一、 学习过程
(1) main函数将char型数据和int型数据入栈是占2个字节,那么如果是float型或者long int型、double型、long double型等超过2字节的变量类型怎么办?
(2) Showchar函数将栈中取出的参数赋给al,为什么2是int型也只赋给一个字节的al?如果是更大的参数怎么办?
(3) 我们注意到这一个指令
再看showchar函数的内容,查资料发现int 35h的作用是读取中断向量,但是不知道它的具体功能,inc si和les ax,[06fb];int 39的作用是什么呢?
1 void printf(char *,...); 2 3 int pow(int, int); 4 5 6 7 main() 8 9 { 10 11 /*printf("I think this is interesting :%c and %c and %c",0x61,0x62,0x63);*/ 12 13 14 15 printf("No.%d,%d,%d,this is me %c ing yuan",45,123,8958,'Q'); 16 17 } 18 19 20 21 void printf(char *des, ...) 22 23 { 24 25 /*first sure the length of string des*/ 26 27 int len=0; 28 29 int i=0; 30 31 int showp=0; /*define the point of showing chars*/ 32 33 int parap=0; /*define of parameter position in stack*/ 34 35 int intValueLength=1; 36 37 int signalNum=0; 38 39 /*calculate length of stirng des */ 40 41 while(des[i]!='/0') 42 43 { 44 45 len++; 46 47 i++; 48 49 } 50 51 i=0; 52 53 54 55 while(des[i]!='/0') 56 57 { 58 59 if(des[i]=='%') 60 61 { 62 63 /*check type of value user want to show.*/ 64 65 if(des[i+1]=='d') 66 67 { 68 69 /*here show integer value*/ 70 71 int showIntValue=*(int *)(_BP+6+parap+parap); /*here, we show understand that define one char point value, we just push the point value into stack, but not the string value*/ 72 73 int reValue=showIntValue; 74 75 /* *(int far *)(0xb8000000+160*10+80+showp+showp)=showIntValue; 76 77 *(int far *)(0xb8000000+160*10+81+showp+showp)=2;*/ 78 79 i+=2; 80 81 parap++; 82 83 intValueLength=1; 84 85 /*here we calculate the length of integer value we want to show ,and then we can sure the next value show position*/ 86 87 while(reValue/10!=0) 88 89 { 90 91 intValueLength++; 92 93 reValue/=10; 94 95 } 96 97 /*first calculate the length of unmber and show every sigal positon number of Integer */ 98 99 signalNum = showIntValue/pow(10,--intValueLength); 100 101 *(char far *)(0xb8000000+160*10+80+showp+showp)=signalNum+48; /*show the highest signal number*/ 102 103 *(char far *)(0xb8000000+160*10+81+showp+showp)=2; 104 105 showp++; 106 107 while(intValueLength!=0) 108 109 { 110 111 showIntValue=showIntValue-signalNum*pow(10,intValueLength); 112 113 signalNum= showIntValue/pow(10,--intValueLength); 114 115 *(char far *)(0xb8000000+160*10+80+showp+showp)=signalNum+48; /*show the highest signal number*/ 116 117 *(char far *)(0xb8000000+160*10+81+showp+showp)=2; 118 119 showp++; 120 121 } 122 123 /*showp+=intValueLength;*/ 124 125 } 126 127 else if (des[i+1]=='c') 128 129 { 130 131 /*here show charactor value*/ 132 133 *(char far*)(0xb8000000+160*10+80+showp+showp)=*(int *)(_BP+6+parap+parap); /*value of _BP and distance address of CALL order*/ 134 135 *(char far*)(0xb8000000+160*10+81+showp+showp)=2; 136 137 parap++; 138 139 showp++; 140 141 i+=2; 142 143 } 144 145 else /*direct show char value in string des*/ 146 147 { 148 149 *(char far *)(0xb8000000+160*10+80+showp+showp)=*(int *)(*(int *)(_BP+4)+i); 150 151 i++; 152 153 showp++; 154 155 } 156 157 } 158 159 else /*also direct to show char in des*/ 160 161 { 162 163 *(char far *)(0xb8000000+160*10+80+showp+showp)=*(int *)(*(int *)(_BP+4)+i); 164 165 i++; 166 167 showp++; 168 169 } 170 171 } 172 173 } 174 175 176 177 int pow(int index,int power) 178 179 { 180 181 int finalValue=1; 182 183 if(power==0); 184 185 else 186 187 { 188 189 while(power!=0) 190 191 { 192 193 finalValue=finalValue*index; 194 195 power--; 196 197 } 198 199 } 200 201 return finalValue; 202 203 }
二、 解决的问题
(1) 使用es+偏移地址时,查看指令,段寄存器会独自占一条指令。
(2) Main函数是如何给showchar传递参数的?showchar是如何接受参数的?
(3) showchar函数是如何知道要显示多少个字符的?printf是如何知道有多少个参数的?
三、 未解决的问题
(1) main函数将char型数据和int型数据入栈是占2个字节,那么如果是float型或者long int型、double型、long double型等超过2字节的变量类型怎么办?
(2) Showchar函数将栈中取出的参数赋给al,为什么2是int型也只赋给一个字节的al?如果是更大的参数怎么办?