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  • IOCP Input/Output Completion Port IO完成端口










    1. 前言

    I/O completion ports provide an efficient threading model for processing multiple asynchronous I/O requests on a multiprocessor system. When a process creates an I/O completion port, the system creates an associated queue object for requests whose sole purpose is to service these requests. Processes that handle many concurrent asynchronous I/O requests can do so more quickly and efficiently by using I/O completion ports in conjunction with a pre-allocated thread pool than by creating threads at the time they receive an I/O request.



    2. 选择的原因


    • 最原始的自己创建线程处理的,性能太低
    • 然后微软提出了一系列的方法,都有连接的数量限制,有的还有一些其他的限制,比如WSAAsyncSelect,必须要有一个窗口。
    • 所以Windows下如果要做网络,按照现在的互联网环境,已经不像以前那样,只有很大的公司才有高并发,随便做一些东西,都会有很大的并发问题,直接研究学习IO完成端口就好了。

    3. IOCP的优点

    • 连接数量没有限制
    • 理论上比epoll更高级的模型,因为IOCP通知你的时候,数据已经接收完了,直接使用就可以,epoll通知的时候是数据到了,需要自己再接收一下。
    • 高并发,因为发送数据,等待接收数据,这些都是内核完成的,程序只需处理发送和接收后的逻辑,不用轮询,节省了资源

    4. IOCP的缺点

    • 实现复杂,用IOCP,不管并发有多高,实现起步的复杂度是固定的
    • 必须有一个缓冲区,好处是缓冲区提前申请,每次利用,提高了性能,坏处是动态的,超过缓冲区的消息发送,比较麻烦

    5. 函数介绍

    5.1 创建IOCP

    创建或绑定一个完成端口,一个程序只需创建一个就可以。(ps 微软有时候喜欢一个api多个用法,通过很多参数去区分,感觉上非常不好,比如以前的多字节和宽字节转换的api,很乱,不明确)

    HANDLE WINAPI CreateIoCompletionPort(
      _In_     HANDLE    FileHandle,
      _In_opt_ HANDLE    ExistingCompletionPort,
      _In_     ULONG_PTR CompletionKey,
      _In_     DWORD     NumberOfConcurrentThreads


    FileHandle [in]

    An open file handle or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.

    The handle must be to an object that supports overlapped I/O.

    If a handle is provided, it has to have been opened for overlapped I/O completion. For example, you must specify the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag when using the CreateFile function to obtain the handle.

    If INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE is specified, the function creates an I/O completion port without associating it with a file handle. In this case, the ExistingCompletionPort parameter must be NULL and the CompletionKey parameter is ignored.


    ExistingCompletionPort [in, optional]

    A handle to an existing I/O completion port or NULL.

    If this parameter specifies an existing I/O completion port, the function associates it with the handle specified by the FileHandle parameter. The function returns the handle of the existing I/O completion port if successful; it does not create a new I/O completion port.

    If this parameter is NULL, the function creates a new I/O completion port and, if the FileHandle parameter is valid, associates it with the new I/O completion port. Otherwise no file handle association occurs. The function returns the handle to the new I/O completion port if successful.


    CompletionKey [in]

    The per-handle user-defined completion key that is included in every I/O completion packet for the specified file handle. For more information, see the Remarks section.


    NumberOfConcurrentThreads [in]

    The maximum number of threads that the operating system can allow to concurrently process I/O completion packets for the I/O completion port. This parameter is ignored if the ExistingCompletionPort parameter is not NULL.

    If this parameter is zero, the system allows as many concurrently running threads as there are processors in the system.


    Return value

    If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to an I/O completion port:

    • If the ExistingCompletionPort parameter was NULL, the return value is a new handle.

    • If the ExistingCompletionPort parameter was a valid I/O completion port handle, the return value is that same handle.

    • If the FileHandle parameter was a valid handle, that file handle is now associated with the returned I/O completion port.

    If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call the GetLastError function.



    HANDLE iocp = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0);


    if (NULL == CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE)psc->m_socket, hiocp, (ULONG_PTR)psc, 0))

    5.2 创建socket


      int                 af,
      int                 type,
      int                 protocol,
      LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW lpProtocolInfo,
      GROUP               g,
      DWORD               dwFlags




    The address family specification. Possible values for the address family are defined in the Winsock2.h header file.

