You have two numbers represented by a linked list, where each node contains a single digit. The digits are stored in reverse order, such that the 1’s digit is at the head of the list. Write a function that adds the two numbers and returns the sum as a linked list.
Input: (3 –> 1 –> 5), (5 –> 9 –> 2)
Output: 8 –> 0 –> 8
你有两个由单链表表示的数。每个结点代表其中的一位数字。数字的存储是逆序的, 也就是说个位位于链表的表头。写一函数使这两个数相加并返回结果,结果也由链表表示。
例子:(3 –> 1 –> 5), (5 –> 9 –> 2)
输出:8 –> 0 –> 8
这道题目并不难,需要注意的有:1.链表为空。2.有进位。3.链表长度不一样。 代码如下:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef struct node{ int data; node *next; }node; node* init(int a[], int n){ node *head=NULL, *p; for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ node *nd = new node(); nd->data = a[i]; if(i==0){ head = p = nd; continue; } p->next = nd; p = nd; } return head; } node* addlink(node *p, node *q){ if(p==NULL) return q; if(q==NULL) return p; node *res, *pre=NULL; int c = 0; while(p && q){ int t = p->data + q->data + c; node *r = new node(); r->data = t%10; if(pre){ pre->next = r; pre = r; } else pre = res = r; c = t/10; p = p->next; q = q->next; } while(p){ int t = p->data + c; node *r = new node(); r->data = t%10; pre->next = r; pre = r; c = t/10; p = p->next; } while(q){ int t = q->data + c; node *r = new node(); r->data = t%10; pre->next = r; pre = r; c = t/10; q = q->next; } if(c>0){//当链表一样长,而又有进位时 node *r = new node(); r->data = c; pre->next = r; } return res; } void print(node *head){ while(head){ cout<<head->data<<" "; head = head->next; } cout<<endl; } int main(){ int n = 4; int a[] = { 1, 2, 9, 3 }; int m = 3; int b[] = { 9, 9, 2 }; node *p = init(a, n); node *q = init(b, m); node *res = addlink(p, q); if(p) print(p); if(q) print(q); if(res) print(res); return 0; }