create or replace trigger NOPAYFREE2 before insert on arap_djfb for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); begin select distinct bd_cubasdoc.custname into pk_bas from bd_cubasdoc, arap_djfb, bd_cumandoc where bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = bd_cubasdoc.pk_cubasdoc and bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc=:new.ksbm_cl and :new.fkyhmc is null and bd_cubasdoc.freecustflag = 'Y'; if pk_bas is not null then raise_application_error(-20001, pk_bas || '是建行个人卡,不能委托中心付款!'); end if; exception when no_data_found then return; end NOPAYFREE2;
一路-江苏南京 17:26:38
Sumsen♂ 17:26:55
一路-江苏南京 17:27:16
Sumsen♂ 17:27:33
一路-江苏南京 17:27:55
下面这样写也是报错,不能读它 create or replace trigger NOPAYFREE2 before insert or update on arap_djfb for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); begin select distinct bd_cubasdoc.custname into pk_bas from bd_cubasdoc, bd_cumandoc,arap_djfb,arap_djzb where bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = bd_cubasdoc.pk_cubasdoc and bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc=:new.ksbm_cl and arap_djzb.vouchid=:new.vouchid and arap_djzb.djlxbm='23A1' and bd_cubasdoc.freecustflag = 'Y'; if pk_bas is not null then raise_application_error(-20001, pk_bas || '是建行个人卡,不能委托中心付款!'); end if; exception when no_data_found then return; end NOPAYFREE2;
create or replace trigger NOPAYFREE before insert or update on arap_djfb for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); begin select distinct bd_cubasdoc.custname into pk_bas from bd_cubasdoc, bd_cumandoc where bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = bd_cubasdoc.pk_cubasdoc and bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc=:new.ksbm_cl and :new.fkyhmc is null and bd_cubasdoc.freecustflag = 'Y'; if pk_bas is not null then raise_application_error(-20001, pk_bas||'-->账户是建行个人卡,不能使用委托中心付款!请当地行支付。'); end if; exception when no_data_found then return; end NOPAYFREE;
学习总结:触发器写的时候,针对那个表,下面使用select into用法时候from表就不需要引用针对的表