1 Emqtt简单搭建
1.1 介绍:EMQ:EMQ 2.0,号称百万级开源MQTT消息服务器,基于Erlang/OTP语言平台开发,支持大规模连接和分布式集群,发布订阅模式的开源MQTT消息服务器。
EMQ 默认开启的 MQTT 服务 TCP 端口:
1883 | MQTT 协议端口 |
8883 | MQTT/SSL 端口 |
8083 | MQTT/WebSocket 端口 |
8084 | MQTT/WebSocket/SSL 端口 |
防火墙根据使用的 MQTT 接入方式,开启上述端口的访问权限。
EMQ 节点集群使用的 TCP 端口:
4369 | 集群节点发现端口 |
6369 | 集群节点控制通道 |
集群节点间如有防护墙,需开启上述 TCP 端口互访权限
1.2 集群创建方式
NGINX Plus -> EMQ 集群
NGINX Plus 产品作为 EMQ 集群 LB,并终结 SSL 连接:
- 注册 NGINX Plus 试用版,Ubuntu 下安装: https://cs.nginx.com/repo_setup
- 创建 EMQ 节点集群,例如:
节点 | IP 地址 |
emq1 | |
emq2 | |
配置 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf,示例:
stream { # Example configuration for TCP load balancing upstream stream_backend { zone tcp_servers 64k; hash $remote_addr; server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s; server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s; } server { listen 8883 ssl; status_zone tcp_server; proxy_pass stream_backend; proxy_buffer_size 4k; ssl_handshake_timeout 15s; ssl_certificate /etc/emqttd/certs/cert.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/emqttd/certs/key.pem; } }
1.3 搭建EMQTT单机版
CentOS7 | http://emqtt.com/downloads/latest/centos7 |
[root@emq-node1 opt]# ll total 20020 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20497451 Aug 23 2018 emqttd-centos7-v2.3.11.zip [root@emq-node1 opt]# unzip emqttd-centos7-v2.3.11.zip &>/dev/null [root@emq-node1 opt]# cd emqttd/ #启动EMQTT [root@emq-node1 emqttd]# ./bin/emqttd start emqttd 2.3.11 is started successfully! #查看EMQTT集群状态 [root@emq-node1 emqttd]# ./bin/emqttd_ctl status Node 'emq@' is started emqttd 2.3.11 is running #WEB的URL状态监控 [root@emq-node1 emqttd]# curl http://localhost:8080/status Node emq@ is started emqttd is running
1.4 单机变器群
#emqttd-node1先关闭服务 [root@emq-node1 emqttd]# ./bin/emqttd stop #原配置文件 [root@emq-node1 emqttd]# egrep '' etc/emq.conf|egrep -v '#' node.name = emq@ listener.tcp.internal = #更改配置文件 [root@emq-node2 emqttd]# hostname -I [root@emq-node1 emqttd]# sed -i 's#' etc/emq.conf [root@emq-node1 emqttd]# egrep '' etc/emq.conf|egrep -v '#' node.name = emq@ listener.tcp.internal = #在启动服务 [root@emq-node1 emqttd]# ./bin/emqttd start emqttd 2.3.11 is started successfully! #emqttd-nod2重复操作 [root@emq-node2 emqttd]# ./bin/emqttd stop ok [root@emq-node2 emqttd]# hostname -I [root@emq-node2 emqttd]# sed -i 's#' etc/emq.conf [root@emq-node2 emqttd]# ./bin/emqttd start emqttd 2.3.11 is started successfully! #手动加入集群 [root@emq-node2 emqttd]# ./bin/emqttd_ctl cluster join emq@ Join the cluster successfully. Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emq@','emq@']}] [root@emq-node2 emqttd]# ./bin/emqttd_ctl cluster status Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emq@','emq@']}] #重节点中删除 [root@emq-node2 emqttd]# ./bin/emqttd_ctl cluster leave Leave the cluster successfully. Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emq@']}] #配置文件中指定集群节点,两台机器操作一致先关闭EMQTT [root@emq-node1 emqttd]# egrep -n "cluster.static.seeds|cluster.discovery" etc/emq.conf 23: cluster.discovery = static #默认是manual手动创建集群,集群节点 49:cluster.static.seeds = emq@,emq@
1.5 Web管理界面
#默认账号密码admin public