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  • Web 前端最佳实践

    Web 最佳实践





    • 尽量使用ID选择器
    • 基于Id的选择器:先使用ID选择器定位,然后再使用find方法精确查找
    1. // Fast:
    2. $( "#container div.robotarm" );
    3. // Super-fast:
    4. $( "#container" ).find( "div.robotarm" );
    • 指定选择的上下文
    1. // 劣质的代码:因为需要遍历整个DOM来找到.class
    2. $('.class');
    3. // 高品代码:因为只需在指定容器范围内进行查找
    4. $('.class', '#class-container');


    • 多级查找:右边尽量指定得详细点而左边则尽量简单点
    1. // Unoptimized:
    2. $( "div.data .gonzalez" );
    3. // Optimized:
    4. $( ".data td.gonzalez" );
    • 避免冗余
    1. $( ".data table.attendees td.gonzalez" );
    2. // Better: Drop the middle if possible.
    3. $( ".data td.gonzalez" );
    • 不要ID与其它选择器混搭 
    1. $('#outer #inner'); // 脏
    2. $('div#inner'); // 乱
    3. $('.outer-container #inner'); // 差
    4. $('#inner'); // 干净利落,后台只需调用document.getElementById()
    • 不要使用万能选择器
    1. $( ".buttons > *" ); // Extremely expensive.
    2. $( ".buttons" ).children(); // Much better.
    3. $( ".category :radio" ); // Implied universal selection.
    4. $( ".category *:radio" ); // Same thing, explicit now.
    5. $( ".category input:radio" ); // Much better.

    Dom 操作

    • 避免DOM节点频繁流化


      1. $.each( myArray, function( i, item ) {
      2. var newListItem = "<li>" + item + "</li>";
      3. $( "#ballers" ).append( newListItem );
      4. });
      • 方法一: 临时detach

        1. var ballers = $("#ballers");
        2. var parent = ballers.parent();
        3. ballers.detach();
        4. $.each(myArray, function(i, item) {
        5. var newListItem = "<li>" + item + "</li>";
        6. ballers.append(newListItem);
        7. });
        8. parent.append(ballers);
        9. var table = $( "#myTable" );
        10. var parent = table.parent();
        11. table.detach();
        12. // ... add lots and lots of rows to table
        13. parent.append( table );
      • 方法二:创建临时DOM节点

        1. var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
        2. $.each( myArray, function( i, item ) {
        3. var newListItem = document.createElement( "li" );
        4. var itemText = document.createTextNode( item );
        5. newListItem.appendChild( itemText );
        6. frag.appendChild( newListItem );
        7. });
        8. $( "#ballers" )[ 0 ].appendChild( frag );
      • 方法三:append html

        1. var myHtml = "";
        2. $.each( myArray, function( i, item ) {
        3. myHtml += "<li>" + item + "</li>";
        4. });
        5. $( "#ballers" ).html( myHtml );
    • 临时改变多个节点样式

    1. // Fine for up to 20 elements, slow after that:
    2. $( "a.swedberg" ).css( "color", "#0769ad" );
    3. // Much faster:
    4. $( "<style type="text/css">a.swedberg { color: #0769ad }</style>")
    5. .appendTo( "head" );
    6. //预定义css类会更好
    7. // .swedberg_color{color:#0769ad}
    8. $( "a.swedberg" ).addClass("swedberg_color" );



    JS 编码

    • 代码组织

      • 链式写法要换行

        1. $("#myLink")
        2. .addClass("bold")
        3. .on("click", myClickHandler)
        4. .on("mouseover", myMouseOverHandler)
        5. .show();
      • 链式写法中避免使用匿名函数,否则会严重影响代码易读性

      • 使用变量保存选择器结果方便重用

        1. //bad
        2. $("#myLink").addClass("bold");
        3. //stuff
        4. $("#myLink").on("click", myClickHandler)
        5. //better
        6. var myLink=$("#myLink").addClass("bold");
        7. //stuff
        8. myLink.on("click", myClickHandler)
      • 利用闭包保持代码整洁

        1. //bad
        2. var privateThing = "secret";
        3. var publicThing = "not secret";
        4. var changePrivateThing = function() {
        5. privateThing = "super secret";
        6. };
        7. var sayPrivateThing = function() {
        8. console.log( privateThing );
        9. changePrivateThing();
        10. };
        11. sayPrivateThing();
        12. //better
        13. var feature = (function() {
        14. // Private variables and functions
        15. var privateThing = "secret";
        16. var publicThing = "not secret";
        17. var changePrivateThing = function() {
        18. privateThing = "super secret";
        19. };
        20. var sayPrivateThing = function() {
        21. console.log( privateThing );
        22. changePrivateThing();
        23. };
        24. // Public API
        25. return {
        26. publicThing: publicThing,
        27. sayPrivateThing: sayPrivateThing
        28. };
        29. })();
        30. feature.sayPrivateThing();
    • 利用“事件冒泡”机制进行事件绑定
    1. //bad
    2. $('ul>li').on('click',clientHandler);
    3. //better
    4. $('ul').on('click','li',clientHandler);
    • 数组循环中不要每次循环都访问数组的长度,应该先缓存长度
    1. //好的写法
    2. var myLength = myArray.length;
    3. for ( var i = 0; i < myLength; i++ ) {
    4. // do stuff
    5. }
    6. //好的写法
    7. for ( var i = 0,myLength=myArray.length; i < myLength; i++ ) {
    8. // do stuff
    9. }
    10. //差的写法
    11. for ( var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++ ) {
    12. // do stuff
    13. }
    • 其它
    1. //bad
    2. // 糟糕:调用了三次attr
    3. $myLink.attr("href", "#").attr("title", "my link").attr("rel", "external");
    4. //better
    5. // 不错,只调用了一次attr,css函数与此类似
    6. $myLink.attr({
    7. href: "#",
    8. title: "my link",
    9. rel: "external"
    10. });


    jQuery 优化

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/suncj/p/4164391.html
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