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  • 算法(Algorithms)第4版 练习 1.3.31


    package com.qiusongde.linkedlist;
    public class DoublyLinkedList<Item> {
        private DoublyNode<Item> first;
        private DoublyNode<Item> last;
        //can be accessed outside this class
        public static class DoublyNode<E>    {
            public E item;
            public DoublyNode<E> next;
            public DoublyNode<E> pre;
        public DoublyLinkedList() {
            first = null;
            last = null;
         * insert item at the beginning of the list
         * @param list the list to insert
         * @param item the item to be inserted
        public static <T> void insertAtBeginning(DoublyLinkedList<T> list, T item) {
            DoublyNode<T> oldfirst = list.first;//save old first node
            list.first = new DoublyNode<T>();//new first node
            list.first.item = item;//save item
            list.first.next = oldfirst;//point to oldfirst
            list.first.pre = null;//pre initialize to null
            if(oldfirst != null) {
                oldfirst.pre = list.first;
            } else {//oldfirst is null
                list.last = list.first;
         * insert item at the end of the list
         * @param list the list to insert
         * @param item the item to be inserted
        public static <T> void insertAtTheEnd(DoublyLinkedList<T> list, T item) {
            DoublyNode<T> oldlast = list.last;
            list.last = new DoublyNode<T>();
            list.last.item = item;
            list.last.next = null;
            list.last.pre = oldlast;
            if(oldlast == null) {
                list.first = list.last;
            } else {
                oldlast.next = list.last;
         * remove the first node in the list. If the first node in the list is null, then do nothing.
         * @param list the list whose first node will be removed
        public static <T> void removeFromBeginning(DoublyLinkedList<T> list) {
            if(list.first == null) {
                return;//do nothing
            list.first = list.first.next;//new position for first
            if(list.first == null) {//not more leave
                list.last = null;
            } else {
                list.first.pre.next = null;
                list.first.pre = null;
         * remove the last node in the list. If the last node in the list is null, then do nothing.
         * @param list the list whose last node will be removed
        public static <T> void removeFromTheEnd(DoublyLinkedList<T> list) {
            if(list.last == null) {
                return;//do nothing
            list.last = list.last.pre;
            if(list.last == null) {
                list.first = null;
            } else {
                list.last.next.pre = null;
                list.last.next = null;
        public static <T> DoublyNode<T> findDoublyNode(DoublyLinkedList<T> list, T item) {
            DoublyNode<T> current = list.first;
            while(current != null) {
                if(current.item.equals(item)) {
                current = current.next;
            return current;
         * insert the item before the node in the list. if node is null or node isn't in the list, then do nothing.
         * @param list the list in which the node is
         * @param node the node before which the item will be inserted 
         * @param item the item to be inserted
        public static <T> void insertBeforeNode(DoublyLinkedList<T> list, DoublyNode<T> node, T item) {
            if(node == null) {//do nothing
            if(isInList(list, node)) {//node is in list
                DoublyNode<T> newnode = new DoublyNode<T>();
                newnode.item = item;
                newnode.next = node;
                if(node.pre != null) {//not first node in the list
                    node.pre.next = newnode;
                } else {//first node in the list
                    list.first = newnode;//change first node
                newnode.pre = node.pre;
                node.pre = newnode;//should be last assign
         * insert the item after the node in the list. if node is null or node isn't in the list, then do nothing.
