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  • json+flexgrid+jbox组合运用页面刷新<jsp>


    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" 2 pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> 3 <%@ include file="/inc/taglibs.jsp"%> 4 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> 5 <html> 6 <head> 7 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> 8 <title>用户管理</title> 9 <link href="${ctx}/css/common.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link> 10 <link href="${ctx}/css/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link> 11 <link href="${ctx}/css/forms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link> 12 <link rel="stylesheet" href="${ctx}/css/flexigrid.css" type="text/css"></link> 13 <script src="${ctx}/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js" type="text/javascript" /></script> 14 <script src="${ctx}/js/flexigrid.js" type="text/javascript" /></script> 15 <script src="${ctx}/js/jBox/jquery.jBox-2.3.min.js" 16 type="text/javascript" /></script> 17 <link href="${ctx}/js/jBox/Skins/Blue/jbox.css" rel="stylesheet" 18 type="text/css"> 19 20 </head> 21 <body> 22 <!--选项卡 begin --> 23 <div class="option"> 24 <ul class="clearfix"> 25 <li id="one1" class="hover"><span><img 26 src="${ctx}/icon/icon01.gif" />用户列表</span></li> 27 </ul> 28 </div> 29 <!--角色列表 begin --> 30 <div id="con_one_1" style="padding: 10px;"> 31 <form id="sform"> 32 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" 33 class="tab2"> 34 <tbody> 35 <tr> 36 <th width="7%">营销活动:</th> 37 <td width="11%"><select name="mySel" size="1" 38 class="selectText"><option value="1" selected>营销活动a</option> 39 <option value="2">营销活动b</option></select></td> 40 <th width="9%">产品名称:</th> 41 <td width="11%"><select name="mySel" size="1" 42 class="selectText"><option value="1" selected>优惠规则a</option> 43 <option value="2">优惠规则b</option></select> 44 </th> 45 <th width="11%">体验产品数:</th> 46 <td width="11%"><select name="mySel" size="1" 47 class="selectText"><option value="1" selected>绑定产品a</option> 48 <option value="2">绑定产品b</option></select> 49 </th> 50 <th width="6%">卡类型:</th> 51 <td width="8%"><select name="mySel" size="1" 52 class="selectText"><option value="1" selected>新增</option> 53 <option value="2">激活</option></select></td> 54 <th width="11%" rowspan="2" style="text-align: left"><input 55 type="submit" value="生成" class="searchStyle" onClick="open2();" /></th> 56 </tr> 57 <tr> 58 <th width="7%">起始时间:</th> 59 <td width="11%"><input id="d421" class="Wdate" type="text" 60 onfocus="WdatePicker({skin:'whyGreen',maxDate:'%y-%M-%d'});" 61 value="2010-3-30" /></td> 62 <th width="9%">终止时间:</th> 63 <td width="11%"><input id="d421" class="Wdate" type="text" 64 onfocus="WdatePicker({skin:'whyGreen',maxDate:'%y-%M-%d'});" 65 value="2010-6-30" /> 66 </th> 67 <th width="9%">卡数量:</th> 68 <td colspan="3"><input name="UserName" size="11" 69 class="inputText" onfocus="this.className='inputClick'" /></td> 70 </tr> 71 </tbody> 72 </table> 73 </form> 74 <table style="display: none" cellpadding="0" id="flexgrid"> 75 </table> 76 </div> 77 </body> 78 </html>

      1 <script>
      2     $(function() {
      3         $("#flexgrid")
      4                 .flexigrid(
      5                         {
      6                             url : "${ctx}/business/findUsers.jsp",
      7                             dataType : "json",
      8                             colModel : [
      9                                     {
     10                                         display : "帐号",
     11                                         name : "username",
     12                                         width : 90,
     13                                         sortable : true,//是否可排序的
     14                                         align : "center"
     15                                     },
     16                                     {
     17                                         display : "姓名",
     18                                         name : "realname",
     19                                         width : 90,
     20                                         sortable : true,
     21                                         align : "center"
     22                                     },
     23                                     {
     24                                         display : "积分",
     25                                         name : "score",
     26                                         minwidth : 90,
     27                                         sortable : true,
     28                                         align : "center"
     29                                     },
     30                                     {
     31                                         display : "年龄",
     32                                         name : "age",
     33                                         width : 90,
     34                                         sortable : true,
     35                                         align : "center"
     36                                     },
     37                                     {
     38                                         display : "出生年月",
     39                                         name : "birthday",
     40                                         minwidth : 120,
     41                                         sortable : true,
     42                                         align : "center"
     43                                     },
     44                                     {
     45                                         display : "操作",
     46                                         name : "username",
     47                                         minwidth : 120,
     48                                         sortable : true,
     49                                         align : "center",
     50                                         process : function(val, id) {
     51                                             var un = $(val).html();
     52                                             return val.innerHTML = "<a href='#' onclick='t_open1(""
     53                                                     + un
     54                                                     + "")'>修改</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='#' onclick='layout(""
     55                                                     + un + "")'>删除</a>";
     56                                         }
     57                                     } ],
     58                             sortname : "username",
     59                             sortorder : "desc",
     60                             striped : true, //是否显示斑纹效果
     61                             usepager : true,
     62                             idProperty : 'id',//绑定主键ID,列格式化时用到。
     63                             nowrap : true, //是否不换行 若换行则后台接收数据后面多一个
     64                             nomsg : '无相关记录', //无结果的提示信息 在右下角显示
     65                             autoload : true, //自动加载,即第一次发起ajax请求 
     66                             //title : "用户l",
     67                             pagestat : "显示记录从{from}到{to},总数 {total} 条",
     68                             useRp : true,
     69                             rp : 10,//每页默认显示的数据条数
     70                             rpOptions : [ 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 100 ],
     71                             resizable : false, //table是否可伸缩  
     72                             procmsg : "加载中, 请稍等 ...",
     73                             showTableToggleBtn : true,
     74                             buttons : [ {
     75                                 name : "Add",
     76                                 bclass : "add",
     77                                 onpress : t_open
     78                             } ]
     79                         });
     81         function addFormData() {
     82             var dt = $('#sform').serializeArray();
     83             $("#flexgrid").flexOptions({
     84                 params : dt
     85             });////重置表格的某些参数 
     86             return true;
     87         }
     89         $('#sform').submit(function() {
     90             var dt = $('#sform').serializeArray();
     91             $('#flexgrid').flexOptions({
     92                 params : dt,
     93                 newp : 1
     94             }).flexReload();
     95             return false;
     96         });
     97     });140 </script>


