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  • [Swift]LeetCode623. 在二叉树中增加一行 | Add One Row to Tree


    Given the root of a binary tree, then value v and depth d, you need to add a row of nodes with value v at the given depth d. The root node is at depth 1.

    The adding rule is: given a positive integer depth d, for each NOT null tree nodes N in depth d-1, create two tree nodes with value v as N's left subtree root and right subtree root. And N's original left subtree should be the left subtree of the new left subtree root, its original right subtree should be the right subtree of the new right subtree root. If depth d is 1 that means there is no depth d-1 at all, then create a tree node with value v as the new root of the whole original tree, and the original tree is the new root's left subtree.

    Example 1:

    A binary tree as following:
        2     6
       /    / 
      3   1 5   
    v = 1
    d = 2
         1   1
       2       6
      /      / 
     3   1   5    

    Example 2:

    A binary tree as following:
      3   1    
    v = 1
    d = 3
      1   1
    3       1 


    1. The given d is in range [1, maximum depth of the given tree + 1].
    2. The given binary tree has at least one tree node.

    给定一个二叉树,根节点为第1层,深度为 1。在其第 d 层追加一行值为 v 的节点。

    添加规则:给定一个深度值 d (正整数),针对深度为 d-1 层的每一非空节点 N,为 N 创建两个值为 v 的左子树和右子树。

    将 N 原先的左子树,连接为新节点 v 的左子树;将 N 原先的右子树,连接为新节点 v 的右子树。

    如果 d 的值为 1,深度 d - 1 不存在,则创建一个新的根节点 v,原先的整棵树将作为 v 的左子树。

    示例 1:

        2     6
       /    / 
      3   1 5   
    v = 1
    d = 2
         1   1
       2       6
      /      / 
     3   1   5   

    示例 2:

      3   1    
    v = 1
    d = 3
      1   1
    3       1


    1. 输入的深度值 d 的范围是:[1,二叉树最大深度 + 1]。
    2. 输入的二叉树至少有一个节点。

    Runtime: 36 ms
    Memory Usage: 20.6 MB
     1 /**
     2  * Definition for a binary tree node.
     3  * public class TreeNode {
     4  *     public var val: Int
     5  *     public var left: TreeNode?
     6  *     public var right: TreeNode?
     7  *     public init(_ val: Int) {
     8  *         self.val = val
     9  *         self.left = nil
    10  *         self.right = nil
    11  *     }
    12  * }
    13  */
    14 class Solution {
    15     func addOneRow(_ root: TreeNode?, _ v: Int, _ d: Int) -> TreeNode? {
    16         if d == 0 || d == 1
    17         {
    18             var newRoot:TreeNode? = TreeNode(v)
    19             if d == 0
    20             {
    21                 newRoot!.right = root
    22             }
    23             else
    24             {
    25                 newRoot!.left = root
    26             }
    27             return newRoot
    28         }
    29         if root != nil && d > 1
    30         {
    31             root!.left = addOneRow(root!.left, v, d > 2 ? d - 1 : 1)
    32             root!.right = addOneRow(root!.right, v, d > 2 ? d - 1 : 0)
    33         }
    34         return root
    35     }
    36 }


     1 /**
     2  * Definition for a binary tree node.
     3  * public class TreeNode {
     4  *     public var val: Int
     5  *     public var left: TreeNode?
     6  *     public var right: TreeNode?
     7  *     public init(_ val: Int) {
     8  *         self.val = val
     9  *         self.left = nil
    10  *         self.right = nil
    11  *     }
    12  * }
    13  */
    14 class Solution {
    15     func addOneRow(_ root: TreeNode?, _ v: Int, _ d: Int) -> TreeNode? {
    16         if d == 1 {
    17             let newRoot = TreeNode(v)
    18             newRoot.left = root
    19             return newRoot
    20         }
    21         helper(root, v, 1, d)
    22         return root
    23     }
    25     private func helper(_ root: TreeNode?, _ v: Int, _ d: Int, _ targetD: Int) {
    26         guard let root = root else { return }
    27         if d == targetD - 1 {
    28             let curLeft = root.left
    29             let curRight = root.right
    30             root.left = TreeNode(v)
    31             root.right = TreeNode(v)
    32             root.left?.left = curLeft
    33             root.right?.right = curRight
    34             return
    35         }
    36         helper(root.left, v, d + 1, targetD)
    37         helper(root.right, v, d + 1, targetD)
    38     }
    39 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func addOneRow(_ root: TreeNode?, _ v: Int, _ d: Int) -> TreeNode? {
     3         if root == nil {
     4             return nil
     5         }
     7         var root = root
     8         if d == 1 {
     9             let newNode = TreeNode(v)
    10             newNode.left = root
    11             root = newNode
    13             return root
    14         }
    16         var nodes = [(root, 1)]
    17         while let (node, level) = nodes.popLast(), level < d {
    18             if let left = node?.left {
    19                 nodes.insert((left, level + 1), at: 0)
    20             }
    21             if let right = node?.right {
    22                 nodes.insert((right, level + 1), at: 0)
    23             }
    25             if level == d - 1 {
    26                 let leftNode = TreeNode(v)
    27                 leftNode.left = node?.left
    28                 node?.left = leftNode
    30                 let rightNode = TreeNode(v)
    31                 rightNode.right = node?.right
    32                 node?.right = rightNode
    33             }
    35             if level > d {
    36                 break
    37             }
    38         }
    40         return root
    41     }
    42 }


