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  • [Swift]LeetCode620. 有趣的电影 | Not Boring Movies



    1 Create table If Not Exists cinema (id int, movie varchar(255), description varchar(255), rating float(2, 1))
    2 Truncate table cinema
    3 insert into cinema (id, movie, description, rating) values ('1', 'War', 'great 3D', '8.9')
    4 insert into cinema (id, movie, description, rating) values ('2', 'Science', 'fiction', '8.5')
    5 insert into cinema (id, movie, description, rating) values ('3', 'irish', 'boring', '6.2')
    6 insert into cinema (id, movie, description, rating) values ('4', 'Ice song', 'Fantacy', '8.6')
    7 insert into cinema (id, movie, description, rating) values ('5', 'House card', 'Interesting', '9.1')

    X city opened a new cinema, many people would like to go to this cinema. The cinema also gives out a poster indicating the movies’ ratings and descriptions.

    Please write a SQL query to output movies with an odd numbered ID and a description that is not 'boring'. Order the result by rating. 

    For example, table cinema:

    |   id    | movie     |  description |  rating   |
    |   1     | War       |   great 3D   |   8.9     |
    |   2     | Science   |   fiction    |   8.5     |
    |   3     | irish     |   boring     |   6.2     |
    |   4     | Ice song  |   Fantacy    |   8.6     |
    |   5     | House card|   Interesting|   9.1     |

    For the example above, the output should be:

    |   id    | movie     |  description |  rating   |
    |   5     | House card|   Interesting|   9.1     |
    |   1     | War       |   great 3D   |   8.9     |

    某城市开了一家新的电影院,吸引了很多人过来看电影。该电影院特别注意用户体验,专门有个 LED显示板做电影推荐,上面公布着影评和相关电影描述。

    作为该电影院的信息部主管,您需要编写一个 SQL查询,找出所有影片描述为非 boring (不无聊) 的并且 id 为奇数 的影片,结果请按等级 rating 排列。 

    例如,下表 cinema:

    |   id    | movie     |  description |  rating   |
    |   1     | War       |   great 3D   |   8.9     |
    |   2     | Science   |   fiction    |   8.5     |
    |   3     | irish     |   boring     |   6.2     |
    |   4     | Ice song  |   Fantacy    |   8.6     |
    |   5     | House card|   Interesting|   9.1     |


    |   id    | movie     |  description |  rating   |
    |   5     | House card|   Interesting|   9.1     |
    |   1     | War       |   great 3D   |   8.9     |

    1 # Write your MySQL query statement below
    2 select id, movie, description, rating 
    3 from cinema
    4 where mod(id,2) = 1 AND description <> "boring"
    5 order by rating desc


    1 # Write your MySQL query statement below
    2 select * from cinema where description != 'boring' and  id % 2 = 1 order by rating desc


    1 # Write your MySQL query statement below
    2 select a.* from cinema as a where mod(a.id,2)=1 and a.description != 'boring' order by rating desc;


    1 # Write your MySQL query statement below
    2 select *
    3 from cinema
    4 where not description = "boring" and mod(id, 2) = 1 
    5 order by rating desc


    1 # Write your MySQL query statement below
    2 select * from cinema
    3 where id%2 <> 0 
    4 and description not like "%boring%"
    5 order by rating desc
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10470234.html
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