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  • Smart/400开发上手5: Cobol开发标准




    Data Division : Working Storage

    · Use the prefix WSAA- for fields for any user defined working variables. You should group
    together data which forms a logical group, e.g. subscripts.


    · Use asterisks (*) to separate logical groups of data and to make the working storage easier
    to browse.


    · Two fields must be set up at the beginning of working storage containing the program name
    and its version number. Whenever the program is totally revised, the version number is
    incremented by 1.
    01 WSAA-PROG PIC X(05) VALUE(annnn).
    01 WSAA-VERSION PIC X(02) VALUE(nn).

    在working storage开头必须定义两个字段:程序名称和版本号,每次修改版本号增加1;

    · All files which are used by the program, including subsystem specific logical files, must be
    defined under an 01 level of:
    01 FORMATS.
       03 aaaaREC PIC X(10) VALUE ('aaaaREC').
     03 bbbbbbbREC PIC X(10) VALUE ('bbbbbbbREC').


    · All tables used by the program must be defined under an 01 level of:
    01 TABLES.
       03 Tnnnn PIC X(05) VALUE ('Tnnnn').
    所有的表也定义在01级,表也要在01 FORMATS.定义,格式是:TnnnnREC


           01  FORMATS.
               03  BMSGREC                 PIC X(10) VALUE 'BMSGREC'.
               03  BPRDREC                 PIC X(10) VALUE 'BPRDREC'.
               03  BSPRREC                 PIC X(10) VALUE 'BSPRREC'.
               03  BSSCREC                 PIC X(10) VALUE 'BSSCREC'.
               03  BUPAREC                 PIC X(10) VALUE 'BUPAREC'.
               03  DESCREC                 PIC X(10) VALUE 'DESCREC'.
               03  AE52DATREC              PIC X(10) VALUE 'AE52DATREC'.
               03  GR04DATREC              PIC X(10) VALUE 'GR04DATREC'.
               03  AA01REC                 PIC X(10) VALUE 'AA01REC'.
               03  ITEMREC                 PIC X(10) VALUE 'ITEMREC'.
               03  TT832REC                PIC X(10) VALUE 'TT832REC'.

    · All errors used by the program must be defined under an 01 level of:
    01 ERRORS.
      03 annn PIC X(04) VALUE ('annn').


    · All PICs must start in column 40.


    · Always use indentation and line up the levels. Ideally, 4 characters of indentation should be
        03 WSAA-DATA-NAME-1
            05 WSAA-DATA-NAME-2


    Procedure Division

    · Each section must begin on a new page.


    · All sections must be prefixed by a number. These should be incremented sequentially to
    simplify locating them within the program.


    · Paragraphs within a section should all increment from the section header number in steps of
    at least 10.


    · Section headers should be underlined by a row of asterisks (*). Above each section there
    must be a brief description of the functions, enclosed in asterisks.
    · Asterisks (to indicate comment lines) must be used to separate logical blocks of statements
    and to improve readability.


    · Use 4 characters of indentation for IF, PERFORM statements etc.


    · Always complete IF, PERFORM statements with END-IF, END-PERFORM etc.
    · All statements must have their right hand portion aligned to column 48.

    所有的声明,必须在右侧对齐于48列,包括了TO,=, USING, OF......

    · The exit paragraph for each section will be called nnnn-EXIT, where n has the same first
    digit as the section header.


    · All CALLs to subroutines and subprograms must be explicit, not dynamic, i.e. a working
    storage variable should NOT be used to hold the name of the subroutine / program to be
    called. The only exception to this is for table driven subroutine calls.


    · STOP RUN must not be used.

    不能使用STOP RUN;

    · On-line mainline programs should never explicitly issue an EXIT PROGRAM, but should
    allow MAINF/MAING to do this.
    · For on-line screen programs, the procedure division will be using two linkage areas, both in
    copybooks. The first area is WSSPCOMN and the second depends on the area you are
    working in, as follows:

    • Window Program - WSSPWINDOW

    · The GO TO command should only be used with a very good reason. Its use should be
    restricted to jumping past a block of code that is not required, and even then it is preferable
    to PERFORM a section instead.

    谨慎使用GO TO;

    · When validating an item against a table, read the ITEM or the ITDM file first and then the
    DESC file if you want the description. The DESC file is read using a specific language
    code, and if the description is not present in the language of operation, it will appear that
    the item does not exist.



    · Use the literal from working storage instead of a character string for such things as MRNF,
    READR, T1690 in the procedure division, i.e.

