- When to use NSMutableArray and when to use NSArray?
- 当数组元素需要动态地添加或者删除时,用NSMutableArray
- 当数组元素固定不变时,用NSArray
- Give us example of what are delegate methods and what are data source methods of uitableview.
- 代理方法:返回tableView每行的高度、监听tableView每行的选中
- 数据源方法:返回tableView数据的组数和行数、每行显示什么数据
- How many autoreleasepool you can create in your application? Is there any limit?
- 没有限制
- If we don’t create any autorelease pool in our application then is there any autorelease pool already provided to us?
- 系统会默认会不定时地创建和销毁自动释放池
- When you will create an autorelease pool in your application?
- 当不需要精确地控制对象的释放时间时,可以手动创建自动释放池
- When retain count increase?
- 当做一次retain或者copy操作,都有可能增加计数器
- What are commonly used NSObject class methods?
- NSObject常见的类方法有:alloc、new、description等
- What is convenience constructor?
- 像NSStirng的stringWithFormat,NSNumber的numberWithInt
- How to design universal application in Xcode?
- 创建项目时,Device选择Universal
- 可以创建一套痛用的数据模型
- 根据iPhoneiPad选择不同的控制器(iPad可能用UISplitViewController)
- 根据iPhoneiPad选择不同的界面
- What is keyword atomic in Objective C?
- atomic是原子性
- atomic会对set方法的实现进行加锁
- What are UIView animations?
- UIView封装的核心动画可以通过类方法lock实现
- How can you store data in iPhone applications?
- 属性列表
- Preference(NSUserDefaults)
- 键值归档(NSKeyedArchiver、NSCoding)
- SQLite数据库
- Core Data
- What is NSManagedObject model?
- NSManagedObject是Core Data中的实体对象
- What is predicate?
- 谓词:可以以一定条件来过滤数组、字典等集合数据,也能用在Core Data的数据查询中