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  • U3D的有限状态机系统




    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    public enum Transition
        NullTransition = 0,
    public enum StateID
        NullStateID = 0,
    public abstract class FSMState//抽象类,我们必须继承它才可以在脚本中实例化并使用它
        protected Dictionary<Transition, StateID> map = new Dictionary<Transition, StateID>();
        protected StateID stateID;
        public StateID ID { get { return stateID; } }
        public void AddTransition(Transition trans, StateID id)//增加关联对(转换,状态ID)
            // Check if anyone of the args is invalid
            if (trans == Transition.NullTransition)//如果增加的转换是个NullTransition(空转换),直接Debug.LogError,然后返回
                Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: NullTransition is not allowed for a real transition");
            if (id == StateID.NullStateID)//如果状态ID是NullStateID(空状态ID),怎么办?还是Debug.LoError,然后返回
                Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: NullStateID is not allowed for a real ID");
            if (map.ContainsKey(trans))//如果将要增加的关联对是之前就存在与关联容器中,也照样Debug.LogError,之后返回被调用处
                Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: State " + stateID.ToString() + " already has transition " + trans.ToString() +
                           "Impossible to assign to another state");
            map.Add(trans, id);//冲破了这些阻碍的话,终归可以添加此关联对了,下面的DeleteTransition函数就不用我写注释了吧!
        public void DeleteTransition(Transition trans)//删除关联对函数,前提是里面要有这个关联对啊!
            if (trans == Transition.NullTransition)
                Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: NullTransition is not allowed");
            if (map.ContainsKey(trans))
            Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: Transition " + trans.ToString() + " passed to " + stateID.ToString() +
                           " was not on the state's transition list");
        public StateID GetOutputState(Transition trans)//此函数由下面这个脚本FSMSystem.cs中的PerformTransition函数调用。是用来检索状态的。
            if (map.ContainsKey(trans))
                return map[trans];
            return StateID.NullStateID;
        public virtual void DoBeforeEntering() { }//从名字就可以看出它的作用是什么,但是我们得在FSMSystem.cs中得到答案。
        public virtual void DoBeforeLeaving() { }
        public abstract void Reason(GameObject player, GameObject npc);
        public abstract void Act(GameObject player, GameObject npc);
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    public class FSMSystem {
        private List<FSMState> states;//此类中植入一个类型为FSMState的List容器
        // The only way one can change the state of the FSM is by performing a transition
        // Don't change the CurrentState directly  不要直接修改CurrentState的值。
        private StateID currentStateID ;
        public StateID CurrentStateID { get { return currentStateID; } }//记住,不要直接修改这个变量,之所以让他公有是因为得让其他脚本调用这个变量。
        private FSMState currentState;//记录当前状态
        public FSMState CurrentState { get { return currentState; } }//同上
        public FSMSystem()
            states = new List<FSMState>();//实例化states。
        public void AddState(FSMState s)//增加状态转换对
            if (s == null)
                Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: Null reference is not allowed");
            if (states.Count == 0)
    /*第一次添加时必定执行这块代码,因为一开始states是空的,并且这块代码设置了第一次添加的状态是默认的当前状态。这一点读者一定要理解,不然对于后面的东西读者会非常困惑的,因为其他地方没有地方设置运行后默认的当前状态。*/ { states.Add(s); currentState = s; currentStateID = s.ID;//这里实例化了这两个成员变量 return; } foreach (FSMState state in states)//排除相同的状态 { if (state.ID == s.ID) { Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: Impossible to add state " + s.ID.ToString() + " because state has already been added"); return; } } states.Add(s);//这一句代码第一次不执行,因为第一次states是空的,执行到上面的if里面后立即返回了 } public void DeleteState(StateID id)//跟据ID来从容器states中定向移除FSMState实例 { if (id == StateID.NullStateID) { Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: NullStateID is not allowed for a real state"); return; } foreach (FSMState state in states) { if (state.ID == id) { states.Remove(state); return; } } Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: Impossible to delete state " + id.ToString() + ". It was not on the list of states"); } public void PerformTransition(Transition trans)//执行转换 { if (trans == Transition.NullTransition) { Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: NullTransition is not allowed for a real transition"); } // Check if the currentState has the transition passed as argument StateID id = currentState.GetOutputState(trans);//这下我们得回到当初我所说讲到的FSMState.cs中的那个检索状态的函数。如果检索不出来,就返回NullStateId,即执行下面if语句。 if (id == StateID.NullStateID) { Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: State " + currentStateID.ToString() + " does not have a target state " + " for transition " + trans.ToString()); return; } currentStateID = id;//还是那句话,如果查到了有这个状态,那么我们就将其赋值给成员变量currentStateID。 foreach (FSMState state in states)//遍历此状态容器 { if (state.ID == currentStateID) { currentState.DoBeforeLeaving();//我们在转换之前或许要做点什么吧!,所以我们如有需要,得在FSMState实现类中覆写一下这个方法 currentState = state;//好了,做完了转换之前的预备工作(DoBeforeLeaving),是时候该转换状态了 currentState.DoBeforeEntering();//状态转换完成之后,有可能得先为新状态做点事吧,那么我们也得DoBeforeEntering函数 break; } } } }


