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  • ABP框架系列之三十九:(NLayer-Architecture-多层架构)


    Layering of an application's codebase is a widely accepted technique to help reduce complexity and improve code reusability. To achieve layered architecture, ASP.NET Boilerplate follows the principles of Domain Driven Design.


    Domain Driven Design Layers

    There are four fundamental layers in Domain Driven Design (DDD):

    • Presentation Layer: Provides an interface to the user. Uses the Application Layer to achieve user interactions.
    • Application Layer: Mediates between the Presentation and Domain Layers. Orchestrates business objects to perform specific application tasks.
    • Domain Layer: Includes business objects and their rules. This is heart of the application.
    • Infrastructure Layer: Provides generic technical capabilities that support higher layers mostly using 3rd-party libraries.
    • 表示层:为用户提供一个接口。使用应用程序层实现用户交互。

    ASP.NET Boilerplate Application Architecture Model

    In addition to DDD, there are also other logical and physical layers in a modern architected application. The model below is suggested and implemented for ASP.NET Boilerplate applications. ASP.NET Boilerplate not only makes to implement this model easier by providing base classes and services, but also provides startup templates to directly start with this model.


    Client Applications

    These are remote clients uses the application as a service via HTTP APIs (API Controllers, OData Controllers, maybe GraphQL endpoint). A remote client can be a SPA, a mobile application or a 3rd-party consumer.Localization and Navigation can be done inside this applications.

    这些都是远程客户使用应用程序通过HTTP API服务(API控制器、数据控制器,也许graphql端点)。远程客户机可以是spa、移动应用程序或第三方用户,本地化和导航可以在这个应用程序中完成。

    Presentation Layer

    ASP.NET [Core] MVC (Model-View-Controller) can be considered as the presentation layer. It can be a physical layer (uses application via HTTP APIs) or a logical layer (directly injects and uses application services). In either case it can include LocalizationNavigationObject MappingCachingConfiguration ManagementAudit Logging and so on. It should also deal with AuthorizationSessionFeatures (for multi-tenant applications) and Exception Handling.

    Distributed Service Layer(分布式服务层

    This layer is used to serve application/domain functionality via remote APIs like REST, OData, GraphQL... They don't contain business logic but only translates HTTP requests to domain interactions or can use application services to delegate the operation. This layer generally include AuthorizationCachingAudit LoggingObject MappingException HandlingSession and so on...

    这一层是用来为应用程序域通过远程API like rest,odata,GraphQL…它们不包含业务逻辑,但只将HTTP请求转换为域交互,或者可以使用应用程序服务来委托操作。此层通常包括授权、缓存、审计日志记录、对象映射、异常处理、会话等…

    Application Layer

    Application layer mainly includes Application Services those use domain layer and domain objects (Domain ServicesEntities...) to perform requested application functionalities. It uses Data Transfer Objects to get data from and to return data to presentation or distributed service layer. It can also deal with AuthorizationCachingAudit LoggingObject MappingSession and so on...


    Domain Layer

    This is the main layer that implements our domain logic. It includes EntitiesValue ObjectsDomain Services to perform business/domain logic. It can also include Specifications and trigger Domain Events. It defines Repository Interfaces to read and persist entities from data source (generally a DBMS).


    Infrastructure Layer

    Infrastructure layer makes other layers working: It implements repository interfaces (using Entity Framework Core for example) to actually work with a real database, it may include integration to a vendor to send emails and so on. This is not a strict layer below all layers, but actually supports other layers by implementing abstract concepts of them.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/smileberry/p/8296622.html
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