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  • MagicAjax.NET Framework Features 框架特征

    Easy integration容易集成

    • Just a few lines in web.config are enough to have MagicAjax working with default configuration options web.config中仅仅几行配制代码就可以使MagicAjax在默认的配制条件下运行。
    • Only one easy to use control (AjaxPanel) is required to be included in your page to enable the AJAX functionality 仅仅需要一个控件(AjaxPanel)包含到你的需要Ajax功能的页面中


    • You put the part of your page that you want to have AJAX functionality inside an AjaxPanel and that's it; the MagicAjax framework takes care all of the intrinsic details for you 把你在页面中需要ajax功能的部分放到AjaxPanel中,MagicAjax框架为你处理内在的细节
    • The AjaxPanel works like the ASP.NET Panel and can display its contents on the Visual Studio Designer, allowing you to add controls to it visually AjaxPanel可以像Asp.Net Panel一下使用,在Visual Studio设计器show出它的内容。允许你可视化的添加内容。
    • No javascript code is needed to be written 不需要写任何JavaScript代码


    • For most cases you can add AJAX functionality to your existing pages by only adding AjaxPanels and without even a single change in the source code 在大多数的情况下,你可以通过添加AjaxPanel而甚至不用对源代码做任何的改变,就可以添加ajax功能到你已经存在的页面中
    • MagicAjax replaces PostBacks with AJAX callbacks (AjaxCalls) that do not cause a refresh on the client's browser . MagicAjaxeAJAX callbacks (AjaxCalls)来取代PostBackAjaxCalls不会引起在客户端浏览器的刷新
    • The PostBack and AJAX functionality can co-exist in the same page; only the controls that are inside an AjaxPanel will perform an AjaxCall instead of a PostBack PostBackajax功能可以共同存在一个页面中,仅仅在AjaxPanel中的控件才会执行AjaxCall,而非PostBack
    • The page's ViewState is shared amongst PostBacks and AjaxCalls; any changes to it by an AjaxCall will be available to a PostBack and vice versa 页面的ViewState可以在PostBack AjaxCalls中进行共享。任何由于 AjaxCall所做的改变对于PostBack总是有效的。反之亦然
    • You handle an AjaxCall just like a PostBack, using the ASP.NET server-side programming model 使用asp.net服务器端编程模型,你可以像postBack一样使用AjaxCall
    • MagicAjax intuitively spots the changes that occured during an AjaxCall and sends the minimum possible required javascript that will reflect the changes on the client's browser , MagicAjax可以很直观的展示改变的通过进行AjaxCall调用后的返回内容。通过发送最少量的可以反应在更改客户端浏览器内容的javascript代码
    • There are plenty of helper methods to help you with handling an AjaxCall by code (i.e. if you want to send additional custom javascript to the client) 有很多方法可以在代码中辅助你处理AjaxCall(如,如果你想要发送额外的客户端javascript到客户端)

    User experience用户体验

    • The user of your page enjoys a faster and richer browser UI, without the annoying PostBacks用户可以享受这个快捷而且功能强大的web UI,而不用抱怨PostBack
    • A 'Loading' label notifies the user that an AjaxCall has been invoked  Loading标签通知用户AjaxCall正在调用。
    • Instead of downloading the whole page for a Postback, the client only downloads chunks of javascript code that apply the changes made to the page's html 对于postBack不用下载整个页面。客户端仅仅需要下载一块可以改变页面的javascript代码,
    • MagicAjax's changes to the page are kept in the browser's cache, so if the user navigates to another page and then presses the browser's 'Back' button, he will see the same page that he was viewing before MagicAjax对于页面所做的改变保存在browser中的内容在缓存中,因此如果用户导航到另一个页面,可以在反回原来的页面


    • Many configuration options give you total control of the inner workings of MagicAjax 很多配制选项给你机会对于内部的运作机制进行控制。
    • A small set of attributes applied to your ASP.NET controls can customize the way that they will be handled by MagicAjax 一小部分应用到asp.net控件的属性集可以定制由MagicAjax将要处理的方式。
    • You can define that an AjaxCall will be invoked asynchronously or synchronously for all controls of an AjaxPanel or for a single control 你可以定义ajaxCall所做的调用是同步还是异步调用,针对于(ajaxPanel中的所有控件,或是单一控件)
    • You can define that certain controls of an AjaxPanel will invoke a plain PostBack 你可以定义在AjaxPanel中的特定控件将调用PostBack
    • If the 'tracing' configuration option is enabled, a popup window is created that displays information about the data that were sent to and from the server, allowing you to monitor the traffic of AjaxCalls that the page invokes 如果tracing配制选项是enabled,弹出窗口将会创建,显示关于发送和接收的信息,来监控调用
    • Clean object-oriented design makes it easy to extend the framework and add your own AjaxControls 清晰的面向对象设计可以列好的扩展,来添加你的AjaxControl


    • Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape and Opera browsers are supported
    • If a browser is not supported or the user has disabled javascript, the page will revert to plain PostBacks automatically


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/snowball/p/613386.html
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