Getting Started with WebRTC

function initialize() { console.log("Initializing; room=99688636."); card = document.getElementById("card"); localVideo = document.getElementById("localVideo"); miniVideo = document.getElementById("miniVideo"); remoteVideo = document.getElementById("remoteVideo"); resetStatus(); openChannel('AHRlWrqvgCpvbd9B-Gl5vZ2F1BlpwFv0xBUwRgLF/* ...*/');/*room token 由Google App Engine app 提供*/ doGetUserMedia();//确认浏览器是否支持getUserMedia API 如果支持则调用onUserMediaSuccess } /* 建立通道过程 1.客户端A生成一个唯一的ID 2.客户端A把ID传给App Engine app,请求获得Channel token 3.App Engine app 把ID传给 Channel API,请求获得一个channel和token 4.App把token传给客户端A 5.客户端A打开socket,监听channel */ function openChannel(channelToken) { console.log("Opening channel."); var channel = new goog.appengine.Channel(channelToken); var handler = { 'onopen': onChannelOpened, 'onmessage': onChannelMessage, 'onerror': onChannelError, 'onclose': onChannelClosed }; socket =; } /*Sending a message works like this: 1.Client B makes a POST request to the App Engine app with an update. 2.The App Engine app passes a request to the channel. 3.The channel carries a message to Client A. 4.Client A's onmessage callback is called. */ //如果浏览器支持getUserMedia,则函数被调用 function onUserMediaSuccess(stream) { console.log("User has granted access to local media."); // Call the polyfill wrapper to attach the media stream to this element. attachMediaStream(localVideo, stream);//localVideo.src = ... localViedo代表一个标签 = 1; localStream = stream; // Caller creates PeerConnection. if (initiator) maybeStart();//initiator 已经被设置为1,直到caller的session终止 所以这里会调用maybeStart } //connection只会被建立一次 //建立前提1.第一次建立 2.localStream已经准备好了,即本地视频 3.信令通道准备好了 function maybeStart() { if (!started && localStream && channelReady) { // ...调用func,使用STUN创建RTCPeerConnection(pc),设置各种事件监听函数 createPeerConnection(); // ... pc.addStream(localStream); started = true; // Caller initiates offer to peer. if (initiator) doCall(); } } //被maybeStart调用 //主要目的是使用STUN服务器和回调函数onIceCandidata来建立connection //为每一个RTCPeerConnection事件建立handlers function createPeerConnection() { var pc_config = {"iceServers": [{"url": ""}]}; try { // Create an RTCPeerConnection via the polyfill (adapter.js). pc = new RTCPeerConnection(pc_config);//在adapter.js中被包装过了 pc.onicecandidate = onIceCandidate; console.log("Created RTCPeerConnnection with config: " + " "" + JSON.stringify(pc_config) + ""."); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to create PeerConnection, exception: " + e.message); alert("Cannot create RTCPeerConnection object; WebRTC is not supported by this browser."); return; } pc.onconnecting = onSessionConnecting;//log status messages作用 pc.onopen = onSessionOpened; //log status messages作用 pc.onaddstream = onRemoteStreamAdded; //log status messages作用 pc.onremovestream = onRemoteStreamRemoved;//为remoteVideo标签设置内容 } //handler function onRemoteStreamAdded(event) { // ... miniVideo.src = localVideo.src; attachMediaStream(remoteVideo,; remoteStream =; waitForRemoteVideo(); } //在maybeStart()调用createPeerConnection()之后, a call is intitiated by creating and offer and sending it to the callee function doCall() { console.log("Sending offer to peer."); pc.createOffer(setLocalAndSendMessage, null, mediaConstraints); } //创建offer的过程和非信令的例子(caller callee都在一个浏览器内)类似。 //不同点:message被发送到远端(remote peer),giving a serialized SessionDescription //不同点的功能有setLocalAndMessage()完成 //客户端配置信息叫做Session Description function setLocalAndSendMessage(sessionDescription) { // Set Opus as the preferred codec in SDP if Opus is present. sessionDescription.sdp = preferOpus(sessionDescription.sdp); pc.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription); sendMessage(sessionDescription); } /*signaling with the Channel API*/ /*当createPeerConnection()成功创建RTCPeerConnetion后 回调函数onIceCandidate被调用: 发送收集来的candidates的信息 */ function onIceCandidate(event) { if (event.candidate) { //使用XHR请求,客户端向服务器发送出站信息 sendMessage({type: 'candidate', label: event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex, id: event.candidate.sdpMid, candidate: event.candidate.candidate}); } else { console.log("End of candidates."); } } //使用XHR请求,从客户端向服务器发送出站消息(Outbound messaging) function sendMessage(message) { var msgString = JSON.stringify(message); console.log('C->S: ' + msgString); path = '/message?r=99688636' + '&u=92246248'; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', path, true); xhr.send(msgString); } /* 客户端->服务器发送信令消息:使用XHR 服务器->客户端发送信令消息:使用Google App Engine Channel API */ //处理由App Engine server发送来的消息 function processSignalingMessage(message) { var msg = JSON.parse(message); if (msg.type === 'offer') { // Callee creates PeerConnection if (!initiator && !started)//initiator代表session是否创建 RTCPeerConnection是否被创建 maybeStart(); pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(msg)); doAnswer(); } else if (msg.type === 'answer' && started) { pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(msg)); } else if (msg.type === 'candidate' && started) { var candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({sdpMLineIndex:msg.label, candidate:msg.candidate}); pc.addIceCandidate(candidate);//?? } else if (msg.type === 'bye' && started) { onRemoteHangup(); } } function doAnswer() { console.log("Sending answer to peer."); pc.createAnswer(setLocalAndSendMessage, null, mediaConstraints); } //在哪里设置msg.type?