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  • sql server vs mysql

    .中文: my.ini [mysqld] character-set-server=utf8 character-set-client=utf8 data estdbdb.opt default-character-set=utf8 default-collation=utf8_general_ci 2.拷贝数据库,除了data下面的数据库文件夹,还必须拷贝ibdata1 此外,如果需要存储过程,就拷贝mysql文件夹 3.不能更新数据 Error Code: 1175. You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column To disable safe mode, toggle the option in Preferences -> SQL Editor and reconnect. SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0; 4.drop table wxingyao Error Code: 1217. Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails 0.374 sec use INFORMATION_SCHEMA; select TABLE_NAME,COLUMN_NAME,CONSTRAINT_NAME, REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from KEY_COLUMN_USAGE where REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'wxingyao'; alter table wmiaoxiangx drop foreign key FK_wMiaoXianGX_wXingYao1 5.Error Code: 1064. =============================================================================================== 1. 标识符限定符 SqlServer [] MySql `` 2. 字符串相加 SqlServer 直接用 + MySql concat() 3. isnull() SqlServer isnull() MySql ifnull() 注意:MySql也有isnull()函数,但意义不一样 4. getdate() SqlServer getdate() MySql now() 5. newid() SqlServer newid() MySql uuid() 6. @@ROWCOUNT SqlServer @@ROWCOUNT MySql row_count() 注意:MySql的这个函数仅对于update, insert, delete有效 7. SCOPE_IDENTITY() SqlServer SCOPE_IDENTITY() MySql last_insert_id() 8. if ... else ... SqlServer IF Boolean_expression { sql_statement | statement_block } [ ELSE { sql_statement | statement_block } ] -- 若要定义语句块,请使用控制流关键字 BEGIN 和 END。 MySql IF search_condition THEN statement_list [ELSEIF search_condition THEN statement_list] ... [ELSE statement_list] END IF 注意:对于MySql来说,then, end if是必须的。类似的还有其它的流程控制语句,这里就不一一列出。 9. declare 其实,SqlServer和MySql都有这个语句,用于定义变量,但差别在于:在MySql中,DECLARE仅被用在BEGIN ... END复合语句里,并且必须在复合语句的开头,在任何其它语句之前。 这个要求在写游标时,会感觉很BT. 10. 游标的写法 SqlServer declare @tempShoppingCart table (ProductId int, Quantity int) insert into @tempShoppingCart (ProductId, Quantity) select ProductId, Quantity from ShoppingCart where UserGuid = @UserGuid declare @productId int declare @quantity int declare tempCartCursor cursor for select ProductId, Quantity from @tempShoppingCart open tempCartCursor fetch next from tempCartCursor into @productId, @quantity while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin update Product set SellCount = SellCount + @quantity where productId = @productId fetch next from tempCartCursor into @productId, @quantity end close tempCartCursor deallocate tempCartCursor MySql declare m_done int default 0; declare m_sectionId int; declare m_newsId int; declare _cursor_SN cursor for select sectionid, newsid from _temp_SN; declare continue handler for not found set m_done = 1; create temporary table _temp_SN select sectionid, newsid from SectionNews group by sectionid, newsid having count(*) > 1; open _cursor_SN; while( m_done = 0 ) do fetch _cursor_SN into m_sectionId, m_newsId; if( m_done = 0 ) then -- 具体的处理逻辑 end if; end while; close _cursor_SN; drop table _temp_SN; 注意:为了提高性能,通常在表变量上打开游标,不要直接在数据表上打开游标。 11. 分页的处理 SqlServer create procedure GetProductByCategoryId( @CategoryID int, @PageIndex int = 0, @PageSize int = 20, @TotalRecords int output ) as begin declare @ResultTable table ( RowIndex int, ProductID int, ProductName nvarchar(50), CategoryID int, Unit nvarchar(10), UnitPrice money, Quantity int ); insert into @ResultTable select row_number() over (order by ProductID asc) as RowIndex, p.ProductID, p.ProductName, p.CategoryID, p.Unit, p.UnitPrice, p.Quantity from Products as p where CategoryID = @CategoryID; select @TotalRecords = count(*) from @ResultTable; select * from @ResultTable where RowIndex > (@PageSize * @PageIndex) and RowIndex <= (@PageSize * (@PageIndex+1)); end; 当然,SqlServer中并不只有这一种写法,只是这种写法是比较常见而已。 