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  • 1 step / 2 step STO


    *除了上述以外,还有同一个plant下面的storage location的stock transfer。如果是two-step的,movement type分别是313和315。


    Function documentation Stock Transfer Between Plants in One Step Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


    This type of stock transfer can only be carried out in Inventory Management. Neither Shipping in the issuing plant nor Purchasing in the receiving plant is involved in the process.

    Transferring stock in one step has the following characteristics:

    • The stock transfer is entered as a transfer posting in Inventory Management.
    • The transfer posting can be planned by creating a reservation.
    • The quantity of the stock transferred is posted immediately from the unrestricted-use stock of the issuing plant to the unrestricted-use stock of the receiving plant
    • The transfer posting is valuated at the valuation price of the material in the issuing plant.
    • If the plants involved belong to different company codes, the transfer between plants is also a transfer between company codes. In this case, the system creates two accounting documents for the transfer posting. The stock posting is offset against a company code clearing account.


    Function documentation Stock Transfer Between Plants in Two Steps Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


    This type of stock transfer can only be carried out in Inventory Management. Neither Shipping in the issuing plant nor Purchasing in the receiving plant is involved in the process.

    The stock transfer includes the following processes:

    1. A goods issue in the issuing plant
    2. A goods receipt in the receiving plant

    Transferring stock in two steps has the following characteristics:

    • The transfer posting cannot be planned by creating a reservation.
    • The quantity posted from stock is first of all managed as stock in transfer in the receiving plant. Only once the goods receipt has been posted is the quantity posted to the unrestricted-use stock of the receiving plant.

    This enables the quantity "on the road" to be monitored.

    • The transfer posting is valuated at the valuation price of the material in the issuing plant.
    • If the plants involved belong to different company codes, the transfer between plants is also a transfer between company codes. In this case, the system creates two accounting documents when the goods issue is posted. The stock posting is offset against a company code clearing account.



    Stock Transfer between Two Plants with One Company code.
    The Purchase Order Type is Used in this case is "UB".
    And the Delivery Type Used here is "NL".
    Goods Movement type: 641
    Item Category in delivery is NLN

    STPO: - Stock Transfer Purchase Order – Inter Company
    Stock Transfer Purchase Orders between Two Plants with Two Different Company Codes.
    The Purchase Order Type is Used in this case is "NB".
    and Delivery type used here is NLCC


    The 1 step / 2 step option can be set in the cusomizing:

    image image


    Q: the difference betwwen movement type 351 and 641.  --- 641 w SD delivery, 351 w/o SD delivery.


    Movement Type:

    Movement Type Description Reverse
    101 Goods receipt for PO 102
    121 Subsequent adjustment for subcontracting N.A.
    122 Return delivery to vendor with original PO 123
    161 Return delivery to vendor with return PO 162
    301 Transfer posting from site to site 302
    311 Transfer posting from storage location to storage location 312
    309 Transfer posting material to material 310
    321 Transfer posting stock in QI to unrestricted use stock 322
    343 Transfer posting from Blocked stock to Unrestricted used stock 344
    501 Goods receipt without PO - unrestricted use stock 502
    541 Transfer posting unrestricted-use stock of material provided to subcontractor 542
    543 Consumption from stock of material provided to vendor 544
    561 Initial entry of stock 562
    601 Goods issue for delivery 602
    641 Goods issue for STO (two steps) within same company 642
    643 Goods issue for CCSTO (two steps) cross company 644
    647 Goods issue for STO (one step) 648
    701 Inventory differences in unrestricted-use stock 702
    703 Inventory differences in QI stock 704
    707 Inventory differences in blocked stock 708
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sophyzhu/p/2056198.html
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