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  • [Swift]LeetCode838. 推多米诺 | Push Dominoes

    ➤原文地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10577534.html 

    There are N dominoes in a line, and we place each domino vertically upright.

    In the beginning, we simultaneously push some of the dominoes either to the left or to the right.

    After each second, each domino that is falling to the left pushes the adjacent domino on the left.

    Similarly, the dominoes falling to the right push their adjacent dominoes standing on the right.

    When a vertical domino has dominoes falling on it from both sides, it stays still due to the balance of the forces.

    For the purposes of this question, we will consider that a falling domino expends no additional force to a falling or already fallen domino.

    Given a string "S" representing the initial state. S[i] = 'L', if the i-th domino has been pushed to the left; S[i] = 'R', if the i-th domino has been pushed to the right; S[i] = '.', if the i-th domino has not been pushed.

    Return a string representing the final state. 

    Example 1:

    Input: ".L.R...LR..L.."
    Output: "LL.RR.LLRRLL.."

    Example 2:

    Input: "RR.L"
    Output: "RR.L"
    Explanation: The first domino expends no additional force on the second domino.


    1. 0 <= N <= 10^5
    2. String dominoes contains only 'L', 'R' and '.'

    一行中有 N 张多米诺骨牌,我们将每张多米诺骨牌垂直竖立。




    如果同时有多米诺骨牌落在一张垂直竖立的多米诺骨牌的两边,由于受力平衡, 该骨牌仍然保持不变。


    给定表示初始状态的字符串 "S" 。如果第 i 张多米诺骨牌被推向左边,则 S[i] = 'L';如果第 i 张多米诺骨牌被推向右边,则 S[i] = 'R';如果第 i 张多米诺骨牌没有被推动,则 S[i] = '.'


    示例 1:


    示例 2:



    1. 0 <= N <= 10^5
    2. 表示多米诺骨牌状态的字符串只含有 'L''R'; 以及 '.';

    Runtime: 284 ms
    Memory Usage: 20.8 MB
     1 class Solution {
     2     func pushDominoes(_ dominoes: String) -> String {
     3         var n:Int = dominoes.count
     4         var arrChar = Array(dominoes)
     5         var cnt:[Int] = [Int](repeating:0,count:n)
     6         for i in 1..<n
     7         {
     8             if arrChar[i - 1] == "R" && arrChar[i] == "."
     9             {
    10                 arrChar[i] = "R"
    11                 cnt[i] = cnt[i - 1] + 1
    12             }
    13         }
    14         var cur:Int = 0
    15         for i in stride(from:n - 2,through:0,by:-1)
    16         {
    17             if arrChar[i + 1] != "L" {continue}
    18             cur = cnt[i + 1] + 1
    19             if arrChar[i] == "." || cnt[i] > cur
    20             {
    21                 arrChar[i] = "L"
    22                 cnt[i] = cur
    23             }
    24             else if arrChar[i] == "R" && cnt[i] == cur
    25             {
    26                  arrChar[i] = "."
    27             }            
    28         }
    29         return String(arrChar)
    30     }
    31 }


      1 class Solution {
      2     func pushDominoes(_ dominoes: String) -> String {
      3     guard dominoes.count > 1 else{
      4         return dominoes
      5     }
      6     var dominoes = Array(dominoes)
      7     var startIndex = 0
      8     var movingIndex = 0
     10     while movingIndex < dominoes.count{
     11         if dominoes[startIndex] == "."{
     12             if dominoes[movingIndex] == "."{
     13                 movingIndex += 1
     14             }else if dominoes[movingIndex] == "L"{
     15                 pushLeft(dominoes: &dominoes, startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: movingIndex)
     16                 movingIndex += 1
     17                 startIndex = movingIndex
     18             }else{
     19                 // if dominoes[movingIndex] = right
     20                 startIndex = movingIndex
     21             }
     22         }else if dominoes[startIndex] == "L"{
     23             if dominoes[movingIndex] == "L"{
     24                 if startIndex != movingIndex{
     25                     pushLeft(dominoes: &dominoes, startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: movingIndex)
     26                     startIndex = movingIndex
     27                 }
     28                 movingIndex += 1
     29             }else if dominoes[movingIndex] == "."{
     30                 movingIndex += 1
     31             }else{
     32                 // now we R
     33                 startIndex = movingIndex
     34             }
     35         }else{
     36             // if dominoes[startIndex] = R
     37             // then what do we do
     38             if dominoes[movingIndex] == "R"{
     39                 if startIndex != movingIndex{
     40                     pushRight(dominoes: &dominoes, startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: movingIndex)
     41                     startIndex = movingIndex
     42                 }
     43                 movingIndex += 1
     44             }else if dominoes[movingIndex] == "."{
     45                 movingIndex += 1
     46             }else{
     47                 // we meet L
     48                 pushRightLeft(dominoes: &dominoes, startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: movingIndex)
     49                 movingIndex += 1
     50                 startIndex = movingIndex
     51             }
     52         }
     53     }
     55     if startIndex < movingIndex && dominoes[startIndex] == "R"{
     56         while startIndex < movingIndex{
     57             dominoes[startIndex] = "R"
     58             startIndex += 1
     59         }
     60     }
     63     return String(dominoes)
     64 }
     65 func pushLeft(dominoes : inout [Character], startIndex : Int, endIndex : Int){
     66     guard startIndex >= 0 && endIndex < dominoes.count && startIndex < endIndex else{
     67         fatalError("Index Not Correct")
     68     }
     69     var startIndex = startIndex
     70     while startIndex < endIndex{
     71         dominoes[startIndex] = "L"
     72         startIndex += 1
     73     }
     74 }
     76 func pushRight(dominoes : inout [Character], startIndex : Int, endIndex : Int){
     77     guard startIndex >= 0 && endIndex < dominoes.count && startIndex < endIndex else{
     78         fatalError("Index Not Correct")
     79     }
     80     var startIndex = startIndex
     81     while startIndex < endIndex{
     82         dominoes[startIndex] = "R"
     83         startIndex += 1
     84     }
     85 }
     87 func pushRightLeft(dominoes : inout [Character], startIndex : Int, endIndex : Int){
     88     guard startIndex >= 0 && endIndex < dominoes.count && startIndex < endIndex else{
     89         fatalError("Index Not Correct")
     90     }
     92     var startIndex = startIndex
     93     var endIndex = endIndex
     94     while startIndex < endIndex{
     95         dominoes[startIndex] = "R"
     96         dominoes[endIndex] = "L"
     97         startIndex += 1
     98         endIndex -= 1
     99     }
    100   }
    101 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10577534.html
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