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  • SSRS 实现数字金额转换为中文大写汉字


     金额=49,701,120.00,将其转换为“肆仟玖佰柒拾万壹仟壹佰贰拾元整”;金额 289,546.52 ,转换为 “贰拾捌万玖仟伍佰肆拾陆元伍角贰分”。






    '******************货币金额大写转换库 Money2String.dll *********************
    '中文大写转换方法       String GetCnString(String MoneyString)
    '最大转化金额           999999999999999999999999.99  (24位整数位,2位小数位)
    '方法返回值             转换成功则返回非零长字串,否则返回零长字串
    '英文大写转换方法       String GetEnString(String MoneyString)
    '最大转化金额           999999999999999.99   (15位整数位,2位小数位)
    '方法返回值             转换成功则返回非零长字串,否则返回零长字串
    '程序设计 xlFancy       Copyright (C) 2003.03.18 - 2006.12.05
    '邮箱地址 xlfancy@21cn.com
    Option Explicit
    Public Function GetCnString(ByVal MoneyString As String) As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim k As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim n As Long
    Dim rmbCapital As String
    Dim intString As String
    Dim decString As String
    Dim tmpString() As String
    Dim cnNumber() As String
    Dim cnUnit() As String
    On Error GoTo cnstr_err:
    cnNumber = Split("零,壹,贰,叁,肆,伍,陆,柒,捌,玖", ",")
    cnUnit = Split("分,角,元,拾,佰,仟,万,拾,佰,仟,亿,拾,佰,仟,兆,拾,佰,仟,京,拾,佰,仟,垓,拾,佰,仟", ",")
    decString = ""
    intString = MoneyString
    tmpString = Split(MoneyString, ".")
    If UBound(tmpString) Then
       intString = tmpString(0)
       decString = tmpString(1)
    End If
    intString = intString & Left(decString & "00", 2)
    rmbCapital = ""
    k = Len(intString) - 1
    If k > 25 Then  'Len(cnUnit) - 1
       rmbCapital = MoneyString  '超出转换范围,返回原值
       If Val(intString) = 0 Then
          rmbCapital = "零元"
          For i = 0 To k
              j = Val(Mid(intString, i + 1, 1))
              rmbCapital = rmbCapital & cnNumber(j) & cnUnit(k - i)
          Next i
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零分", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零角", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零拾", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零佰", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零仟", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零零零", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零零", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零元", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零万", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零亿", "亿")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零兆", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零京", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "零垓", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "垓京兆亿万", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "垓京兆亿", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "京兆亿万", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "垓京兆", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "京兆亿", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "兆亿万", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "垓京", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "垓兆", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "垓亿", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "垓万", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "京兆", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "京亿", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "京万", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "兆亿", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "兆万", "")
          rmbCapital = Replace(rmbCapital, "亿万", "亿")
          If Mid(rmbCapital, Len(rmbCapital), 1) = "" Then
             rmbCapital = Left(rmbCapital, Len(rmbCapital) - 1)
          End If
          If Left(rmbCapital, 1) = "" Then
             rmbCapital = Mid(rmbCapital, 2, Len(rmbCapital) - 1)
          End If
          If Left(rmbCapital, 1) = "" Then
             rmbCapital = Mid(rmbCapital, 2, Len(rmbCapital) - 1)
          End If
       End If
    End If
    GetCnString = rmbCapital
    Exit Function
    rmbCapital = ""  '非数字类型错误,返回零长字串
    Resume cnstr_exit
    End Function
    Public Function GetEnString(ByVal MoneyString As String) As String
    Dim n As Long
    Dim k As Long
    Dim i1 As Long
    Dim i2 As Long
    Dim i3 As Long
    Dim curPoint As Long
    Dim strbuff1 As String
    Dim strBuff2 As String
    Dim strBuff3 As String
    Dim engCapital As String    '保存英文大写字串
    Dim intString As String     '保存整数部分字串
    Dim decString As String     '保存小数部分字串
    Dim tmpString() As String
    Dim enSmallNumber() As String
    Dim enLargeNumber() As String
    Dim enUnit() As String
    On Error GoTo enstr_err
    decString = ""
    intString = MoneyString
    tmpString = Split(MoneyString, ".")
    If UBound(tmpString) Then
       intString = tmpString(0)
       decString = tmpString(1)
    End If
    decString = Left(decString & "00", 2)
    engCapital = ""
    curPoint = Len(intString)
    If curPoint > 0 And curPoint < 16 Then
         k = 0
         Do While (curPoint > 0)
             strbuff1 = ""
             strBuff2 = ""
             strBuff3 = ""
             If curPoint >= 3 Then
                 n = Val(Mid(intString, curPoint - 2, 3))
                 If n <> 0 Then
                     i1 = Int(n / 100)              '取佰位数值
                     i2 = Int((n - i1 * 100) / 10'取拾位数值
                     i3 = n Mod 10                  '取个位数值
                     If i1 <> 0 Then
                         strbuff1 = enSmallNumber(i1) + " HUNDRED "
                     End If
                     If i2 <> 0 Then
                         If i2 = 1 Then
                             strBuff2 = enSmallNumber(i2 * 10 + i3) & " "
                             strBuff2 = enLargeNumber(i2 - 2) & " "
                             If i3 <> 0 Then
                                 strBuff3 = enSmallNumber(i3) & " "
                             End If
                         End If
                         If i3 <> 0 Then
                             strBuff3 = enSmallNumber(i3) & " "
                         End If
                     End If
                     engCapital = strbuff1 & strBuff2 & strBuff3 & enUnit(k) & " " & engCapital
                 End If
                 n = Val(Left(intString, curPoint))
                 If n <> 0 Then
                     i2 = Int(n / 10)   '取拾位数值
                     i3 = n Mod 10      '取个位数值
                     If i2 <> 0 Then
                         If i2 = 1 Then
                             strBuff2 = enSmallNumber(i2 * 10 + i3) & " "
                             strBuff2 = enLargeNumber(i2 - 2) & " "
                             If i3 <> 0 Then
                                 strBuff3 = enSmallNumber(i3) & " "
                             End If
                         End If
                         If i3 <> 0 Then
                             strBuff3 = enSmallNumber(i3) & " "
                         End If
                     End If
                     engCapital = strBuff2 & strBuff3 & enUnit(k) & " " & engCapital
                 End If
             End If
             k = k + 1
             curPoint = curPoint - 3
         engCapital = Trim(engCapital)
         strBuff2 = ""
         strBuff3 = ""
         n = Val(decString)
         If n <> 0 Then
              i2 = Int(n / 10)   '取拾位数值
              i3 = n Mod 10      '取个位数值
              If i2 <> 0 Then
                  If i2 = 1 Then
                      strBuff2 = enSmallNumber(i2 * 10 + i3) & " "
                      strBuff2 = enLargeNumber(i2 - 2) & " "
                      If i3 <> 0 Then
                          strBuff3 = enSmallNumber(i3) & " "
                      End If
                  End If
                  If i3 <> 0 Then
                      strBuff3 = enSmallNumber(i3) & " "
                  End If
              End If
              If Len(engCapital) > 0 Then
                  engCapital = engCapital & " AND CENTS " & strBuff2 & strBuff3  '有整数部分时
                  engCapital = "CENTS " & strBuff2 & strBuff3  '只有小数部分时
              End If
         End If
         engCapital = Trim(engCapital)
         engCapital = MoneyString  '超出转换范围,返回原值
    End If
    GetEnString = engCapital
    Exit Function
    engCapital = ""  '转换错误,返回零长字串
    Resume enstr_exit
    End Function
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/stayting/p/6912024.html
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