
def add(): sum=0 for i in range(10000000): sum+=i print("sum",sum) def mul(): sum2=1 for i in range(1,100000): sum2*=i print("sum2",sum2) import threading,time start=time.time() t1=threading.Thread(target=add) t2=threading.Thread(target=mul) l=[] l.append(t1) l.append(t2) # for t in l: # t.start() # # # # for t in l: # t.join() add() mul() print("cost time %s"%(time.time()-start))

import threading import time def sub(): global num # num-=1 # print ("ok") # lock.acquire() temp=num time.sleep(0.00001) num=temp-1 # lock.release() num=100 l=[] # lock=threading.Lock() for i in range(100): t=threading.Thread(target=sub) t.start() l.append(t) for t in l: t.join() print(num)
三、队列,put_nowait()相当于put(block=False),q = queue.Queue(3)里面的参数3代表,队列的大小为3个,其余的放不进去,必须等到队列里面有数被提出去了,才可以将数据放进来。

# import threading,time # # li=[1,2,3,4] # # # def pri(): # while li: # a=li[-1] # print(a) # time.sleep(1) # li.remove(a) # # try: # # li.remove(a) # # except Exception as e: # # print('----',a,e) # # t1=threading.Thread(target=pri,args=()) # t1.start() # t2=threading.Thread(target=pri,args=()) # t2.start() import queue # 线程 队列 q=queue.Queue(3) # FIFO模式 q.put(12) q.put("hello") q.put({"name":"yuan"}) q.put_nowait(56)# q.put(block=False) print(q.qsize()) print(q.empty()) print(q.full()) # q.put(34,False) while 1: data=q.get() print(data) print("----------") #先进后出 # import queue # q=queue.LifoQueue() # # q.put(12) # q.put("hello") # q.put({"name":"yuan"}) # # while 1: # data=q.get() # print(data) # print("----------") # q=queue.PriorityQueue() # # q.put([3,12]) # q.put([2,"hello"]) # q.put([4,{"name":"yuan"}]) # # while 1: # data=q.get() # print(data[1]) # print("----------")

import threading # def foo(): # print("ok") # # # t1=threading.Thread(target=foo) # t1.start() # # print("ending...") # class MyThread(threading.Thread): # # def run(self): # print("ok") # # # t1=MyThread() # t1.start() # print('ending') import threading from time import ctime,sleep import time def ListenMusic(name): print ("Begin listening to %s. %s" %(name,ctime())) sleep(2)# sleep等同于IO操作 print("end listening %s"%ctime()) def RecordBlog(title): print ("Begin recording the %s! %s" %(title,ctime())) sleep(5) print('end recording %s'%ctime()) threads = [] t1 = threading.Thread(target=ListenMusic,args=('水手',)) t2 = threading.Thread(target=RecordBlog,args=('python线程',)) threads.append(t1) threads.append(t2) if __name__ == '__main__': #t1.setDaemon(True) t2.setDaemon(True) for t in threads: #t.setDaemon(True) #注意:一定在start之前设置 t.start() # t.join() #t1.join() #t1.setDaemon(True) #t2.join()########考虑这三种join位置下的结果? print ("all over %s" %ctime())

import threading import time class MyThread(threading.Thread): def actionA(self): r_lcok.acquire() #count=1 print(self.name,"gotA",time.ctime()) time.sleep(2) r_lcok.acquire() #count=2 print(self.name, "gotB", time.ctime()) time.sleep(1) r_lcok.release() #count=1 r_lcok.release() #count=0 def actionB(self): r_lcok.acquire() print(self.name, "gotB", time.ctime()) time.sleep(2) r_lcok.acquire() print(self.name, "gotA", time.ctime()) time.sleep(1) r_lcok.release() r_lcok.release() def run(self): self.actionA() self.actionB() if __name__ == '__main__': # A=threading.Lock() # B=threading.Lock() r_lcok=threading.RLock() L=[] for i in range(5): t=MyThread() t.start() L.append(t) for i in L: i.join() print("ending....")

import time,random import queue,threading q = queue.Queue() def Producer(name): count = 0 while count <10: print("making........") time.sleep(5) q.put(count) print('Producer %s has produced %s baozi..' %(name, count)) count +=1 #q.task_done() q.join() print("ok......") def Consumer(name): count = 0 while count <10: time.sleep(random.randrange(4)) # if not q.empty(): # print("waiting.....") #q.join() data = q.get() print("eating....") time.sleep(4) q.task_done() #print(data) print('