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  • oracle trace操作实验

    1,>select s.sid,s.serial#,s.username,p.spid from v$session s,v$process p   where s.paddr=p.addr and s.username is not null ;

    这里 ncv5的 sid和serial#这是针对当前窗口的当前会话,ncv5即使在当前窗口,但是exit重新登陆(事件结束),还是会变。

    2,show parameter sql_trace;



    execute dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session('133','17',true);



    5,跟踪文件在user_dump_dest下 show parameter dump

    根据上面查到的spid 3204 找到

    6,使用tkprof对上面的跟踪trc文件解析 (win下)

    >tkprof  C:\app\dell\diag\rdbms\ncbeta\ncbeta\trace\ncbeta_ora_3204.trc  c:\sen.trc.txt  aggregate=yes sys=no waits=yes sort=fchela


    7,关闭跟踪execute dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session('133','17',false);(不关闭会如何?)

    TKPROF: Release - Development on 星期五 12月 14 11:33:24 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
    Trace file: C:\app\dell\diag\rdbms\ncbeta\ncbeta\trace\ncbeta_ora_3204.trc
    Sort options: fchela  
    count    = number of times OCI procedure was executed
    cpu      = cpu time in seconds executing 
    elapsed  = elapsed time in seconds executing
    disk     = number of physical reads of buffers from disk
    query    = number of buffers gotten for consistent read
    current  = number of buffers gotten in current mode (usually for update)
    rows     = number of rows processed by the fetch or execute call
    select 收款单位名称,付款单位数目,wmsys.wm_concat(付款单位||'(' ||付款总金额 || ''||','||付款次数||'次)') 详情
     select unitname "付款单位",
            custcode "收款单位编码",
            custname "收款单位名称",
            sum_bbye "付款总金额",
            cnt1     "付款次数",
            cnt2     "付款单位数目"
       from (select substr(bd_corp.unitname,3,2) unitname,
                    sum(arap_djfb.bbye) sum_bbye,
                    count(bd_corp.unitcode) cnt1,
                    count(bd_corp.unitname) over(partition by bd_cubasdoc.custname) cnt2
               from bd_cubasdoc,
              where arap_djfb.ksbm_cl = bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc
                and bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = bd_cubasdoc.pk_cubasdoc
                and arap_djfb.vouchid = arap_djzb.vouchid
                and bd_corp.pk_corp = arap_djzb.dwbm
                and arap_djfb.payflag in ('1', '2')
                and arap_djfb.dr = '0'
              group by unitname,
     where cnt2 >= 2)
     group by  收款单位名称,付款单位数目
     order by  收款单位名称
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    ------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
    Parse        1      0.06       0.19          7        180          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.01          0          0          0           0
    Fetch       41      2.03       8.16      90155      90218          0         592
    ------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
    total       43      2.09       8.36      90162      90398          0         592
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 85  
    Rows     Row Source Operation
    -------  ---------------------------------------------------
        592  SORT GROUP BY (cr=90435 pr=90193 pw=0 time=52746 us cost=34937 size=600640 card=9385)
       1420   VIEW  (cr=90212 pr=90155 pw=0 time=9460 us cost=34747 size=1101184 card=17206)
       8850    WINDOW BUFFER (cr=90212 pr=90155 pw=0 time=10871 us cost=34747 size=3389582 card=17206)
       8850     SORT GROUP BY (cr=90212 pr=90155 pw=0 time=3792 us cost=34747 size=3389582 card=17206)
      33620      HASH JOIN  (cr=90212 pr=90155 pw=0 time=7011287 us cost=34006 size=3389582 card=17206)
       9538       TABLE ACCESS FULL BD_CUBASDOC (cr=375 pr=372 pw=0 time=3941 us cost=103 size=515052 card=9538)
      33620       HASH JOIN  (cr=89837 pr=89783 pw=0 time=6973577 us cost=33903 size=2460458 card=17206)
        206        VIEW  index$_join$_007 (cr=8 pr=16 pw=0 time=717 us cost=3 size=5150 card=206)
        206         HASH JOIN  (cr=8 pr=16 pw=0 time=615 us)
        206          INDEX FAST FULL SCAN I_BD_CORP_2 (cr=4 pr=2 pw=0 time=102 us cost=1 size=5150 card=206)(object id 80787)
        206          INDEX FAST FULL SCAN PK_BD_CORP (cr=4 pr=14 pw=0 time=205 us cost=1 size=5150 card=206)(object id 80788)
      33620        HASH JOIN  (cr=89829 pr=89767 pw=0 time=6937785 us cost=33899 size=2030308 card=17206)
      33620         HASH JOIN  (cr=3877 pr=3870 pw=0 time=27738 us cost=1182 size=1307656 card=17206)
      33620          TABLE ACCESS FULL ARAP_DJFB (cr=3641 pr=3638 pw=0 time=44100 us cost=996 size=860300 card=17206)
      37941          INDEX FAST FULL SCAN I_ARAP_DJZB_003 (cr=236 pr=232 pw=0 time=12263 us cost=64 size=986466 card=37941)(object id 80577)
    3544800         TABLE ACCESS FULL BD_CUMANDOC (cr=85952 pr=85897 pw=0 time=7526330 us cost=23559 size=148881600 card=3544800)
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    ------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
    Parse        1      0.06       0.19          7        180          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.01          0          0          0           0
    Fetch       41      2.03       8.16      90155      90218          0         592
    ------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
    total       43      2.09       8.36      90162      90398          0         592
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    ------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
    Parse      116      0.00       0.01          0          0          0           0
    Execute    543      0.06       0.05          0          0          0           0
    Fetch     1352      0.03       0.33        102       2139          0        2145
    ------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
    total     2011      0.09       0.40        102       2139          0        2145
    Misses in library cache during parse: 35
    Misses in library cache during execute: 35
        1  user  SQL statements in session.
      543  internal SQL statements in session.
      544  SQL statements in session.
    Trace file: C:\app\dell\diag\rdbms\ncbeta\ncbeta\trace\ncbeta_ora_3204.trc
    Trace file compatibility:
    Sort options: fchela  
           1  session in tracefile.
           1  user  SQL statements in trace file.
         543  internal SQL statements in trace file.
         544  SQL statements in trace file.
          37  unique SQL statements in trace file.
        5021  lines in trace file.
          11  elapsed seconds in trace file.
  • 相关阅读:
    问题 G: 跳马棋
    问题 H: 象棋对局胜负
    问题 C: 远离原点
    问题 B: 合并车厢
    Hibernate 异常汇总
    数据结构和算法之 查找
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sumsen/p/2817030.html
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