Problem Description:
Let X[1...n] and Y[1...n] be two arrays, each containing n numbers already in sorted order.
Give an O(lgn)-time algorithm to find the median of all 2n elements in array X and Y.
这里修改一下题目,假设两个数组长度不一定相等,分别为m和n,要求以O(lgm + lgn)的时间复杂度找到m+n个数中的第i个数。
如上图所示的两个已排序数组(假设为单调非减),其中aMid = (aBeg + aEnd) / 2是数组中值的下标。
{a1}是数组a中a[aBeg]至a[aMid]段的元素的集合,{a2}是数组a中a[aMid + 1]至a[aEnd]段的元素的集合。同理{b1}、{b2}如图所示。
假设a[aMid] <= b[bMid](a[aMid] > b[bMid]的情况与之类似),则有:
{a1}<={a2} {a1}<={b2}
即对于{a1}中的任意元素,在a、b中不小于它的数至少有(aEnd - aMid) + (bEnd - bMid) + 1个
[(aEnd - aBeg + 1) + (bEnd - bBeg + 1)] - [(aEnd - aMid) + (bEnd - bMid) + 1]
=(aMid - aBeg) + (bMid - bBeg) + 1个......①
同理,{b2}>={b1} {b2}>={a1}
即对于{b2}中的任意元素,在a、b中不大于它的数至少有(bMid - bBeg) + (aMid - aBeg) + 1
=(aMid - aBeg) + (bMid - bBeg) + 1个......②
如果i <= (aEnd - aMid) + (bEnd - bMid) + 1,那第i个数一定不在{b2}中。
(当i == (aEnd - aMid) + (bEnd - bMid) + 1时,只有在a[aMid] == b[bMid]时,第i个数等于a[aMid]或者b[bMid],
如果i > (aEnd - aMid) + (bEnd - bMid) + 1,那第i个数一定不在{a1}中。
此时只需在{a2}、{b1}、{b2}中继续找第i - (aMid - aBeg + 1)个数就可以了。
同理在a[aMid] > b[bMid]时,可以得出类似的结论,只是a、b两个数组的角色互换。
因此本算法的时间复杂度是O(lgm + lgn)的。

1 int ithSmallestNumberLog(int a[], int aBeg, int aEnd, int b[], int bBeg, int bEnd, int i) 2 { 3 //the ith smallest number of all elements must be 4 //in the first i elements of either array. 5 aEnd = aBeg + i - 1 < aEnd ? aBeg + i - 1 : aEnd; 6 bEnd = bBeg + i - 1 < bEnd ? bBeg + i - 1 : bEnd; 7 //index of mida and midb 8 int aMid = (aBeg + aEnd) / 2; 9 int bMid = (bBeg + bEnd) / 2; 10 11 if (aBeg > aEnd) 12 { 13 return b[bBeg + i - 1]; 14 } 15 if (bBeg > bEnd) 16 { 17 return a[aBeg + i - 1]; 18 } 19 if (a[aMid] <= b[bMid]) 20 { 21 if (i <= (aMid - aBeg) + (bMid - bBeg) + 1) 22 { 23 return ithSmallestNumberLog(a, aBeg, aEnd, b, bBeg, bMid - 1, i); 24 } 25 else 26 { 27 return ithSmallestNumberLog(a, aMid + 1, aEnd, b, bBeg, bEnd, i - (aMid - aBeg + 1)); 28 } 29 } 30 else 31 { 32 if (i <= (aMid - aBeg) + (bMid - bBeg) + 1) 33 { 34 return ithSmallestNumberLog(a, aBeg, aMid - 1, b, bBeg, bEnd, i); 35 } 36 else 37 { 38 return ithSmallestNumberLog(a, aBeg, aEnd, b, bMid + 1, bEnd, i - (bMid - bBeg + 1)); 39 } 40 } 41 }

1 #define ARRAY_SIZE 500 2 #define COUNT 1000 3 4 int a[ARRAY_SIZE]; 5 int b[ARRAY_SIZE * 2]; 6 int c[ARRAY_SIZE * 3]; 7 8 int main(void) 9 { 10 for (int z = 0; z != COUNT; ++z) 11 { 12 randarray(a, ARRAY_SIZE, 1, 9999); 13 randarray(b, ARRAY_SIZE * 2, 1, 9999); 14 copyarray(a, 0, c, 0, ARRAY_SIZE); 15 copyarray(b, 0, c, ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE * 2); 16 quick_sort(a, 0, ARRAY_SIZE - 1); 17 quick_sort(b, 0, ARRAY_SIZE * 2 - 1); 18 quick_sort(c, 0, ARRAY_SIZE * 3 - 1); 19 20 for (int i = 1; i <= ARRAY_SIZE * 3; ++i) 21 { 22 int resultTest = ithSmallestNumberLog(a, 0, ARRAY_SIZE - 1, 23 b, 0, ARRAY_SIZE * 2 - 1, i); 24 int resultStd = c[i - 1]; 25 // std::cout << "i = " << i << " resultTest = " << resultTest 26 // << " resultStd = " << resultStd << std::endl; 27 if (resultTest != resultStd) 28 { 29 std::cout << "Error" << std::endl; 30 return - 1; 31 } 32 } 33 std::cout << "test " << z << " done." << std::endl; 34 } 35 36 return 0; 37 }