    On the Windows SDK released for Windows Vista and later, the organization of header files has changed and the possible values for the address family are defined in the Ws2def.h header file. Note that the Ws2def.h header file is automatically included in Winsock2.h, and should never be used directly.

    The values currently supported are AF_INET or AF_INET6, which are the Internet address family formats for IPv4 and IPv6. Other options for address family (AF_NETBIOS for use with NetBIOS, for example) are supported if a Windows Sockets service provider for the address family is installed. Note that the values for the AF_ address family and PF_ protocol family constants are identical (for example, AF_INET and PF_INET), so either constant can be used.



    The type specification for the new socket.

    Possible values for the socket type are defined in the Winsock2.h header file.



    The protocol to be used. The possible options for the protocol parameter are specific to the address family and socket type specified. Possible values for the protocol are defined are defined in the Winsock2.h and Wsrm.h header files.

    On the Windows SDK released for Windows Vista and later,, the organization of header files has changed and this parameter can be one of the values from the IPPROTO enumeration type defined in the Ws2def.h header file. Note that the Ws2def.h header file is automatically included in Winsock2.h, and should never be used directly.

    If a value of 0 is specified, the caller does not wish to specify a protocol and the service provider will choose the protocol to use.

    When the af parameter is AF_INET or AF_INET6 and the type is SOCK_RAW, the value specified for the protocol is set in the protocol field of the IPv6 or IPv4 packet header.



    A pointer to a WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure that defines the characteristics of the socket to be created. If this parameter is not NULL, the socket will be bound to the provider associated with the indicated WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure.



    An existing socket group ID or an appropriate action to take when creating a new socket and a new socket group.



    A set of flags used to specify additional socket attributes.


    Return Value

    If no error occurs, WSASocket returns a descriptor referencing the new socket. Otherwise, a value of INVALID_SOCKET is returned, and a specific error code can be retrieved by calling WSAGetLastError.



    5.3 接收

    int WSAAPI WSARecv(
      SOCKET                             s,
      LPWSABUF                           lpBuffers,
      DWORD                              dwBufferCount,
      LPDWORD                            lpNumberOfBytesRecvd,
      LPDWORD                            lpFlags,
      LPWSAOVERLAPPED                    lpOverlapped,




    A descriptor identifying a connected socket.



    A pointer to an array of WSABUF structures. Each WSABUF structure contains a pointer to a buffer and the length, in bytes, of the buffer.



    The number of WSABUF structures in the lpBuffers array.



    A pointer to the number, in bytes, of data received by this call if the receive operation completes immediately.

    Use NULL for this parameter if the lpOverlapped parameter is not NULL to avoid potentially erroneous results. This parameter can be NULL only if the lpOverlapped parameter is not NULL.



    A pointer to flags used to modify the behavior of the WSARecv function call. For more information, see the Remarks section.



    A pointer to a WSAOVERLAPPED structure (ignored for nonoverlapped sockets).



    A pointer to the completion routine called when the receive operation has been completed (ignored for nonoverlapped sockets).


    if (WSARecv(
            NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
            int err = WSAGetLastError();
            if (WSA_IO_PENDING != err)
                ret = false;

    5.4 发送

    int WSASend(
      SOCKET s,
      LPWSABUF lpBuffers,
      DWORD dwBufferCount,
      LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesSent,
      DWORD dwFlags,
      LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,


    • s
      [in] Descriptor identifying a connected socket.
    • lpBuffers
      [in] Pointer to an array of WSABUF structures. Each WSABUF structure contains a pointer to a buffer and the length of the buffer. This array must remain valid for the duration of the send operation.
    • dwBufferCount
      [in] Number of WSABUF structures in the lpBuffers array.
    • lpNumberOfBytesSent
      [out] Pointer to the number of bytes sent by this call if the I/O operation completes immediately.
    • dwFlags
      [in] Flags used to modify the behavior of the WSASend function call
    • lpOverlapped
      [in] Pointer to a WSAOVERLAPPED structure. This parameter is ignored for nonoverlapped sockets.
    • lpCompletionRoutine
      [in] Pointer to the completion routine called when the send operation has been completed. This parameter is ignored for nonoverlapped sockets.

