**//// <summary>
/// IDataPaginationManager 用于实现数据查询的分页操作。
/// 当表中的数据记录很多时,用Apdater一次读出所有的数据即耗费时间又浪费内存,这时就要用到分页了。
/// DataPaginationManager每次从数据库中读取指定的一页,并且把历史页缓存在Stack中,这样,如果再次访问历史页,
/// 就不用再访问数据库了,直接从Stack中取出即可。
/// 作者:朱伟 sky.zhuwei@163.com
/// </summary>
public interface IDataPaginationManager
//complexIDName 如"ID"或"sta.ID"(用于复合查询)
//selectStr 中不允许包括Group By 和 Order By 等字段
//void Initialize(IDBAccesser accesser ,string selectStr ,string complexID_Name) ;
int ItemCount{get ;}
int PageCount {get ;}
int CurrentPageIndex{get ;}
DataTable StartPage() ;
DataTable NextPage() ;
DataTable PrePage() ;
DataTable CurrentPage {get ;}
DataTable GetPage(int index) ; //只能随机访问曾经读取过的页
event PageChanged CurrentPageIndexChanged ;
/**//// <summary>
/// DataPagination 是IDataPagination的默认实现。遵守SkyDataAccess协议--有一个表示唯一索引的字段"ID"
/// </summary>
public class DataPaginationManager : IDataPaginationManager
private PaginationParas curParas = null ;
private IADOBase adoBase = null ;
private int pageCount = 0 ;
private int itemCount = 0 ;
private DataTable currentPage = null ;
private int curPageIndex = 0 ;
private Stack statusStackForward = new Stack() ;
private Stack statusStackBackWard = new Stack() ;
private bool preForward = true ;//上一次是正向?
public event PageChanged CurrentPageIndexChanged ;
IDataPagination 成员#region IDataPagination 成员
public DataPaginationManager(IDBAccesser accesser ,string selectStr ,string complexID_Name ,int page_size)
this.curParas = new PaginationParas() ;
this.curParas.ComplexIDName = complexID_Name ;
this.curParas.PageSize = page_size ;
this.curParas.SelectString = this.CheckSelectString(selectStr) ;
this.curParas.ConnectString = accesser.ConnectString ;
this.curParas.DbType = accesser.DataBaseType ;
this.curParas.DBTableName = accesser.DbTableName ;
this.InitializeAdoBase(accesser.DataBaseType ,accesser.ConnectString) ;
this.pageCount = this.GetPageCount() ;
public DataPaginationManager(PaginationParas paras)
this.curParas = paras ;
this.InitializeAdoBase(this.curParas.DbType ,this.curParas.ConnectString) ;
this.pageCount = this.GetPageCount() ;
private#region private
private void InitializeAdoBase(DataBaseType dbType ,string connStr)
case DataBaseType.SqlServer :
this.adoBase = new SqlADOBase(connStr) ;
break ;
case DataBaseType.Ole :
this.adoBase = new OleADOBase(connStr) ;
break ;
throw new Exception("The target DataBaseType is not implemented !") ;
private string CheckSelectString(string selectStr)
if((selectStr == null) || (selectStr == ""))
throw new Exception("SelectStr is invalid !") ;
string str = selectStr.ToLower() ;
if((str.IndexOf("order by") != -1) || (str.IndexOf("group by") != -1))
throw new Exception("SelectStr Can't contain 'order by' or 'group by' !") ;
selectStr = selectStr.ToLower() ;
string ss = string.Format("select top {0} " ,this.curParas.PageSize) ;
return selectStr.Replace("select" ,ss );
private string ConstructSelectString(bool first ,bool forward ,PageStatus curSta)
return this.curParas.SelectString ;
string comp = " >= " ;
string curIDValue = curSta.preIDValueHead ;
comp = " > " ;
curIDValue = curSta.curIDValueEnd ;
if(-1 == this.curParas.SelectString.IndexOf("where"))
return this.curParas.SelectString + string.Format(" where {0} {1} '{2}'" ,this.curParas.ComplexIDName ,comp ,curIDValue) ;
return this.curParas.SelectString + string.Format(" and {0} {1} '{2}'" ,this.curParas.ComplexIDName ,comp ,curIDValue) ;
private int GetPageCount()
string str = null ;
int index = this.curParas.SelectString.IndexOf("where") ;
if(-1 == index)
str = string.Format("Select Count(*) from {0}" ,this.curParas.DBTableName) ;
string whereStr = this.curParas.SelectString.Substring(index) ;
str = string.Format("Select Count(*) from {0} {1}" ,this.curParas.DBTableName ,whereStr) ;
DataSet ds = this.adoBase.DoQuery(str) ;
if(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
int num = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()) ;
this.itemCount = num ;
int pageCount = num/this.curParas.PageSize ;
if(num%this.curParas.PageSize > 0)
pageCount += 1 ;
return pageCount ;
this.itemCount = 0 ;
return 0 ;
PageCount ,CurrentPageIndex ,CurrentPage#region PageCount ,CurrentPageIndex ,CurrentPage
public int PageCount
return this.pageCount ;
public int ItemCount
return this.itemCount ;
public int CurrentPageIndex
return this.curPageIndex ;
public DataTable CurrentPage
return this.currentPage ;
StartPage#region StartPage
public DataTable StartPage()
if(this.pageCount == 0)
return null ;
this.statusStackBackWard.Clear() ;
this.statusStackForward.Clear() ;