MySql create procedure GetProductsByCategoryId( in _categoryId int, in _pageIndex int, in _pageSize int, out _totalRecCount int ) begin set @categoryId = _categoryId; set @startRow = _pageIndex * _pageSize; set @pageSize = _pageSize; prepare PageSql from 'select sql_calc_found_rows * from product where categoryId = ? order by ProductId desc limit ?, ?'; execute PageSql using @categoryId, @startRow, @pageSize; deallocate prepare PageSql; set _totalRecCount = found_rows(); end =============================================================================================== 1.日期 sql server: getdate() 日期的一部分 datepart(year,getdate()) 比较日期 select datediff(day,getdate(),getdate()+1) 转成字符串 convert(nvarchar(8),getdate(),112) 字符串转日期 select convert(datetime,'2011-01-01') 添加日期 dateadd(day,dayDiff,startDt) dateadd(minute,minDiff,startDt) 当前周中第几天 datepart(dw,getdate()) 星期天 1星期一 2...星期五 6 当年第几周 select datepart(dw,getdate()),datepart(week,getdate()) 当月第几周 datepart(week,getdate())-datepart(week,dateadd(day,1-11,getdate()))+1 mysql: now() curdate() CURTIME() 日期的一部分 year(curdate()) 比较日期 select datediff(now(),now()+1) year(now())-year('2017-01-01') 转成字符串 date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d') 字符串转日期 STR_TO_DATE('2012-10-11 16:42:30','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') 添加日期 select date_add(now(),INTERVAL 2 month); select date_add(now(),INTERVAL 2 DAY); select date_add(now(),INTERVAL 2 minute); 当前周第几天 SELECT WEEKDAY(now());返回的是数字:0为周一,6为周日 select date_format(curdate()-1,'%w'); %w 是以数字的形式来表示周中的天数( 0 = Sunday, 1=Monday, . . ., 6=Saturday) select date_format(solarDt,'%w')+1; 当月第几周 select week(curdate())-week(curdate()-interval day(curdate())-1 day)+1; PERIOD_ADD(P,N)  增加N个月到阶段P(以格式YYMM或YYYYMM)。以格式YYYYMM返回值。注意阶段参数P不是日期值。  mysql> select PERIOD_ADD(9801,2);  -> 199803  DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL expr type)  DATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL expr type)  ADDDATE(date,INTERVAL expr type)  SUBDATE(date,INTERVAL expr type)  select datediff(now(),now()+1),year(now())-year('2017-01-01'),month(now())-month('2017-07-01') ,timediff('2016-01-01 23:05:00','2016-01-01 00:09:00') ,time_format(timediff('2016-01-01 23:05:00','2016-01-01 00:09:00'),'%H') ,time_format(timediff('2016-01-01 23:05:00','2016-01-01 00:09:00'),'%i') ,timediff('2016-01-01 00:09:00','2016-01-01 23:05:00') ,time_format(timediff('2016-01-01 00:09:00','2016-01-01 23:05:00'),'%H') ,time_format(timediff('2016-01-01 00:09:00','2016-01-01 23:05:00'),'%i') 0 -1 0 22:56:00 22 56 (null) -22 -56 %f Microseconds (000000 to 999999) %f is available starting in MySQL 4.1.1 %H Hour (00 to 23 generally, but can be higher) %h Hour (00 to 12) %I Hour (00 to 12) %i Minutes (00 to 59) %p AM or PM %r Time in 12 hour AM or PM format (hh:mm:ss AM/PM) %S Seconds (00 to 59) %s Seconds (00 to 59) %T Time in 24 hour format (hh:mm:ss) STR_TO_DATE(convert(1980,char(4))+'-'+convert(1,char(2))+'-'+convert(5,char(2))+' '+convert(8,char(2))+':'+convert(8,char(2))+':00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') ,STR_TO_DATE('2012-10-11 16:42:30','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'); 2.