    Return Value

    If no error occurs and the send operation has completed immediately, this function returns zero. The overlapped structures are updated with the receive results, and the associated event is signalled.

    if (WSASend(
            NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
            int err = WSAGetLastError();
            if (err != WSA_IO_PENDING)
                ret = false;

    5.5 WSAOVERLAPPED structure

    typedef struct _WSAOVERLAPPED {
      DWORD    Internal;
      DWORD    InternalHigh;
      DWORD    Offset;
      DWORD    OffsetHigh;
      WSAEVENT hEvent;

    The WSAOVERLAPPED structure provides a communication medium between the initiation of an overlapped I/O operation and its subsequent completion. The WSAOVERLAPPED structure is compatible with the Windows OVERLAPPED structure.




    Type: ULONG_PTR

    Reserved for internal use. The Internal member is used internally by the entity that implements overlapped I/O. For service providers that create sockets as installable file system (IFS) handles, this parameter is used by the underlying operating system. Other service providers (non-IFS providers) are free to use this parameter as necessary.


    Type: ULONG_PTR

    Reserved. Used internally by the entity that implements overlapped I/O. For service providers that create sockets as IFS handles, this parameter is used by the underlying operating system. NonIFS providers are free to use this parameter as necessary.


    Type: DWORD

    Reserved for use by service providers.


    Type: DWORD

    Reserved for use by service providers.


    Type: HANDLE

    If an overlapped I/O operation is issued without an I/O completion routine (the operation's lpCompletionRoutine parameter is set to null), then this parameter should either contain a valid handle to a WSAEVENT object or be null. If the lpCompletionRoutine parameter of the call is non-null then applications are free to use this parameter as necessary.


    5. 7 AcceptEx

    BOOL AcceptEx(
      SOCKET       sListenSocket,
      SOCKET       sAcceptSocket,
      PVOID        lpOutputBuffer,
      DWORD        dwReceiveDataLength,
      DWORD        dwLocalAddressLength,
      DWORD        dwRemoteAddressLength,
      LPDWORD      lpdwBytesReceived,
      LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped





    A descriptor identifying a socket that has already been called with the listen function. A server application waits for attempts to connect on this socket.



    A descriptor identifying a socket on which to accept an incoming connection. This socket must not be bound or connected.



    A pointer to a buffer that receives the first block of data sent on a new connection, the local address of the server, and the remote address of the client. The receive data is written to the first part of the buffer starting at offset zero, while the addresses are written to the latter part of the buffer. This parameter must be specified.



    The number of bytes in lpOutputBuffer that will be used for actual receive data at the beginning of the buffer. This size should not include the size of the local address of the server, nor the remote address of the client; they are appended to the output buffer. If dwReceiveDataLength is zero, accepting the connection will not result in a receive operation. Instead, AcceptEx completes as soon as a connection arrives, without waiting for any data.



    The number of bytes reserved for the local address information. This value must be at least 16 bytes more than the maximum address length for the transport protocol in use.



    The number of bytes reserved for the remote address information. This value must be at least 16 bytes more than the maximum address length for the transport protocol in use. Cannot be zero.



    A pointer to a DWORD that receives the count of bytes received. This parameter is set only if the operation completes synchronously. If it returns ERROR_IO_PENDING and is completed later, then this DWORD is never set and you must obtain the number of bytes read from the completion notification mechanism.



    An OVERLAPPED structure that is used to process the request. This parameter must be specified; it cannot be NULL.


    Return Value

    If no error occurs, the AcceptEx function completed successfully and a value of TRUE is returned.



    The AcceptEx function combines several socket functions into a single API/kernel transition. The AcceptEx function, when successful, performs three tasks:


    • A new connection is accepted.
    • 一个新的连接已经到达
    • Both the local and remote addresses for the connection are returned.
    • 本地和远程的地址已经获得并返回
    • The first block of data sent by the remote is received.
    • 第一个数据已经接收
    Note  The function pointer for the AcceptEx function must be obtained at run time by making a call to the WSAIoctl function with the SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER opcode specified. The input buffer passed to the WSAIoctl function must contain WSAID_ACCEPTEX, a globally unique identifier (GUID) whose value identifies the AcceptEx extension function. On success, the output returned by the WSAIoctl function contains a pointer to the AcceptEx function. The WSAID_ACCEPTEX GUID is defined in the Mswsock.h header file.

    A program can make a connection to a socket more quickly using AcceptEx instead of the accept function.

    A single output buffer receives the data, the local socket address (the server), and the remote socket address (the client).

