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  • [Swift]LeetCode749. 隔离病毒 | Contain Virus

    ➤原文地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10526737.html 

    A virus is spreading rapidly, and your task is to quarantine the infected area by installing walls.

    The world is modeled as a 2-D array of cells, where 0represents uninfected cells, and 1 represents cells contaminated with the virus. A wall (and only one wall) can be installed between any two 4-directionally adjacent cells, on the shared boundary.

    Every night, the virus spreads to all neighboring cells in all four directions unless blocked by a wall. Resources are limited. Each day, you can install walls around only one region -- the affected area (continuous block of infected cells) that threatens the most uninfected cells the following night. There will never be a tie.

    Can you save the day? If so, what is the number of walls required? If not, and the world becomes fully infected, return the number of walls used. 

    Example 1:

    Input: grid = 
    Output: 10
    There are 2 contaminated regions.
    On the first day, add 5 walls to quarantine the viral region on the left. The board after the virus spreads is:
    On the second day, add 5 walls to quarantine the viral region on the right. The virus is fully contained. 

    Example 2:

    Input: grid = 
    Output: 4
    Explanation: Even though there is only one cell saved, there are 4 walls built.
    Notice that walls are only built on the shared boundary of two different cells. 

    Example 3:

    Input: grid = 
    Output: 13
    Explanation: The region on the left only builds two new walls. 


    1. The number of rows and columns of gridwill each be in the range [1, 50].
    2. Each grid[i][j] will be either 0 or 1.
    3. Throughout the described process, there is always a contiguous viral region that will infect strictly more uncontaminated squares in the next round.


    假设世界由二维矩阵组成,0 表示该区域未感染病毒,而 1 表示该区域已感染病毒。可以在任意 2 个四方向相邻单元之间的共享边界上安装一个防火墙(并且只有一个防火墙)。


    你需要努力使得最后有部分区域不被病毒感染,如果可以成功,那么返回需要使用的防火墙个数; 如果无法实现,则返回在世界被病毒全部感染时已安装的防火墙个数。 

    示例 1:

    输入: grid = 
    输出: 10
    一共有两块被病毒感染的区域: 从左往右第一块需要 5 个防火墙,同时若该区域不隔离,晚上将感染 5 个未感染区域(即被威胁的未感染区域个数为 5);
    第二块需要 4 个防火墙,同理被威胁的未感染区域个数是 4。因此,第一天先隔离左边的感染区域,经过一晚后,病毒传播后世界如下:
    第二题,只剩下一块未隔离的被感染的连续区域,此时需要安装 5 个防火墙,且安装完毕后病毒隔离任务完成。

    示例 2:

    输入: grid = 
    输出: 4
    此时只需要安装 4 面防火墙,就有一小区域可以幸存,不被病毒感染。

    示例 3:

    输入: grid = 
    输出: 13
    在隔离右边感染区域后,隔离左边病毒区域只需要 2 个防火墙了。 


    1. grid 的行数和列数范围是 [1, 50]。
    2.  grid[i][j] 只包含 0 或 1 。
    3. 题目保证每次选取感染区域进行隔离时,一定存在唯一一个对未感染区域的威胁最大的区域。

    Runtime: 92 ms
    Memory Usage: 19.5 MB
     1 class Solution {
     2     func containVirus(_ grid: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     3         var grid = grid
     4         var res:Int = 0
     5         var m:Int = grid.count
     6         var n:Int = grid[0].count
     7         var dirs:[[Int]] = [[-1,0],[0,1],[1,0],[0,-1]]
     8         while (true )
     9         {
    10             var visited:Set<Int> = Set<Int>()
    11             var all:[[[Int]]] = [[[Int]]]()
    12             for i in 0..<m
    13             {
    14                 for j in 0..<n
    15                 {
    16                     if grid[i][j] == 1 && !visited.contains(i * n + j)
    17                     {
    18                         var q:[Int] = [i * n + j]
    19                         var virus:[Int] = [i * n + j]
    20                         var walls:[Int] = [Int]()
    21                         visited.insert(i * n + j)
    22                         while(!q.isEmpty)
    23                         {
    24                             var t:Int = q.removeFirst()                            
    25                             for dir in dirs
    26                             {
    27                                 var x:Int = (t / n) + dir[0]
    28                                 var y:Int = (t % n) + dir[1]
    29                                 if x < 0 || x >= m || y < 0 || y >= n || visited.contains(x * n + y)
    30                                 {
    31                                     continue
    32                                 }
    33                                 if grid[x][y] == -1
    34                                 {
    35                                     continue
    36                                 }
    37                                 else if grid[x][y] == 0
    38                                 {
    39                                     walls.append(x * n + y)
    40                                 }
    41                                 else if grid[x][y] == 1
    42                                 {
    43                                     visited.insert(x * n + y)
    44                                     virus.append(x * n + y)
    45                                     q.append(x * n + y)
    46                                 }
    47                             }                            
    48                         }   
    49                         var s:Set<Int> = Set(walls)
    50                         var cells:[Int] = [s.count]
    51                         all.append([cells ,walls, virus])
    52                     }
    53                 }
    54             }
    55             if all.isEmpty {break}
    56             all.sort(by:{(a:[[Int]],b:[[Int]]) -> Bool in 
    57                         return a[0][0] > b[0][0]})
    58             for i in 0..<all.count
    59             {
    60                 if i == 0
    61                 {
    62                     var virus:[Int] = all[0][2]
    63                     for idx in virus
    64                     {
    65                         grid[idx / n][idx % n] = -1
    66                     }
    67                     res += all[0][1].count
    68                 }
    69                 else
    70                 {
    71                     var wall:[Int] = all[i][1]
    72                     for idx in wall
    73                     {
    74                         grid[idx / n][idx % n] = 1
    75                     }
    76                 }
    77             }     
    78         }
    79         return res
    80     }
    81 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10526737.html
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