string select = this.ConstructSelectString(true ,true ,null) ;
DataSet ds = this.adoBase.DoQuery(select) ;
PageStatus sta = new PageStatus() ;
sta.curIDValueEnd = ds.Tables[0].Rows[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count-1]["ID"].ToString() ;
sta.preIDValueHead = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() ;
sta.curTable = ds.Tables[0] ;
this.statusStackForward.Push(sta) ;
this.curPageIndex = 0 ;
this.currentPage = sta.curTable ;
this.ActivePageIndexChanged(this.curPageIndex) ;
return this.currentPage ;
NextPage#region NextPage
public DataTable NextPage()
if(this.curPageIndex >= this.pageCount-1)
return null ;
if(this.statusStackBackWard.Count >0)
PageStatus staRes = (PageStatus)this.statusStackBackWard.Pop() ;
this.statusStackForward.Push(staRes) ;
if(! this.preForward)
if(this.statusStackBackWard.Count > 0)
staRes = (PageStatus)this.statusStackBackWard.Pop() ;
this.statusStackForward.Push(staRes) ;
return this.ReturnCurrentPage(staRes.curTable ,true) ;
PageStatus curSta = (PageStatus)this.statusStackForward.Peek() ;
string select = this.ConstructSelectString(false ,true ,curSta) ;
DataSet ds = this.adoBase.DoQuery(select) ;
PageStatus sta = new PageStatus() ;
sta.curIDValueEnd = ds.Tables[0].Rows[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count-1]["ID"].ToString() ;
sta.preIDValueHead = curSta.curTable.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() ;
sta.curTable = ds.Tables[0] ;
this.statusStackForward.Push(sta) ;
return this.ReturnCurrentPage(sta.curTable ,true) ;
PrePage#region PrePage
public DataTable PrePage()
if(this.curPageIndex < 1)
return null ;
PageStatus oldSta = (PageStatus)this.statusStackForward.Pop() ;
this.statusStackBackWard.Push(oldSta) ;
if(this.statusStackForward.Count > 0)
oldSta = (PageStatus)this.statusStackForward.Pop() ;
this.statusStackBackWard.Push(oldSta) ;
return this.ReturnCurrentPage(oldSta.curTable ,false) ;
ReturnCurrentPage#region ReturnCurrentPage
private DataTable ReturnCurrentPage(DataTable curPage ,bool foward)
if(curPage == null)
return null ;
++ this.curPageIndex ;
-- this.curPageIndex ;
this.preForward = foward ;
this.currentPage = curPage ;
this.ActivePageIndexChanged(this.curPageIndex) ;
return this.currentPage ;
GetPage#region GetPage
public DataTable GetPage(int index)
if(index > (this.statusStackBackWard.Count + this.statusStackForward.Count -1) || index < 0)
return null ;
int distance = index - this.curPageIndex ;
if(distance == 0)
return this.currentPage ;
else if(distance > 0)
for(int i=0 ;i<distance ;i++)
this.NextPage() ;
return this.currentPage ;
for(int i=distance ;i<0 ;i++)
this.PrePage() ;
return this.currentPage ;
ActivePageIndexChanged#region ActivePageIndexChanged
private void ActivePageIndexChanged(int index)
if(this.CurrentPageIndexChanged != null)
this.CurrentPageIndexChanged(index) ;
public class PageStatus
public string curIDValueEnd = "" ; //本页最后一条记录ID
public string preIDValueHead = "" ; //上页第一条记录ID
public DataTable curTable = null ;
public class PaginationParas
public string ConnectString = null ;
public string SelectString = null ;
public string ComplexIDName = null ;
public string DBTableName = null ;
public int PageSize = 0 ;
public DataBaseType DbType = DataBaseType.SqlServer ;
public delegate void PageChanged(int pageIndex) ;
/// IDataPaginationManager 用于实现数据查询的分页操作。
/// 当表中的数据记录很多时,用Apdater一次读出所有的数据即耗费时间又浪费内存,这时就要用到分页了。
/// DataPaginationManager每次从数据库中读取指定的一页,并且把历史页缓存在Stack中,这样,如果再次访问历史页,
/// 就不用再访问数据库了,直接从Stack中取出即可。
/// 作者:朱伟 sky.zhuwei@163.com
/// </summary>
public interface IDataPaginationManager
//complexIDName 如"ID"或"sta.ID"(用于复合查询)
//selectStr 中不允许包括Group By 和 Order By 等字段
//void Initialize(IDBAccesser accesser ,string selectStr ,string complexID_Name) ;
int ItemCount{get ;}
int PageCount {get ;}
int CurrentPageIndex{get ;}
DataTable StartPage() ;
DataTable NextPage() ;
DataTable PrePage() ;
DataTable CurrentPage {get ;}
DataTable GetPage(int index) ; //只能随机访问曾经读取过的页
event PageChanged CurrentPageIndexChanged ;
/**//// <summary>
/// DataPagination 是IDataPagination的默认实现。遵守SkyDataAccess协议--有一个表示唯一索引的字段"ID"
/// </summary>
public class DataPaginationManager : IDataPaginationManager
private PaginationParas curParas = null ;
private IADOBase adoBase = null ;
private int pageCount = 0 ;
private int itemCount = 0 ;
private DataTable currentPage = null ;
private int curPageIndex = 0 ;
private Stack statusStackForward = new Stack() ;
private Stack statusStackBackWard = new Stack() ;
private bool preForward = true ;//上一次是正向?