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class NPCControl : MonoBehaviour
        public GameObject player;//主角
        public Transform[] path;//多个寻路点
        private FSMSystem fsm;//内置一个fsm
        public void SetTransition(Transition t) //转换状态
        public void Start()
        public void FixedUpdate()//作为驱动源
            fsm.CurrentState.Reason(player, gameObject);//定期(默认是0.02秒,在Edit->rojectSetting->Time中可以发现)调用当前FSMState中的Reason函数,用以检测外界环境是否发生变化,并且根据发生的变化来执行某些事件
            fsm.CurrentState.Act(player, gameObject);//定期执行当前状态下的某些行为
            // The NPC has two states: FollowPath and ChasePlayer
            // If it's on the first state and SawPlayer transition is fired, it changes to ChasePlayer
            // If it's on ChasePlayerState and LostPlayer transition is fired, it returns to FollowPath
        private void MakeFSM()
            FollowPathState follow = new FollowPathState(path);//定义并实例化FSMState
            follow.AddTransition(Transition.SawPlayer, StateID.ChasingPlayer);//向其添加转换对
    ChasePlayerState chase = new ChasePlayerState();
            chase.AddTransition(Transition.LostPlayer, StateID.FollowingPath);



     fsm = new FSMSystem();//实例化fsm
    public class FollowPathState : FSMState
        private int currentWayPoint;
        private Transform[] waypoints;
        public FollowPathState(Transform[] wp) 
            waypoints = wp;
            currentWayPoint = 0;
            stateID = StateID.FollowingPath;
        public override void Reason(GameObject player, GameObject npc)
            // If the Player passes less than 15 meters away in front of the NPC
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Raycast(npc.transform.position, npc.transform.forward, out hit, 15F))
                if (hit.transform.gameObject.tag == "player")
        public override void Act(GameObject player, GameObject npc)//当NPC当前状态为follow时不断执行以下行为。下面那个类的用法也是一样的。
            // Follow the path of waypoints
                    // Find the direction of the current way point 
            Vector3 vel = npc.rigidbody.velocity;
            Vector3 moveDir = waypoints[currentWayPoint].position - npc.transform.position;
            if (moveDir.magnitude < 1)
                if (currentWayPoint >= waypoints.Length)
                    currentWayPoint = 0;
                vel = moveDir.normalized * 10;
                // Rotate towards the waypoint
                npc.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(npc.transform.rotation,
                                                          5 * Time.deltaTime);
                npc.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, npc.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);
            // Apply the Velocity
            npc.rigidbody.velocity = vel;
    } // FollowPathState
    public class ChasePlayerState : FSMState//同上。
        public ChasePlayerState()
            stateID = StateID.ChasingPlayer;
        public override void Reason(GameObject player, GameObject npc)
            // If the player has gone 30 meters away from the NPC, fire LostPlayer transition
            if (Vector3.Distance(npc.transform.position, player.transform.position) >= 30)
        public override void Act(GameObject player, GameObject npc)
            // Follow the path of waypoints
                    // Find the direction of the player                 
            Vector3 vel = npc.rigidbody.velocity;
            Vector3 moveDir = player.transform.position - npc.transform.position;
            // Rotate towards the waypoint
            npc.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(npc.transform.rotation,
                                                      5 * Time.deltaTime);
            npc.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, npc.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);
            vel = moveDir.normalized * 10;
            // Apply the new Velocity
            npc.rigidbody.velocity = vel;




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