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  • Leetcode:Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal


    Given a binary tree, return the zigzag level order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from left to right, then right to left for the next level and alternate between).

    For example:
    Given binary tree {3,9,20,#,#,15,7},

      9  20
       15   7

    return its zigzag level order traversal as:


     分析: 题目要给出二叉树的zigzag Z型遍历,其本质应该是二叉树的宽搜,然后根据层数来确定每一层是否翻转。 

    这主要点就在于宽搜时需要知道当前在第几层,所以需要两个queue来做。 这个是一个常用技巧

     1 /**
     2  * Definition for binary tree
     3  * struct TreeNode {
     4  *     int val;
     5  *     TreeNode *left;
     6  *     TreeNode *right;
     7  *     TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
     8  * };
     9  */
    10 class Solution {
    11 public:
    12     vector<vector<int> > zigzagLevelOrder(TreeNode *root) {
    13         vector<vector<int> >result;
    14         if(root==NULL) return result;
    16         queue<TreeNode* > q,qadd;
    17         q.push(root);
    18         vector<int> level;
    19         int nowlevel = 1;
    20         while(!q.empty())
    21         {
    22             TreeNode *one = q.front();
    23             level.push_back(one->val);
    24             if(one->left!=NULL) qadd.push(one->left);
    25             if(one->right!=NULL) qadd.push(one->right);
    27             q.pop();
    28             if(q.empty())
    29             {
    30                 if(nowlevel%2==0) reverse(level.begin(),level.end());
    31                 result.push_back(level);
    32                 level.clear();
    33                 nowlevel++;
    34                 swap(q,qadd);
    35             }
    36         }
    37         return result;
    38     }
    39 };
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/soyscut/p/3787598.html
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