    使用原词而不是引用字符定义MRNF, READR, T1690之类的东西;

    • MOVE T1690 TO... 正确
    • MOVE ‘T1690’ TO...错误
    • MOVE ‘READR’  TO AA01-FUNCTION... 错误

    · When setting up a key comprised of multiple fields, set the fields up in the order that they
    appear in the key, since this is easier to read and to check.

    · After all I/O calls, check for the abend conditions first.


    · If there is an abend condition, move the PARAMS to SYSR-PARAMS as well as the

    在退出条件内部,以下两项需要赋值,SYSR-STATUZ、SYSR-PARAMS :

               IF AE52DAT-STATUZ        NOT = O-K AND ENDP

    •               MOVE AE52DAT-STATUZ      TO SYSR-STATUZ
    •               MOVE AE52DAT-PARAMS      TO SYSR-PARAMS
    •               PERFORM 600-FATAL-ERROR


    · All subroutines should be called with a FUNCTION. The subroutine should check that the
    function passed is held in its working storage, and, if it is not, should return a status of
    FUNC to the calling program.
    · All subroutines should pass back a STATUZ to the calling program. This should always be
    '****' if the subroutine did not encounter an error condition. The calling program must
    always check for a STATUZ of O-K on return from the call. A returned STATUZ other
    than O-K is passed to SYSR-STATUZ and the abort processing is performed, or the
    returned STATUZ is placed in the XXXX-ERR field as an error code.

    Batch Program Sections Standards

    All batch programs must include a copybook called MAINB as the first statement of the
    procedure division. This copybook controls the overall logic flow of the program and will
    perform the following, if required:
    · Open, update and close a batch audit group during processing
    · Remove all softlocks except those with an error status or held status
    · Maintain a count of all records read, records not processed and records in error
    · Restarting logic.
    MAINB performs the following sections in the appropriate place:
    Please refer to the Restart Logic section below.

    • Read any tables etc. applicable to the whole process,
    • Open files, set up report headings,
    • OPEN SQL cursors, etc.
    • Test for valid restart method 1 (re-run), 2 (continue) or 3 (skip completed cycles).


    • Read primary file record
    • Call I/O module
    • COBOL READ etc.)
    • At end, set WSSP-EDTERROR to ENDP.


    • If applicable, perform any checking/validation to ensure the record read really requires
    • if not required, set WSSP-EDTERROR to spaces, (验证不需要的记录)
    • if error, move an error code to WSSP-EDTERROR,(错误发生)
    • else move OK to WSSP-EDTERROR.(验证正确的数据)
    • IF WSSP-EDTERROR = O-K Soft lock the entity, if applicable. (如果需要修改记录,则Soft lock)
    • If entity already locked, move spaces to WSSP-EDTERROR.(如果已上锁)

    Perform all the processing related to the primary record read, writing of details to a report etc.


    Please refer to the Restart Logic section below.

    Batch Program Development Checklist

    Listed below is a summary of the steps required when building and maintaining batchprograms. Before starting, ensure that you have the following:
    · The design of any reports required.
    · The new subsystem specification or updated current manual.
    To develop a new program or modify an existing one:
    1. Build any new data sets required and modify any existing ones if required (CB ... *PF).
    2. Generate any new or modified access methods required and their I/O modules (CB ... *LF).
    3. If required, generate a new, or modify the existing, parameter prompt program (CB ...
    4. Build or modify any printer files required (ED and CB ... *PRTF).
    5. Create or modify the Batch Cobol program (ED Bnnnn). The standard batch skeleton
    *CBL in PAXUS/XGENSKEL is for a report program.
    6. For a new program, add the coding required in the standard section (ED ...).
    7. Compile the program (CB ... *CBL).
    8. If a CL program is required, for new programs, copy the standard CL skeleton program in
    9. Compile the CL program (CB ... *CLP).
    10.Ensure that the batch schedule details, batch extract details (T1697), control total details
    (T1671) and reconciliation rules (T1672) are set up as required.
    11.Test the programs.
    While testing the program, you should ensure that:
    1. All standards have been adhered to, especially that all error numbers, tables, record formats,
    etc. are included in the appropriate places in working storage. (This information is required
    by the Data Dictionary).
    2. All control totals are accumulated correctly.
    3. The program will run successfully even if the primary input file is empty or no processing is
    4. All database maintenance is performed correctly, including updates to the schedule
    submissions file.
    5. The program successfully traps any database or system errors which could occur.
    6. The program will restart correctly if it is cancelled prior to successful completion.
    7. On completion of a new mainline program, the program is registered to the correct
    subsystem in the Data Dictionary.


    Restart Logic

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/starcrm/p/5867793.html
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