    Using a single buffer improves performance. When using AcceptEx, the GetAcceptExSockaddrs function must be called to parse the buffer into its three distinct parts (data, local socket address, and remote socket address). On Windows XP and later, once the AcceptEx function completes and the SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT option is set on the accepted socket, the local address associated with the accepted socket can also be retrieved using the getsockname function. Likewise, the remote address associated with the accepted socket can be retrieved using the getpeername function.


    The buffer size for the local and remote address must be 16 bytes more than the size of the sockaddr structure for the transport protocol in use because the addresses are written in an internal format. For example, the size of a sockaddr_in (the address structure for TCP/IP) is 16 bytes. Therefore, a buffer size of at least 32 bytes must be specified for the local and remote addresses.

    The AcceptEx function uses overlapped I/O, unlike the accept function. If your application uses AcceptEx, it can service a large number of clients with a relatively small number of threads. As with all overlapped Windows functions, either Windows events or completion ports can be used as a completion notification mechanism.

    Another key difference between the AcceptEx function and the accept function is that AcceptEx requires the caller to already have two sockets:

    • One that specifies the socket on which to listen.
    • One that specifies the socket on which to accept the connection.

    The sAcceptSocket parameter must be an open socket that is neither bound nor connected.


    The lpNumberOfBytesTransferred parameter of the GetQueuedCompletionStatus function or the GetOverlappedResult function indicates the number of bytes received in the request.

    If a receive buffer is provided, the overlapped operation will not complete until a connection is accepted and data is read. Use the getsockopt function with the SO_CONNECT_TIME option to check whether a connection has been accepted. If it has been accepted, you can determine how long the connection has been established. The return value is the number of seconds that the socket has been connected. If the socket is not connected, the getsockopt returns 0xFFFFFFFF. Applications that check whether the overlapped operation has completed, in combination with the SO_CONNECT_TIME option, can determine that a connection has been accepted but no data has been received. Scrutinizing a connection in this manner enables an application to determine whether connections that have been established for a while have received no data. It is recommended such connections be terminated by closing the accepted socket, which forces the AcceptEx function call to complete with an error.


            if (false == AcceptEx(
                m_wsabuf.len - (sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) + 16) * 2,
                sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) + 16,
                sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) + 16,
                if (WSA_IO_PENDING != WSAGetLastError())
                    ret = false;

    5.8 Function Extension Mechanism in the SPI

    Because the Winsock DLL itself is no longer supplied by each individual stack vendor, it is not possible for a stack vendor to offer extended functionality by adding entry points to the Winsock DLL. To overcome this limitation, Winsock takes advantage of the new WSAIoctl function to accommodate service providers who wish to offer provider-specific functionality extensions. This mechanism presupposes that an application is aware of a particular extension and understands both the semantics and syntax involved. Such information would typically be supplied by the service provider vendor.

    To invoke an extension function, the application must first ask for a pointer to the desired function. This is done through the WSAIoctl function using the SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER command code. The input buffer to the WSAIoctl function contains an identifier for the desired extension function and the output buffer will contain the function pointer itself. The application can then invoke the extension function directly without passing through the Ws2_32.dll.

    The identifiers assigned to extension functions are globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) that are allocated by service provider vendors. Vendors who create extension functions are urged to publish full details about the function including the syntax of the function prototype. This facilitates common and/or popular extension functions to be offered by multiple service providers. An application can obtain the function pointer and use the function without needing to know anything about the particular service provider that implements the function.

    这里说明了,因为一些限制,导致有些函数不能放到Winsock DLL中了,所以新增加了一个DLL(Ws2_32.dll),AcceptEx就属于这一类,所以要想使用AcceptEX,就需要解析Ws2_32.dll库,获取对应的模块。这里建议一次性获取,保存下来使用。不然的话每次读取解析动态库,浪费资源。

    5.9 WSAIoctl function

    The WSAIoctl function controls the mode of a socket.


    int WSAAPI WSAIoctl(
      SOCKET                             s,
      DWORD                              dwIoControlCode,
      LPVOID                             lpvInBuffer,
      DWORD                              cbInBuffer,
      LPVOID                             lpvOutBuffer,
      DWORD                              cbOutBuffer,
      LPDWORD                            lpcbBytesReturned,
      LPWSAOVERLAPPED                    lpOverlapped,



    A descriptor identifying a socket.



    The control code of operation to perform.



    A pointer to the input buffer.



    The size, in bytes, of the input buffer.



    A pointer to the output buffer.



    The size, in bytes, of the output buffer.



    A pointer to actual number of bytes of output.



