> <MsgType><![CDATA[%s]]></MsgType> <Content><![CDATA[%s]]></Content> <FuncFlag>0</FuncFlag> </xml>"; //加载图文模版 $picTpl = "<xml> <ToUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></ToUserName> <FromUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></FromUserName> <CreateTime>%s</CreateTime> <MsgType><![CDATA[%s]]></MsgType> <ArticleCount>1</ArticleCount> <Articles> <item> <Title><![CDATA[%s]]></Title> <Description><![CDATA[%s]]></Description> <PicUrl><![CDATA[%s]]></PicUrl> <Url><![CDATA[%s]]></Url> </item> </Articles> <FuncFlag>1</FuncFlag> </xml> "; //加载经纬度 $localtionTpl = "<xml> <ToUserName>< ![CDATA[%s] ]></ToUserName> <FromUserName>< ![CDATA[%s] ]></FromUserName> <CreateTime>%s</CreateTime> <MsgType>< ![CDATA[%s] ]></MsgType> <Location_X>%s</Location_X> <Location_Y>%s</Location_Y> <Scale>20</Scale> <Label>< ![CDATA[%s] ]></Label> </xml>"; switch($RX_TYPE) { case "text": if($keyword == "2") { $msgType = "news"; $title = "PHP二次开发网"; //标题 $data = date('Y-m-d'); //时间 $desription = "“车位停放情况 “"; //简介 $image = "http://p1.so.qhmsg.com/bdr/_240_/t01f4f0880ce10600f6.jpg"; //图片地址 $turl = "http://yuan.snowboy99.com/stop_car/Home/Login/login"; //链接地址 $resultStr = sprintf($picTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, $msgType, $title,$desription,$image,$turl); echo $resultStr; }elseif($keyword == "1"){ $msgType = "text"; $contentStr = "您好,欢迎您关注温馨指南,在这里我们将为你提供良好的停车场地。"; $resultStr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, $msgType, $contentStr); echo $resultStr; } break; case "location"://地理位置消息 // if(trim($postObj->MsgType) == "loaction"){ $msgType = "text"; $content = "你发送的是位置,纬度为:".$postObj->Location_X.";经度为:".$postObj->Location_Y.";缩放级别为:".$postObj->Scale.";位置为:".$postObj->Label; $result = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, $msgType, $content); echo $result; // } break; case "event": if(trim($postObj->MsgType) == "event" and trim($postObj->Event) == "subscribe")//判断是否是新关注 { $msgType = "text"; $contentStr = "您好,欢迎您关注温馨指南"." "."回复数字'1',输出文本消息."." "."回复数字'2',输出图文消息."." "."回复地理位置,输出位置"; $resultStr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, $msgType, $contentStr); echo $resultStr; } break; default: $resultStr = "Unknow msg type: ".$RX_TYPE; break; } echo $resultStr; }else { echo ""; exit; } } private function checkSignature() { $signature = $_GET["signature"]; $timestamp = $_GET["timestamp"]; $nonce = $_GET["nonce"]; $token = TOKEN; $tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce); sort($tmpArr); $tmpStr = implode( $tmpArr ); $tmpStr = sha1( $tmpStr ); if( $tmpStr == $signature ){ return true; }else{ return false; } } } ?>