To begin, load the files 'ex5Logx.dat' and ex5Logy.dat' into your program. This dataset represents the training set of a logistic regression problem with two features. To avoid confusion later, we will refer to the two input features contained in 'ex5Logx.dat' as
. So in the 'ex5Logx.dat' file, the first column of numbers represents the feature
, which you will plot on the horizontal axis, and the second feature represents
, which you will plot on the vertical axis.
After loading the data, plot the points using different markers to distinguish between the two classifications. The commands in Matlab/Octave will be:
x = load('ex5Logx.dat'); y = load('ex5Logy.dat'); figure % Find the indices for the 2 classes pos = find(y); neg = find(y == 0); plot(x(pos, 1), x(pos, 2), '+') hold on plot(x(neg, 1), x(neg, 2), 'o')After plotting your image, it should look something like this:
the hypothesis function is
Let's look at the
parameter in the sigmoid function
In this exercise, we will assign
to be all monomials (meaning polynomial terms) of
up to the sixth power:
To clarify this notation: we have made a 28-feature vector
Newton’s method
Recall that the Newton's Method update rule is
is your feature vector, which is a 28x1 vector in this exercise.
is a 28x1 vector.
are 28x28 matrices.
are scalars.
5. The matrix following
in the Hessian formula is a 28x28 diagonal matrix with a zero in the upper left and ones on every other diagonal entry.
After convergence, use your values of theta to find the decision boundary in the classification problem. The decision boundary is defined as the line where
%载入数据 clc,clear,close all; x = load('ex5Logx.dat'); y = load('ex5Logy.dat'); %画出数据的分布图 plot(x(find(y),1),x(find(y),2),'o','MarkerFaceColor','b') hold on; plot(x(find(y==0),1),x(find(y==0),2),'r+') legend('y=1','y=0') % Add polynomial features to x by % calling the feature mapping function % provided in separate m-file x = map_feature(x(:,1), x(:,2)); %投影到高维特征空间 [m, n] = size(x); % Initialize fitting parameters theta = zeros(n, 1); % Define the sigmoid function g = inline('1.0 ./ (1.0 + exp(-z))'); % setup for Newton's method MAX_ITR = 15; J = zeros(MAX_ITR, 1); % Lambda is the regularization parameter lambda = 1;%lambda=0,1,10,修改这个地方,运行3次可以得到3种结果。 % Newton's Method for i = 1:MAX_ITR % Calculate the hypothesis function z = x * theta; h = g(z); % Calculate J (for testing convergence) -- 损失函数 J(i) =(1/m)*sum(-y.*log(h) - (1-y).*log(1-h))+ ... (lambda/(2*m))*norm(theta([2:end]))^2; % Calculate gradient and hessian. G = (lambda/m).*theta; G(1) = 0; % extra term for gradient L = (lambda/m).*eye(n); L(1) = 0;% extra term for Hessian grad = ((1/m).*x' * (h-y)) + G; H = ((1/m).*x' * diag(h) * diag(1-h) * x) + L; % Here is the actual update theta = theta - Hgrad; end % Plot the results % We will evaluate theta*x over a % grid of features and plot the contour % where theta*x equals zero % Here is the grid range u = linspace(-1, 1.5, 200); v = linspace(-1, 1.5, 200); z = zeros(length(u), length(v)); % Evaluate z = theta*x over the grid for i = 1:length(u) for j = 1:length(v) z(i,j) = map_feature(u(i), v(j))*theta;%这里绘制的并不是损失函数与迭代次数之间的曲线,而是线性变换后的值 end end z = z'; % important to transpose z before calling contour % Plot z = 0 % Notice you need to specify the range [0, 0] contour(u, v, z, [0, 0], 'LineWidth', 2)%在z上画出为0值时的界面,因为为0时刚好概率为0.5,符合要求 legend('y = 1', 'y = 0', 'Decision boundary') title(sprintf('\lambda = %g', lambda), 'FontSize', 14) hold off % Uncomment to plot J % figure % plot(0:MAX_ITR-1, J, 'o--', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r', 'MarkerSize', 8) % xlabel('Iteration'); ylabel('J')