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  • perl学习笔记-5

    #Example21 #对文件的处理
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    #Usage:perl test1.pl test?.txt #用"?"不用"*"可以加快程序运行

    use strict;

    chomp(my $date = `date`); #引用系统命令date,取当前系统日期,保存到"$date"中
    $^I = ".bak"; #程序自动生成备份文件,并将".bak"追加到名字后面去

    while (<>){ #读入txt文件
    s/#.* //;

    #perl -p -i.bak -w -e 's/print/printf/g' test*.pl.bak
    #-p自动生成一小段程序 -i.bak 制定后缀名(如果不需要备份,只写-i即可) -w打开警告信息 -e后面跟着的是程序代码

    #Example21 #Perl程序控制
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    if ($freed =~ /^[A-Z_]w*$/i){
    print "The value of $freed really look like a Perl identifier name. ";
    } else {
    print "The value of $freed doesn't look like a Perl identifier name. ";

    unless($freed =~ /^[A-Z_]w*$/i){
    print "The value of $freed doesn't look like a Perl identifier name. ";
    } else {
    print "The value of $freed really look like a Perl identifier name. ";

    while($j < $i){

    until($j > $i){

    print "The value of $freed really look like a Perl identifier name. " if $freed =~ /^[A-Z_]w*$/i ;

    if ($freed =~ /^[A-Z_]w*$/i){
    print "The value of $freed really look like a Perl identifier name. ";

    &error("Invalid input") unless &valid($input);
    $i *= 2 until $i > $j;
    print " ", ($n +=2) while $n < 10;
    &greet($_) foreach @person;

    #Example22 #定义多个变量

    $_ = "Hello there, neigthor!"; #一下子定义三个变量
    my($f, $s, $t) = /(S+) (S+), (S+)/;
    printf "First: $f ";
    printf "Second: $s ";
    printf "Third: $t ";
    $x = join ":","$f","$s","$t"; #再连接起来
    print "$x ";

    #Example23 #读入文件,并做统计

    while (<>) { #转世操作符,分行读入
    foreach (split) { #用空格拆分
    next if /W/; #如果该字符串含有特殊字符,跳过下面的
    $valid++; #不含特殊字符的正常的单词
    $count{$_}++; #统计每个单词个数

    print "Total things = $total, Valid words = $valid! "; #输出统计信息
    foreach $word (sort keys %count) { #这个很好玩,再猜几次吧
    print "$word was seen $count{$word} times. ";

    #Example24 #统计字符串是否曾经出现过
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    my @people = qw{ Fred abc Fred bam bam nm bc nu ;lll};
    my %seen;
    for (@people) {
    print "I've seen you somewhere before,$_! "
    if $seen{$_}++;

    #Example25 #获取某类文件,并存入@ARGV中
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    #第一段的执行方式是: perl test5.pl *.pl
    #第二段的执行方式是: perl test5.pl

    #foreach $arg (@ARGV) {
    # print "One arg is $arg ";

    #my @ARGV = glob "*.pl";
    #my @ARGV = <*>;
    my $dir = "/bocnet/app_bak/yu/yu_perl";
    my @ARGV = <$dir/* $dir/.*>;
    foreach $arg (@ARGV) {
    print "One arg is $arg ";

    #Example26 #目录句柄

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w

    my $dir = "/bocnet/app_bak/yu/yu_perl";
    opendir DH,$dir or die "Cannot open $dir: $!";
    foreach $file (readdir DH) {
    print "One file in $dir if $file ";
    closedir DH;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/smallfishy/p/13171422.html
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