转换字符串 sql server: convert(nvarchar(10),12345) mysql: convert(12345,char(10)) 3.自增长ID sql server: SCOPE_IDENTITY() create table type ( Type_ID int identity(1,1) primary key NOT NULL , TypeName varchar(25) NOT NULL ) mysql: create table type ( Type_ID int primary key auto_increment not null , TypeName varchar(25) NOT NULL ) LAST_INSERT_ID() @@IDENTITY insert into test.type(typename) values('bcd'); select LAST_INSERT_ID(); ALTER TABLE users AUTO_INCREMENT=1001; 3.存储过程里的临时表 sql server: declare table tb(id int) select * into tb2 from tb mysql: create temporary table tb(id int) create temporary table tb as select * from tb; drop temporary table if exists temptb ; create temporary table temptb as select * from tb; 4.isnull(id,0) sql server: isnull(id,0) mysql: ifnull(id,0) 5.错误处理 sql server: RAISERROR ('非法公历日期', 16, 1) mysql: SIGNAL SQLSTATE '01000'; SET MESSAGE_TEXT = '非法时间'; 6.执行存储过程 sql server: exec zConvertLunarSolar iyear,imon,iday,ihour,imin,IsleapM,ToLunar mysql: call zConvertLunarSolar (iyear,imon,iday,ihour,imin,IsleapM,ToLunar); 7.It is wrong in mysql: select typename,* from type 8.存储过程 sql server: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[hDelMingZhu] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @MingZhuId int AS BEGIN 。。。 END if ... begin ... end else if ... ... mysql: DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS hDelMingZhu$$ CREATE PROCEDURE hDelMingZhu( IN MingZhuId int) BEGIN 。。。 END$$ DELIMITER ; if ... then ... elseif ... then ... else end if; 9. update ... set ... from 根据某个表来更新 sql server: Update tmptb set GanId=ny.YueGanId from vNianToYue ny where tmptb.ZhiId = ny.YueZhiId mysql: Update tmptb inner join vNianToYue ny on tmptb.ZhiId = ny.YueZhiId set GanId=ny.YueGanId 10.循环和游标 sql server: declare @MingZhuId int begin declare mzs cursor for select MingZhuId from dMingZhu where Disabled = 0 open mzs --开启游标 while @@FETCH_STATUS=0--取值 begin fetch next FROM mzs into @MingZhuId--这样就将游标指向下一行,得到的第一行值就传给变量了 ------------------------------------------- exec [dbo].[wZiWeiPaiPan] @MingZhuId ------------------------------------------- end close mzs--关闭游标 deallocate mzs--释放游标 end mysql: while count < 10 do set count = count +1; end while; DECLARE a CHAR(16); -- 游标 DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT i FROM test.t; -- 遍历数据结束标志 DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; -- 将结束标志绑定到游标 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; -- 打开游标 OPEN cur; -- 开始循环 read_loop: LOOP -- 提取游标里的数据,这里只有一个,多个的话也一样; FETCH cur INTO a; -- 声明结束的时候 IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; -- 这里做你想做的循环的事件 INSERT INTO test.t VALUES (a); END LOOP; -- 关闭游标 CLOSE cur; 11.mysql不能用+= set count = count +1; 12.动态SQL SET @rangee = plimitRange * 10; SET @uid = puserid; PREPARE STMT FROM 'select @max_postid := MAX(postid), @min_postid := MIN(postid) from ( select wall.postid from wall,posts where wall.postid = posts.postid and posts.userid=? order by wall.postid desc LIMIT 10 OFFSET ? )m; '; EXECUTE STMT USING @uid,@rangee; DEALLOCATE PREPARE STMT; 13.在Mysql WorkBench不能update表 Error Code: 1175. You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column To disable safe mode, toggle the option in Preferences -> SQL Editor and reconnect. 0.312 sec 这是因为MySql运行在safe-updates模式下,该模式会导致非主键条件下无法执行update或者delete命令,执行命令SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;修改下数据库模式 1.Go to Edit --> Preferences 2.Click "SQL Queries" tab and uncheck "Safe Updates" check box 3.Query --> Reconnect to Server // logout and then login 4.Now execute your sql query P.s No need to restart mysql daemon! 