     1 /**
     2  * Definition for a binary tree node.
     3  * public class TreeNode {
     4  *     public var val: Int
     5  *     public var left: TreeNode?
     6  *     public var right: TreeNode?
     7  *     public init(_ val: Int) {
     8  *         self.val = val
     9  *         self.left = nil
    10  *         self.right = nil
    11  *     }
    12  * }
    13  */
    15 class Solution {
    16     func addOneRow(_ root: TreeNode?, _ v: Int, _ d: Int) -> TreeNode? {
    17         if d == 1 {
    18             var node = TreeNode(v)
    19             node.left = root
    20             return node
    21         }
    23         var stack = [TreeNode?]()
    24         var tempArr = [TreeNode?]()
    25         var currLevel = 1
    26         stack.append(root)
    27         while currLevel != d - 1 {
    28             //print("currLevel: (currLevel) ==============")
    29             while !stack.isEmpty {
    30                 guard let node = stack.removeLast() else {
    31                     continue
    32                 }
    33                 //print("node: (node.val)")
    34                 if let lNode = node.left {
    35                     tempArr.append(lNode)
    36                 }
    37                 if let rNode = node.right {
    38                     tempArr.append(rNode)
    39                 }
    40             }
    41             stack.append(contentsOf: tempArr)
    42             tempArr.removeAll()
    43             currLevel += 1 
    44         }
    46         while !stack.isEmpty {
    47             guard let node = stack.removeLast() else {
    48                 continue
    49             }
    50             //print("===== node: (node.val)")
    51             if let lNode = node.left { 
    52                 var vNode = TreeNode(v)
    53                 vNode.left = lNode
    54                 node.left = vNode
    55             } else {
    56                 var vNode = TreeNode(v)
    57                 node.left = vNode
    58             }
    59             if let rNode = node.right { 
    60                 var vNode = TreeNode(v)
    61                 vNode.right = rNode
    62                 node.right = vNode
    63             } else {
    64                 var vNode = TreeNode(v)
    65                 node.right = vNode
    66             }
    67         }
    68         return root
    69     }
    70 }


     1 /**
     2  * Definition for a binary tree node.
     3  * public class TreeNode {
     4  *     public var val: Int
     5  *     public var left: TreeNode?
     6  *     public var right: TreeNode?
     7  *     public init(_ val: Int) {
     8  *         self.val = val
     9  *         self.left = nil
    10  *         self.right = nil
    11  *     }
    12  * }
    13  */
    14 class Solution {
    15     func addOneRow(_ root: TreeNode?, _ v: Int, _ d: Int) -> TreeNode? {
    16         if d == 1 {
    17             let node = TreeNode(v)
    18             node.left = root
    19             return node
    20         }
    23         if root == nil {
    24             return nil
    25         }
    27         let ans = root
    28         traverseAddOneRow(root!, v, d-1)
    29         return ans
    30     }
    32     func traverseAddOneRow(_ root: TreeNode?, _ v: Int, _ d: Int) {
    33         if root == nil {
    34             return
    35         }
    38         if d < 1 {
    39             return
    40         }
    42         if d == 1 {
    44             let lastl = root!.left
    45             let l = TreeNode(v)
    46             root!.left = l
    47             l.left = lastl
    49             let lastr = root!.right
    50             let r = TreeNode(v)
    51             root!.right = r
    52             r.right = lastr
    54             return
    55         }
    56         traverseAddOneRow(root!.left, v, d-1)
    57         traverseAddOneRow(root!.right, v, d-1)
    58     }
    60 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10472716.html
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