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  • uni-app平台判断 | uni app判断h5 小程序 app 等不同平台


    //  @/utils/EPlatform.ts

    export enum EPlatform {
      AppPlus = 'APP-PLUS',
      /**App nvue*/
      AppPlusNvue = 'APP-PLUS-NVUE',
      H5 = 'H5',
      MpWeixin = 'MP-WEIXIN',
      MpAlipay = 'MP-ALIPAY',
      MpBaidu = 'MP-BAIDU',
      MpToutiao = 'MP-TOUTIAO',
      MpQq = 'MP-QQ',
      Mp360 = 'MP-360',
      Mp = 'MP',
      QuickappWebview = 'quickapp-webview',
      QuickappWebviewUnion = 'quickapp-webview-union',
      QuickappWebviewHuawei = 'quickapp-webview-huawei',
    // @/utils/Platform.ts

    *类型Platform*/ import {EPlatform} from "@/utils/EPlatform"; /**使用条件编译获取平台信息*/ function ifDefPlatform(): EPlatform { let platform: EPlatform //#ifdef APP-PLUS platform = EPlatform.AppPlus; //#endif //#ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE platform = EPlatform.AppPlusNvue; //#endif //#ifdef H5 platform = EPlatform.H5; //#endif //#ifdef MP-WEIXIN platform = EPlatform.MpWeixin; //#endif //#ifdef MP-ALIPAY platform = EPlatform.MpAlipay; //#endif //#ifdef MP-BAIDU platform = EPlatform.MpBaidu; //#endif //#ifdef MP-TOUTIAO platform = EPlatform.MpToutiao; //#endif //#ifdef MP-QQ platform = EPlatform.MpQq; //#endif //#ifdef MP-360 platform = EPlatform.Mp360; //#endif //#ifdef MP platform = EPlatform.Mp; //#endif //#ifdef quickapp-webview platform = EPlatform.QuickappWebview; //#endif //#ifdef quickapp-webview-union platform = EPlatform.QuickappWebviewUnion; //#endif //#ifdef quickapp-webview-huawei platform = EPlatform.QuickappWebviewHuawei; //#endif return platform } /**平台类型*/ export const Platform: EPlatform = ifDefPlatform() /**默认导出平台类型*/ export default Platform /**App*/ export const isAppPlus = Platform == EPlatform.AppPlus /**App nvue*/ export const isAppPlusNvue = Platform == EPlatform.AppPlusNvue /**H5*/ export const isH5 = Platform == EPlatform.H5 /**微信小程序*/ export const isMpWeixin = Platform == EPlatform.MpWeixin /**支付宝小程序*/ export const isMpAlipay = Platform == EPlatform.MpAlipay /**百度小程序*/ export const isMpBaidu = Platform == EPlatform.MpBaidu /**字节跳动小程序*/ export const isMpToutiao = Platform == EPlatform.MpToutiao /**QQ小程序*/ export const isMpQq = Platform == EPlatform.MpQq /**360小程序*/ export const isMp360 = Platform == EPlatform.Mp360 /**微信小程序/支付宝小程序/百度小程序/字节跳动小程序/QQ小程序/360小程序*/ export const isMp = Platform == EPlatform.Mp /**快应用通用(包含联盟、华为)*/ export const isQuickappWebview = Platform == EPlatform.QuickappWebview /**快应用联盟*/ export const isQuickappWebviewUnion = Platform == EPlatform.QuickappWebviewUnion /**快应用华为*/ export const isQuickappWebviewHuawei = Platform == EPlatform.QuickappWebviewHuawei


    // @/utils/Config.ts

    import {EPlatform} from './EPlatform'; import {isH5, Platform} from '@/utils/Platform' /**配置信息*/ export default class Config { /**http请求根目录*/ static get httpBaseUrl(): string { if (isH5) { return '/' } else { return 'http://demo.cn/' } } }



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