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  • PostgreSQL建立分区表示例

    pgsql 分区表:
    create table test(id integer, name varchar(32));
    create index idx_test_id on test using btree(id);
    create table test_b (like test including constraints including defaults including indexes) inherits(test);
    create table test_c (like test including constraints including defaults including indexes) inherits(test);
    alter table test_b add constraint con_test_c check(id >=1001 and id <= 2000);
    alter table test_c add constraint con_test_b check(id >=2001 and id <= 3000);
    create table test_d( check(id >=3001 and id <= 4000))inherits (test);
    insert into test_b select generate_series(1001,2000),'bbb';
    insert into test_c select generate_series(2001,3000),'ccc';
    insert into test_d select generate_series(3001,4000),'ddd';
    analyze test_a;
    analyze test_b;
    analyze test_c;
    analyze test_d;
    --测试查询计划 constraint_exclusion
    set  constraint_exclusion = off/partition;
    show constraint_exclusion;
    explain select * from test where id = 1;
    insert into test values (11,'aaaaa');
    select * from test where name = 'aaaaa'
    select * from test_a;
    insert into test values(1,'a'),(1111,'v'),(2222,'vv');
    select * from test_c;
    create function tb_partition_insert()
    returns trigger  as
    if (id >=1 and id <= 1000) then
        insert into test_a values(NEW.*);
    elseif (id >=1001 and id <= 2000) then
        insert into test_b values(NEW.*);
      elseif (id >=2001 and id <= 3000) then
       insert into test_c values (new.*);
        raise exception 'Date out of range. Fix the tbl_partition_insert_trigger() function!';
     end if ;
    return null;
    language plpgsql;
    create trigger insert_test_parition
        before insert on test
        for each row execute procedure tb_partition_insert();
    insert into test values(1,'a'),(1111,'v'),(2222,'vv');
    select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('test'));
    insert into test select generate_series(1,1000),'aa';
    select count(1) from test_a;
    select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('test'));
    select pg_table_size('test')



    1. 为主:http://www.cnblogs.com/mchina/archive/2013/04/09/2973427.html
    2. 为辅:http://my.oschina.net/Kenyon/blog/59455 ,http://www.postgres.cn/docs/9.4/ddl-partitioning.html#DDL-PARTITIONING-CONSTRAINT-EXCLUSION
    3. 例子参考:http://francs3.blog.163.com/blog/static/4057672720112422436937/
    4. 结合:http://www.cnblogs.com/stephen-liu74/archive/2012/04/27/2291814.html
    5. 查看表大小等操作:http://www.cnblogs.com/liuyuanyuanGOGO/p/3224554.html
    6. 分区表通过继承实现,在对表进行清除数据操作时,要注意是否会同时清除父表和字表:
    7. http://francs3.blog.163.com/blog/static/40576727201011203725668/
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/space-place/p/5199912.html
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