    A pointer to a WSAOVERLAPPED structure (ignored for non-overlapped sockets).


    LPFN_ACCEPTEX acceptExF;
    GUID guidacceptex = WSAID_ACCEPTEX;
    DWORD dwbytes = 0;
            if (SOCKET_ERROR == WSAIoctl(
                ret = false;


    5.10 GetAcceptExSockaddrs function

    The GetAcceptExSockaddrs function parses the data obtained from a call to the AcceptEx function and passes the local and remote addresses to a sockaddr structure.


    Note  This function is a Microsoft-specific extension to the Windows Sockets specification.


    void GetAcceptExSockaddrs(
      PVOID    lpOutputBuffer,
      DWORD    dwReceiveDataLength,
      DWORD    dwLocalAddressLength,
      DWORD    dwRemoteAddressLength,
      sockaddr **LocalSockaddr,
      LPINT    LocalSockaddrLength,
      sockaddr **RemoteSockaddr,
      LPINT    RemoteSockaddrLength



    A pointer to a buffer that receives the first block of data sent on a connection resulting from an AcceptEx call. Must be the same lpOutputBuffer parameter that was passed to the AcceptEx function.



    The number of bytes in the buffer used for receiving the first data. This value must be equal to the dwReceiveDataLength parameter that was passed to the AcceptEx function.



    The number of bytes reserved for the local address information. This value must be equal to the dwLocalAddressLength parameter that was passed to the AcceptEx function.



    The number of bytes reserved for the remote address information. This value must be equal to the dwRemoteAddressLength parameter that was passed to the AcceptEx function.



    A pointer to the sockaddr structure that receives the local address of the connection (the same information that would be returned by the getsockname function). This parameter must be specified.



    The size, in bytes, of the local address. This parameter must be specified.



    A pointer to the sockaddr structure that receives the remote address of the connection (the same information that would be returned by the getpeername function). This parameter must be specified.



    The size, in bytes, of the local address. This parameter must be specified.



    The GetAcceptExSockaddrs function is used exclusively with the AcceptEx function to parse the first data that the socket receives into local and remote addresses. The AcceptEx function returns local and remote address information in an internal format. Application developers need to use the GetAcceptExSockaddrs function if there is a need for the sockaddr structures containing the local or remote addresses.

    Note  The function pointer for the GetAcceptExSockaddrs function must be obtained at run time by making a call to the WSAIoctl function with the SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER opcode specified. The input buffer passed to the WSAIoctl function must contain WSAID_GETACCEPTEXSOCKADDRS, a globally unique identifier (GUID) whose value identifies the GetAcceptExSockaddrs extension function. On success, the output returned by the WSAIoctl function contains a pointer to the GetAcceptExSockaddrs function. The WSAID_GETACCEPTEXSOCKADDRS GUID is defined in the Mswsock.h header file.

    5.11 GetQueuedCompletionStatus function

    Attempts to dequeue an I/O completion packet from the specified I/O completion port. If there is no completion packet queued, the function waits for a pending I/O operation associated with the completion port to complete.

    To dequeue multiple I/O completion packets at once, use the GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx function.


    BOOL GetQueuedCompletionStatus(
      HANDLE       CompletionPort,
      LPDWORD      lpNumberOfBytesTransferred,
      PULONG_PTR   lpCompletionKey,
      LPOVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped,
      DWORD        dwMilliseconds



    A handle to the completion port. To create a completion port, use the CreateIoCompletionPort function.






    A pointer to a variable that receives the completion key value associated with the file handle whose I/O operation has completed. A completion key is a per-file key that is specified in a call to CreateIoCompletionPort.



    A pointer to a variable that receives the address of the OVERLAPPED structure that was specified when the completed I/O operation was started.


    Even if you have passed the function a file handle associated with a completion port and a valid OVERLAPPED structure, an application can prevent completion port notification. This is done by specifying a valid event handle for the hEvent member of the OVERLAPPED structure, and setting its low-order bit. A valid event handle whose low-order bit is set keeps I/O completion from being queued to the completion port.


    The number of milliseconds that the caller is willing to wait for a completion packet to appear at the completion port. If a completion packet does not appear within the specified time, the function times out, returns FALSE, and sets *lpOverlapped to NULL.

    If dwMilliseconds is INFINITE, the function will never time out. If dwMilliseconds is zero and there is no I/O operation to dequeue, the function will time out immediately.