public event PageChanged CurrentPageIndexChanged ;
IDataPagination 成员#region IDataPagination 成员
public DataPaginationManager(IDBAccesser accesser ,string selectStr ,string complexID_Name ,int page_size)
this.curParas = new PaginationParas() ;
this.curParas.ComplexIDName = complexID_Name ;
this.curParas.PageSize = page_size ;
this.curParas.SelectString = this.CheckSelectString(selectStr) ;
this.curParas.ConnectString = accesser.ConnectString ;
this.curParas.DbType = accesser.DataBaseType ;
this.curParas.DBTableName = accesser.DbTableName ;
this.InitializeAdoBase(accesser.DataBaseType ,accesser.ConnectString) ;
this.pageCount = this.GetPageCount() ;
public DataPaginationManager(PaginationParas paras)
this.curParas = paras ;
this.InitializeAdoBase(this.curParas.DbType ,this.curParas.ConnectString) ;
this.pageCount = this.GetPageCount() ;
private#region private
private void InitializeAdoBase(DataBaseType dbType ,string connStr)
case DataBaseType.SqlServer :
this.adoBase = new SqlADOBase(connStr) ;
break ;
case DataBaseType.Ole :
this.adoBase = new OleADOBase(connStr) ;
break ;
throw new Exception("The target DataBaseType is not implemented !") ;
private string CheckSelectString(string selectStr)
if((selectStr == null) || (selectStr == ""))
throw new Exception("SelectStr is invalid !") ;
string str = selectStr.ToLower() ;
if((str.IndexOf("order by") != -1) || (str.IndexOf("group by") != -1))
throw new Exception("SelectStr Can't contain 'order by' or 'group by' !") ;
selectStr = selectStr.ToLower() ;
string ss = string.Format("select top {0} " ,this.curParas.PageSize) ;
return selectStr.Replace("select" ,ss );
private string ConstructSelectString(bool first ,bool forward ,PageStatus curSta)
return this.curParas.SelectString ;
string comp = " >= " ;
string curIDValue = curSta.preIDValueHead ;
comp = " > " ;
curIDValue = curSta.curIDValueEnd ;
if(-1 == this.curParas.SelectString.IndexOf("where"))
return this.curParas.SelectString + string.Format(" where {0} {1} '{2}'" ,this.curParas.ComplexIDName ,comp ,curIDValue) ;
return this.curParas.SelectString + string.Format(" and {0} {1} '{2}'" ,this.curParas.ComplexIDName ,comp ,curIDValue) ;
private int GetPageCount()
string str = null ;
int index = this.curParas.SelectString.IndexOf("where") ;
if(-1 == index)
str = string.Format("Select Count(*) from {0}" ,this.curParas.DBTableName) ;
string whereStr = this.curParas.SelectString.Substring(index) ;
str = string.Format("Select Count(*) from {0} {1}" ,this.curParas.DBTableName ,whereStr) ;
DataSet ds = this.adoBase.DoQuery(str) ;
if(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
int num = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()) ;
this.itemCount = num ;
int pageCount = num/this.curParas.PageSize ;
if(num%this.curParas.PageSize > 0)
pageCount += 1 ;
return pageCount ;
this.itemCount = 0 ;
return 0 ;
PageCount ,CurrentPageIndex ,CurrentPage#region PageCount ,CurrentPageIndex ,CurrentPage
public int PageCount
return this.pageCount ;
public int ItemCount
return this.itemCount ;
public int CurrentPageIndex
return this.curPageIndex ;
public DataTable CurrentPage
return this.currentPage ;
StartPage#region StartPage
public DataTable StartPage()
if(this.pageCount == 0)
return null ;
this.statusStackBackWard.Clear() ;
this.statusStackForward.Clear() ;
string select = this.ConstructSelectString(true ,true ,null) ;
DataSet ds = this.adoBase.DoQuery(select) ;
PageStatus sta = new PageStatus() ;
sta.curIDValueEnd = ds.Tables[0].Rows[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count-1]["ID"].ToString() ;