         * @param list the list in which the node is
         * @param node the node after which the item will be inserted 
         * @param item the item to be inserted
        public static <T> void insertAfterNode(DoublyLinkedList<T> list, DoublyNode<T> node, T item) {
            if(node == null) {//do nothing
            if(isInList(list, node)) {
                DoublyNode<T> newnode = new DoublyNode<T>();
                newnode.item = item;
                newnode.pre = node;
                if(node.next != null) {//not last node in the list
                    node.next.pre = newnode;
                } else {//last node in the list
                    list.last = newnode;
                newnode.next = node.next;
                node.next = newnode;//should be last assign
         * remove the node in the list 
         * @param list the list in which the node is 
         * @param node the node to be removed
        public static <T> void removeNode(DoublyLinkedList<T> list, DoublyNode<T> node) {
            if(node == null) {
            if(isInList(list, node)) {
                if(list.first == node) {
                else if(list.last == node) {
                else {
                    node.pre.next = node.next;
                    node.next.pre = node.pre;
         * see if the node is in the list
         * @param list the list 
         * @param node the node
         * @return {@code true} the node is in the list
         *            {@code false} the node isn't in the list
        public static <T> boolean isInList(DoublyLinkedList<T> list, DoublyNode<T> node) {
            DoublyNode<T> current = list.first;
            while(current != null) {
                if(current == node) {
                    return true;
                current = current.next;
            return false;
        public String toString() {
            String s = "";
            DoublyNode<Item> current = first;
            while(current != null) {
                s += current.item + " ";
                current = current.next;
            s += first == null ? "first:null " : "first:" + first.item + " ";
            s += last == null ? "last:null " : "last:" + last.item + " ";
            return s;


    package com.qiusongde.linkedlist;
    import com.qiusongde.linkedlist.DoublyLinkedList.DoublyNode;
    import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;
    import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdRandom;
    public class Exercise1331 {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            DoublyLinkedList<Integer> list = new DoublyLinkedList<Integer>();
            StdOut.println("Initial doublylist:");
            //test insertAtBeginning function
            StdOut.println("Test insertAtBeginning function");
            for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
                DoublyLinkedList.insertAtBeginning(list, i);
                StdOut.println("insertAtBeginning success: " + i);
            //test removeFromBeginning function
            StdOut.println("Test removeFromBeginning function");
            for(int i = 1; i <= 11; i++) {
                StdOut.println("removeFromBeginning success: ");
            //test insertAtTheEnd function
            StdOut.println("Test insertAtTheEnd function");
            for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
                DoublyLinkedList.insertAtTheEnd(list, i);
                StdOut.println("insertAtTheEnd success: " + i);
            //test removeFromTheEnd function
            StdOut.println("Test removeFromTheEnd function");
            for(int i = 1; i <= 11; i++) {
                StdOut.println("removeFromTheEnd success: ");
            //test insertBeforeNode function
            StdOut.println("Test insertBeforeNode function");
            for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
                DoublyLinkedList.insertAtBeginning(list, i);
            StdOut.println("Initial list:");
            for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                int number = StdRandom.uniform(10 + i) + 1;
                DoublyNode<Integer> node = DoublyLinkedList.findDoublyNode(list, number);
                DoublyLinkedList.insertBeforeNode(list, node, 11 + i);
                StdOut.println("insert " + (11+i) +  " BeforeNode " +  node.item + " success");
            //test remove
            StdOut.println("Test removeNode function");
            for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                DoublyNode<Integer> node = DoublyLinkedList.findDoublyNode(list, i + 1);
                DoublyLinkedList.removeNode(list, node);
                StdOut.println("removeNode success:" + (i+1));
            //test insertAfterNode function
            StdOut.println("Test insertAfterNode function");
            for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
                DoublyLinkedList.insertAtBeginning(list, i);
            StdOut.println("Initial list:");
            for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                int number = StdRandom.uniform(10 + i) + 1;
                DoublyNode<Integer> node = DoublyLinkedList.findDoublyNode(list, number);
                DoublyLinkedList.insertAfterNode(list, node, 11 + i);
                StdOut.println("insert " + (11+i) +  " AfterNode " +  node.item + " success");


    Initial doublylist:
    first:null last:null 
    Test insertAtBeginning function
    insertAtBeginning success: 1
    1 first:1 last:1 
    insertAtBeginning success: 2
    2 1 first:2 last:1 
    insertAtBeginning success: 3
    3 2 1 first:3 last:1 
    insertAtBeginning success: 4
    4 3 2 1 first:4 last:1 
    insertAtBeginning success: 5
    5 4 3 2 1 first:5 last:1 
    insertAtBeginning success: 6
    6 5 4 3 2 1 first:6 last:1 
    insertAtBeginning success: 7
    7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:7 last:1 
    insertAtBeginning success: 8
    8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:8 last:1 
    insertAtBeginning success: 9
    9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:9 last:1 
    insertAtBeginning success: 10
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    Test removeFromBeginning function
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:9 last:1 