     1 <script>
     2 function t_open() {
     3         //content属性(共有五个值):html:、id:、get:、post:、iframe:,
     4         jBox.open("iframe:${ctx}/view/user/adduser.jsp", "添加用户", 500, 400, {
     5             buttons : {},
     6             closed : function() {
     7                 $("#flexgrid").flexReload();
     8             }
     9         });
    10     }
    11     function t_open1(username) {
    12         //content属性(共有五个值):html:、id:、get:、post:、iframe:,
    13         jBox.open("iframe:${ctx}/view/user/editor.jsp?username=" + username,
    14                 "修改用户", 500, 400, {
    15                     buttons : {},
    16                     closed : function() {
    17                         $("#flexgrid").flexReload();
    18                     }
    19                 });
    20     }
    21     function layout(username) {
    22         var url = "${ctx}/business/doDelete.jsp?username="+username;
    23         var submit = function(v, h, f) {
    24             if (v == true) {
    25                 $.post(url,function(data){
    26                     window.parent.jBox.close();
    27                 });
    28             }
    29         };
    31         jBox.confirm("你确定要删除" + username + "用户么?", "提示", submit, {
    32             id : 'hahaha',
    33             showScrolling : false,
    34             buttons : {
    35                 '确定' : true,
    36                 '取消' : false
    37             },
    38         //刷新函数,实现页面数据刷新
    39         closed : function() {
    40             $("#flexgrid").flexReload();
    41         }
    42         });
    43     }
    44 </script>


     1 <%@ page  language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> 
     2 <%@ page import="java.io.PrintWriter,com.ifly.ms.utils.PageBean,com.ifly.ms.beans.UserBean"%>
     3 <jsp:useBean id="ub" class="com.ifly.ms.beans.UserBean"></jsp:useBean>
     5 <%
     6 //获取插件中page变量的值
     7 int count=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("page"));
     8 //获取插件中rp变量的值
     9 int count1=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("rp"));
    10 PageBean<UserBean> pagebean=new PageBean<UserBean>();
    11 pagebean.setPage(count);
    12 pagebean.setRp(count1);
    13 //pagebean获取List对象
    14 pagebean=ub.queryRows(pagebean);
    15 //设置输出格式
    16 response.setContentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8");
    17 response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
    18 PrintWriter writer=response.getWriter();
    19 //调用toString将对象转化为json
    20 String json=pagebean.toString();
    21 //将json写到插件里面
    22 writer.write(json);
    23 //System.out.println(json);
    24 writer.flush();
    25 %>


     public String toString(){
             return JSONObject.fromBean(this).toString();
     1 package com.ifly.ms.utils;
     3 import java.util.List;
     5 import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
     7 /**
     8  * @desc: mySchedule_1107
     9  * @author: Administrator
    10  * @createTime: 2013年11月7日 下午8:20:11
    11  * @history:
    12  * @version: v1.0
    13  * @param <T>
    14  */
    15 public class PageBean<T> {
    16     /**
    17      * 总页数
    18      */
    19     private int rp;
    20     /**
    21      * @return the rp
    22      */
    23     public int getRp() {
    24         return rp;
    25     }
    26     /**
    27      * @param rp the rp to set
    28      */
    29     public void setRp(int rp) {
    30         this.rp = rp;
    31     }
    32     /**
    33      * 总页数
    34      */
    35     private int total;
    36     /**
    37      * 默认当前页
    38      */
    39     private int page;
    40     /**
    41      * 数据集合
    42      */
    43     private List<T> rows;
    44     /**
    45      * @return the total
    46      */
    48     public int getTotal() {
    49         return total;
    50     }
    51     /**
    52      * @param total the total to set
    53      */
    54     public void setTotal(int total) {
    55         this.total = total;
    56     }
    57     /**
    58      * @return the page
    59      */
    60     public int getPage() {
    61         return page;
    62     }
    63     /**
    64      * @param page the page to set
    65      */
    66     public void setPage(int page) {
    67         this.page = page;
    68     }
    70     /**
    71      * @return the rows
    72      */
    73     public List<T> getRows() {
    74         return rows;
    75     }
    76     /**
    77      * @param rows the rows to set
    78      */
    79     public void setRows(List<T> rows) {
    80         this.rows = rows;
    81     }
    82     public String toString(){
    83         return JSONObject.fromBean(this).toString();
    84     }
    85 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/stringboy/p/3414942.html
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