Cronfile 内容如下:
此文件的意思是,每隔10分钟,就运行一次 /home/pi/Rpi_upload.sh 脚本
*/10 * * * * /home/pi/Rpi_upload.sh
2. 添加到定时任务当中去
pi@raspberrypi$ crontab cronfile #加载之前写的cronfile文件
pi@raspberrypi$ crontab -l 显示内容如下: */10 * * * * /home/pi/Rpi_upload.sh
3. 上传到 bitbucket的脚本如下:
# ! /bin/bash #create by sndnvaps #date : 2015-03-30 # bsd license random=$(date +%s%N) jpegname=$random.jpg #Takeshot use webcam if [ ! -f $jpegname ]; then echo $jpegname filename=$jpegname sudo fswebcam -d /dev/video1 -r 1280x720 --bottom-banner --title "RaspberryPi C270 @sndnvaps" /home/pi/$filename else echo "file $jpegname is exists!" fi #upload the pic to bitbucket.org if [ ! -d /opt/takeshot_rpi ] then mkdir -p /opt/takeshot_rpi cd /opt/takeshot_rpi git init git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:sndnvaps/rpi_upload_pic.git else filename=$jpegname echo $filename sudo cp /home/pi/$filename /opt/takeshot_rpi/ cd /opt/takeshot_rpi git add * git commit -s -m "update $jpegname" git push origin master:master echo "upload $jpegname to bitbucket.org done." fi