sta.preIDValueHead = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() ;
sta.curTable = ds.Tables[0] ;
this.statusStackForward.Push(sta) ;
this.curPageIndex = 0 ;
this.currentPage = sta.curTable ;
this.ActivePageIndexChanged(this.curPageIndex) ;
return this.currentPage ;
NextPage#region NextPage
public DataTable NextPage()
if(this.curPageIndex >= this.pageCount-1)
return null ;
if(this.statusStackBackWard.Count >0)
PageStatus staRes = (PageStatus)this.statusStackBackWard.Pop() ;
this.statusStackForward.Push(staRes) ;
if(! this.preForward)
if(this.statusStackBackWard.Count > 0)
staRes = (PageStatus)this.statusStackBackWard.Pop() ;
this.statusStackForward.Push(staRes) ;
return this.ReturnCurrentPage(staRes.curTable ,true) ;
PageStatus curSta = (PageStatus)this.statusStackForward.Peek() ;
string select = this.ConstructSelectString(false ,true ,curSta) ;
DataSet ds = this.adoBase.DoQuery(select) ;
PageStatus sta = new PageStatus() ;
sta.curIDValueEnd = ds.Tables[0].Rows[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count-1]["ID"].ToString() ;
sta.preIDValueHead = curSta.curTable.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() ;
sta.curTable = ds.Tables[0] ;
this.statusStackForward.Push(sta) ;
return this.ReturnCurrentPage(sta.curTable ,true) ;
PrePage#region PrePage
public DataTable PrePage()
if(this.curPageIndex < 1)
return null ;
PageStatus oldSta = (PageStatus)this.statusStackForward.Pop() ;
this.statusStackBackWard.Push(oldSta) ;
if(this.statusStackForward.Count > 0)
oldSta = (PageStatus)this.statusStackForward.Pop() ;
this.statusStackBackWard.Push(oldSta) ;
return this.ReturnCurrentPage(oldSta.curTable ,false) ;
ReturnCurrentPage#region ReturnCurrentPage
private DataTable ReturnCurrentPage(DataTable curPage ,bool foward)
if(curPage == null)
return null ;
++ this.curPageIndex ;
-- this.curPageIndex ;
this.preForward = foward ;
this.currentPage = curPage ;
this.ActivePageIndexChanged(this.curPageIndex) ;
return this.currentPage ;
GetPage#region GetPage
public DataTable GetPage(int index)
if(index > (this.statusStackBackWard.Count + this.statusStackForward.Count -1) || index < 0)
return null ;
int distance = index - this.curPageIndex ;
if(distance == 0)
return this.currentPage ;
else if(distance > 0)
for(int i=0 ;i<distance ;i++)
this.NextPage() ;
return this.currentPage ;
for(int i=distance ;i<0 ;i++)
this.PrePage() ;
return this.currentPage ;
ActivePageIndexChanged#region ActivePageIndexChanged
private void ActivePageIndexChanged(int index)
if(this.CurrentPageIndexChanged != null)
this.CurrentPageIndexChanged(index) ;
public class PageStatus
public string curIDValueEnd = "" ; //本页最后一条记录ID
public string preIDValueHead = "" ; //上页第一条记录ID
public DataTable curTable = null ;
public class PaginationParas
public string ConnectString = null ;
public string SelectString = null ;
public string ComplexIDName = null ;
public string DBTableName = null ;
public int PageSize = 0 ;
public DataBaseType DbType = DataBaseType.SqlServer ;
public delegate void PageChanged(int pageIndex) ;
string selectStr = "Select ID ,Title , UploadUserName ,UploadTime ,Description ,IsCasePic ,CaseID from BinaryInformationDetail " ;
this.curPageMgr = DataEntrance.GetPaginationMgr(typeof(BinaryInformationDetail) ,selectStr ,"ID" ,5) ;
DataTable dtStart = this.curPageMgr.StartPage() ;
this.DataList1.DataSource = dtPic ;
this.DataList1.DataBind() ;
this.curPageMgr = DataEntrance.GetPaginationMgr(typeof(BinaryInformationDetail) ,selectStr ,"ID" ,5) ;
DataTable dtStart = this.curPageMgr.StartPage() ;
this.DataList1.DataSource = dtPic ;
this.DataList1.DataBind() ;