HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript
前端 Web 界面框架(Bootstrap)与工具(Nodejs pmBower)
Front-End JavaScript Frameworks:
AngularJS(MVC, two-way data binding and angular directives and filters. angular controllers and scopes. UI routing and templates ,angular modules and services)
使用 Web 技术进行多平台移动 App 开发
使用 NodeJS 进行服务器端开发
web servers,CRUD operations, NoSQL databases, in particular MongoDB and Mongoose,REST concepts and building a RESTful API,backend as a service (BaaS) approaches,
The Capstone project is the culmination of your journey through the Full Stack Web Development specialization. The Capstone project is aimed at building a fully functional front-end Application (both Web App designed using Bootstrap+AngularJS, and hybrid mobile app implemented using the Ionic framework) and full server-side implementation using Node.js+Express+MongoDB (possibly using a higher level framework). The project provides you an opportunity to demonstrate the skills that you have acquired from the courses within the specialization.