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  • 002.两数相加

    You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list.

    You may assume the two numbers do not contain any leading zero, except the number 0 itself.

    Input: (2 -> 4 -> 3) + (5 -> 6 -> 4) Output: 7 -> 0 -> 8        342+465 = 807

    • 题目描述:输入两个非空单链表,链表的每个结点的值是一个1位数整数,两个链表都是一个大整数每一位的逆序排序,求这两个链表代表的整数的和的链表值;

    • 思路:1. 获取到两个数 然后相加 再新建list写入。2.每位想加时候考虑进位标志位
    def addTwoNumbers(L1,L2):
    	move = 0
    	while L1:
    		numOfL1 = L1.val * 10**move
    		move += 1
    		L1 = L1.next
    	move = 0
    	while L2:
    		numOfL2 = L2.val * 10**move
    		move += 1
    		L2 = L2.next
    	final = numOfL1 + numOfL2
    	h = m = ListNode(0)
    	if not final:
    		return h
    	while final:
    		m.next = ListNode(final % 10)
    		final = final/10
    		m = m.next  # m.next 默认为空
    	return h.next
    # 带进位标志位的 函数 挺好
    def addTwoNumbers(L1,L2):
    	if L1 is None:
    		return L2
    	if L2 is None:
    		return L1
    	tmp = ListNode(0) # 最终要用的
    	res = tmp
    	flag = 0 #进位标记位
    	while L1 or L2:
    		tmpsum = 0
    		if L1:
    			tmpsum = L1.val
    			L1 = L1.next
    		if L2:
    			tmpsum += L2.val
    			L2 = L2.next
    		tmpres = ((tmpsum + flag) % 10) # 余数
    		flag = ((tmpsum + flag) // 10) # 进位
    		res.next = ListNode(tmpres)
    		res = res.next
    	if flag:
    		res.next = ListNode(1)
    	res = tmp.next
    	return res
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sowhat1412/p/12734326.html
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