14.存储过程中报错不能重新打开临时表 mysql> SELECT * FROM temp_table, temp_table AS t2;   ERROR 1137: Can't reopen table: 'temp_table' temporary table can't reopen table 下面几点是临时表的限制: 1、临时表只能用在 memory,myisam,merge,或者innodb 2、临时表不支持mysql cluster(簇) 3、在同一个query语句中,你只能查找一次临时表。 15.mysql 的查询语句里面可不可以用if else 之类的,我知道可以用case end correct: select if(true, 1, 2); wrong: if (1==1) then select 1 from test.type; else select 2 from test.type; end if; 16.字符串拼接用CONCAT不要用+ select 'abc'+'0', '123'+'67',convert(1980,char(4))+'-'+convert(1,char(2))+'-'+convert(5,char(2))+' '+convert(8,char(2))+':'+convert(8,char(2))+':00',STR_TO_DATE(convert(1980,char(4))+'-'+convert(1,char(2))+'-'+convert(5,char(2))+' '+convert(8,char(2))+':'+convert(8,char(2))+':00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') ,STR_TO_DATE('2012-10-11 16:42:30','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'); select concat(4,'-',1,9),'1'+'9' ,concat('',1,9), '123'+'67',convert(1980,char(4))+'-'+convert(1,char(2))+'-'+convert(5,char(2))+' '+convert(8,char(2))+':'+convert(8,char(2))+':00',STR_TO_DATE(convert(1980,char(4))+'-'+convert(1,char(2))+'-'+convert(5,char(2))+' '+convert(8,char(2))+':'+convert(8,char(2))+':00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') ,STR_TO_DATE('2012-10-11 16:42:30','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'); 4-19 10.0 19 190.0 2002.0 2001-11-30 00:00:00 2012-10-11 16:42:30 17.与操作,binary数据类型 注意,select 0x004BD8 & 0xF是可行的,但直接bitdata & 0xF不行,必须CONV(HEX(bitdata),16,10) & 0xF select 0x004BD8 & 0xF; select 19416 & 0xF; select *,bitdata & 0xF, CONV(HEX(bitdata),16,10) & 0xF from tLunarYear y binary转换成int select CONV(HEX(0x004BD8),16,10) correct: insert into tYear(yearNo,bitdt) select * from tLunarYear; wrong: insert into tYear(yearNo,bitdt,bitData) select id+1899,bitdata,CONV(HEX(bitdata),16,10) from tLunarYear; 位右移 mysql> select 100>>3; 位左移 mysql> select 100<<3; 18.给变量赋值 错误 declare a int; select a=1 from test.type; select a; 错误 select a:=1 from test.type; 错误 select 1,2 into a,b from test.type; 正确 select @a=1 from test.type; 正确 select 1 into a from test.type; !!!注意 @变量名 是用户变量,下次调用时不会自动初始化 The difference between a procedure variable and a session-specific user-defined variable is that procedure variable is reinitialized to NULL each time the procedure is called, while the session-specific variable is not: 使用into的方法(单个赋值) select id into @id from tbl_currentWeather where cityid = _cityid; 多个赋值 select @id:=id,@cityid:=cityid from tbl_currentWeather where cityid = _cityid; mysql中变量不用事前申明,在用的时候直接用“@变量名”使用就可以了。 第一种用法:set @num=1; 或set @num:=1; //这里要使用变量来保存数据,直接使用@num变量 第二种用法:select @num:=1; 或 select @num:=字段名 from 表名 where …… 注意上面两种赋值符号,使用set时可以用“=”或“:=”,但是使用select时必须用“:=赋值” 18.自动四舍五入 select truncate(1995/1000,0),format(1995 /1000,0), 1995 /1000 1 2 1.9950 19.不能在 MySQL 存储过程中使用 “return” 关键字 区块定义,常用 begin ...... end; 也可以给区块起别名,如: lable:begin ........... end lable; 可以用leave lable;跳出区块,执行区块以后的代码 20.length sql server: len('abvc') mysql:length('abvc') rtrim()和ltrim()两个都可以用 21.表字段设置默认值 sql server: ALTER TABLE [dbo].[dMingZhu] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dMingZhu_CreateBy] DEFAULT (suser_sname()) FOR [CreateBy] ALTER TABLE [dbo].[dMingZhu] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dMingZhu_CreateDateTime] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [CreateDateTime] mysql: MySQL 中,默认值无法使用函数.假如需要 某列的默认值为 当前数据库时间,那么可以使用 TIMESTAMP 数据类型。 