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:8 last:1 
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:7 last:1 
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    6 5 4 3 2 1 first:6 last:1 
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    5 4 3 2 1 first:5 last:1 
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    4 3 2 1 first:4 last:1 
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    3 2 1 first:3 last:1 
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    2 1 first:2 last:1 
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    1 first:1 last:1 
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    first:null last:null 
    removeFromBeginning success: 
    first:null last:null 
    Test insertAtTheEnd function
    insertAtTheEnd success: 1
    1 first:1 last:1 
    insertAtTheEnd success: 2
    1 2 first:1 last:2 
    insertAtTheEnd success: 3
    1 2 3 first:1 last:3 
    insertAtTheEnd success: 4
    1 2 3 4 first:1 last:4 
    insertAtTheEnd success: 5
    1 2 3 4 5 first:1 last:5 
    insertAtTheEnd success: 6
    1 2 3 4 5 6 first:1 last:6 
    insertAtTheEnd success: 7
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 first:1 last:7 
    insertAtTheEnd success: 8
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 first:1 last:8 
    insertAtTheEnd success: 9
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 first:1 last:9 
    insertAtTheEnd success: 10
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 first:1 last:10 
    Test removeFromTheEnd function
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 first:1 last:9 
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 first:1 last:8 
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 first:1 last:7 
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    1 2 3 4 5 6 first:1 last:6 
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    1 2 3 4 5 first:1 last:5 
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    1 2 3 4 first:1 last:4 
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    1 2 3 first:1 last:3 
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    1 2 first:1 last:2 
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    1 first:1 last:1 
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    first:null last:null 
    removeFromTheEnd success: 
    first:null last:null 
    Test insertBeforeNode function
    Initial list:
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 11 BeforeNode 7 success
    10 9 8 11 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 12 BeforeNode 8 success
    10 9 12 8 11 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 13 BeforeNode 10 success
    13 10 9 12 8 11 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:13 last:1 
    insert 14 BeforeNode 10 success
    13 14 10 9 12 8 11 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:13 last:1 
    insert 15 BeforeNode 2 success
    13 14 10 9 12 8 11 7 6 5 4 3 15 2 1 first:13 last:1 
    insert 16 BeforeNode 4 success
    13 14 10 9 12 8 11 7 6 5 16 4 3 15 2 1 first:13 last:1 
    insert 17 BeforeNode 12 success
    13 14 10 9 17 12 8 11 7 6 5 16 4 3 15 2 1 first:13 last:1 
    insert 18 BeforeNode 7 success
    13 14 10 9 17 12 8 11 18 7 6 5 16 4 3 15 2 1 first:13 last:1 
    insert 19 BeforeNode 15 success
    13 14 10 9 17 12 8 11 18 7 6 5 16 4 3 19 15 2 1 first:13 last:1 
    insert 20 BeforeNode 9 success
    13 14 10 20 9 17 12 8 11 18 7 6 5 16 4 3 19 15 2 1 first:13 last:1 
    Test removeNode function
    removeNode success:1
    13 14 10 20 9 17 12 8 11 18 7 6 5 16 4 3 19 15 2 first:13 last:2 
    removeNode success:2
    13 14 10 20 9 17 12 8 11 18 7 6 5 16 4 3 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:3
    13 14 10 20 9 17 12 8 11 18 7 6 5 16 4 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:4
    13 14 10 20 9 17 12 8 11 18 7 6 5 16 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:5
    13 14 10 20 9 17 12 8 11 18 7 6 16 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:6
    13 14 10 20 9 17 12 8 11 18 7 16 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:7
    13 14 10 20 9 17 12 8 11 18 16 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:8
    13 14 10 20 9 17 12 11 18 16 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:9
    13 14 10 20 17 12 11 18 16 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:10
    13 14 20 17 12 11 18 16 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:11
    13 14 20 17 12 18 16 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:12
    13 14 20 17 18 16 19 15 first:13 last:15 
    removeNode success:13
    14 20 17 18 16 19 15 first:14 last:15 
    removeNode success:14
    20 17 18 16 19 15 first:20 last:15 
    removeNode success:15
    20 17 18 16 19 first:20 last:19 
    removeNode success:16
    20 17 18 19 first:20 last:19 
    removeNode success:17
    20 18 19 first:20 last:19 
    removeNode success:18
    20 19 first:20 last:19 
    removeNode success:19
    20 first:20 last:20 
    removeNode success:20
    first:null last:null 
    Test insertAfterNode function
    Initial list:
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 11 AfterNode 10 success
    10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 12 AfterNode 9 success
    10 11 9 12 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 13 AfterNode 8 success
    10 11 9 12 8 13 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 14 AfterNode 10 success
    10 14 11 9 12 8 13 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 15 AfterNode 10 success
    10 15 14 11 9 12 8 13 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 16 AfterNode 4 success
    10 15 14 11 9 12 8 13 7 6 5 4 16 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 17 AfterNode 8 success
    10 15 14 11 9 12 8 17 13 7 6 5 4 16 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 18 AfterNode 11 success
    10 15 14 11 18 9 12 8 17 13 7 6 5 4 16 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 19 AfterNode 14 success
    10 15 14 19 11 18 9 12 8 17 13 7 6 5 4 16 3 2 1 first:10 last:1 
    insert 20 AfterNode 3 success
    10 15 14 19 11 18 9 12 8 17 13 7 6 5 4 16 3 20 2 1 first:10 last:1 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/songdechiu/p/6518373.html
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