    Return Value

    Returns nonzero (TRUE) if successful or zero (FALSE) otherwise.

    To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

    For more information, see the Remarks section.


    This function associates a thread with the specified completion port. A thread can be associated with at most one completion port.

    If a call to GetQueuedCompletionStatus fails because the completion port handle associated with it is closed while the call is outstanding, the function returns FALSE, *lpOverlapped will be NULL, and GetLastError will return ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_0.

    Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:  Closing the completion port handle while a call is outstanding will not result in the previously stated behavior. The function will continue to wait until an entry is removed from the port or until a time-out occurs, if specified as a value other than INFINITE.

    If theGetQueuedCompletionStatus function succeeds, it dequeued a completion packet for a successful I/O operation from the completion port and has stored information in the variables pointed to by the following parameters: lpNumberOfBytes, lpCompletionKey, and lpOverlapped. Upon failure (the return value is FALSE), those same parameters can contain particular value combinations as follows:

    • If *lpOverlapped is NULL, the function did not dequeue a completion packet from the completion port. In this case, the function does not store information in the variables pointed to by the lpNumberOfBytes and lpCompletionKey parameters, and their values are indeterminate.
    • If *lpOverlapped is not NULL and the function dequeues a completion packet for a failed I/O operation from the completion port, the function stores information about the failed operation in the variables pointed to by lpNumberOfBytes, lpCompletionKey, and lpOverlapped. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

    5.12 CONTAINING_RECORD macro

    The CONTAINING_RECORD macro returns the base address of an instance of a structure given the type of the structure and the address of a field within the containing structure.



      [in] PCHAR Address,
      [in] TYPE  Type,
      [in] PCHAR Field


    Address [in]

    A pointer to a field in an instance of a structure of type Type.


    Type [in]

    The name of the type of the structure whose base address is to be returned.


    Field [in]

    The name of the field pointed to by Address and which is contained in a structure of type Type.


    Return value

    Returns the address of the base of the structure containing Field.


    6. 流程

    6.1 创建完成端口

    hiocp = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0);


    6.2 创建处理线程

    ::CreateThread(0, 0, WorkerThreadProc, (void*)this, 0, 0);


    6.3 创建listen socket对应的类

    listensocket = WSASocketW(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, nullptr, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED);


    6.4 把listen socket与IOCP绑定

    if (NULL == CreateIoCompletionPort(
                (HANDLE)listensocket, hiocp, (ULONG_PTR)listenSocketContext, 0))
                ret = false;


    6.5 初始化绑定listen

    ZeroMemory(&serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr));
            serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
            serveraddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
            serveraddr.sin_port = htons(port);
            if (SOCKET_ERROR == ::bind(listensocket, (sockaddr *)&serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr)))
                ret = false;

    6.6 发起监听

    if (SOCKET_ERROR == listen(listensocket, SOMAXCONN))
                ret = false;

    6.7 获取AcceptEx与GetAcceptExSockaddrs句柄

    6.8 投递一批基于listen socket的AcceptEx的请求


        DWORD dwbytes = 0;
        iotype = IOOPT_ACCEPT;
        iosocket = WSASocketW(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED);
        if (INVALID_SOCKET == iosocket)
            ret = false;
        if (ret)
            if (false == acceptExFunc(
                wsabuf.len - (sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) + 16) * 2,
                sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) + 16,
                sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) + 16,
                if (WSA_IO_PENDING != WSAGetLastError())
                    ret = false;

    6.9 线程处理

    bool bret = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(

    6.10 获取每一次IO操作的结构体


    iocontext = CONTAINING_RECORD(ol, IOContext, overlapped);


    6.11 AcceptEx请求处理

    • 获取AcceptEx返回的地址信息和数据
            iocxt->m_wsabuf.len - ((sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) + 16) * 2),
            sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) + 16,
            sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) + 16,
    • 把获取的socket信息赋值到一个socketcontext,这就是一个新的连接。
    • 把获取的数据发送到这个socketcontext类的消息处理列表中。
    • 把这个socket与IOCP绑定,这样就可以通过IOCP收发消息了。
    • 对于这个socketcontext投递一个接收数据的iocontext。
    • 把这次使用的用来监听赋值的socketcontext(注意不是listen监听的socket,是AcceptEx调用时,传递进去的一个socket),重新初始化,创建socket投递。因为原来的socket已经被使用并赋值到其他socketcontext了。

    6.12 接收数据


    7. 结尾


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