wrong: alter table dMingZhu alter column CreateBy set default current_user(); alter table dMingZhu alter column CreateDateTime set default now(); dt TIMESTAMP 等价于dt TIMESTAMP default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP create table foo_audit ( foo_audit_id not null auto_increment primary key, foo_id int, foo_data varchar(100), change_type char(1), change_timestamp timestamp default current_timestamp, change_login varchar(100) ); create trigger trg_foo_insert after insert on foo for each row insert into foo_audit ( foo_id, foo_data, change_type, change_login ) values ( new.foo_id, new.foo_data, 'I', current_user ); 22.top n records select * from test.type limit 10 22.重命名 RENAME DATABASE db_name TO new_db_name 23.行号 SQL server: rownum() mysql: SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 rownum, t.* From (SELECT @rownum:=0,bz.* FROM dbazi bz where mingzhuid=5 and ganzhitypeid=7 and bazirefid is null ) t 24.自动四舍五入 sql server: select 5/2 2 Mysql: select 5/2,floor(5/2),round(123.5),floor(123.5),ceil(123.5); 3 2 124 123 124 25.合并字符串 select 'aa'+'bbb',concat('aaa','bbb') # 'aa'+'bbb', concat('aaa','bbb') '0', 'aaabbb' 以id分组,把name字段的值打印在一行,逗号分隔(默认) mysql> select id,group_concat(name) from aa group by id; +------+--------------------+ | id| group_concat(name) | +------+--------------------+ |1 | 10,20,20| |2 | 20 | |3 | 200,500| 以id分组,把name字段的值打印在一行,分号分隔 mysql> select id,group_concat(name separator ';') from aa group by id; 26.回车符 wrong: group_concat(Remark separator char(13)) correct: group_concat(text SEPARATOR 0x3) 27.找出所有相关的外键 sql server: select oSub.name AS [子表名称], fk.name AS [外键名称], SubCol.name AS [子表列名], oMain.name AS [主表名称], MainCol.name AS [主表列名] from sys.foreign_keys fk JOIN sys.all_objects oSub ON (fk.parent_object_id = oSub.object_id) JOIN sys.all_objects oMain ON (fk.referenced_object_id = oMain.object_id) JOIN sys.foreign_key_columns fkCols ON (fk.object_id = fkCols.constraint_object_id) JOIN sys.columns SubCol ON (oSub.object_id = SubCol.object_id AND fkCols.parent_column_id = SubCol.column_id) JOIN sys.columns MainCol ON (oMain.object_id = MainCol.object_id AND fkCols.referenced_column_id = MainCol.column_id) mysql: use INFORMATION_SCHEMA; select TABLE_NAME,COLUMN_NAME,CONSTRAINT_NAME, REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from KEY_COLUMN_USAGE where REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'wxingyao'; 28.生成数据的sql sql server: Task->Generate scripts->data only mysql: MySql Workbench->Server->Data Export Database->Reverse Engineer , Database->Forward Engineer 29.重命名 RENAME TABLE `oldTableName` TO `newTableName` 30.中文字符串长度 select substr('aaab',4,1),substr('海中金',3,1),char_length('海中金'),length('海中金'),char_length('aaa') b 金 3 9 3 31.导入导出CSV sql server BULK INSERT ReqOutDated FROM 'C:TempCHUBB.CSV' -- –> change the file path WITH ( FIRSTROW = 2, -- –> An indicator where the data starts. Usually its 2 because row 1 is the column names. FIELDTERMINATOR = ' ', --–> the field terminator is a comma (,), you may change it for your own needs ROWTERMINATOR = ' ' ) mysql 导入csv: load data infile '/test.csv' into table table_name fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"' escaped by '"' lines terminated by ' ' ignore 1 lines; 导出csv(如果有中文必须为utf-8): SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/test.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY ' ' FROM table_name; 32.数据库路径 mysql select @@datadir;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sui84/p/8204759.html
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