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  • oracle internal :VIEW: X$KCBLDRHIST

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    Article-ID:         <Note:159900.1>
    Alias:              VIEW:X$KCBLDRHIST
    Circulation:        PUBLISHED (INTERNAL) ***Oracle Confidential - Internal Use Only***
    Folder:             server.Internals.General
    Topic:              ** X$ Table Definitions
    Title:              VIEW: X$KCBLDRHIST - Direct Read HISTory - (9.0)
    Document-Type:      REFERENCE
    Impact:             LOW
    Skill-Level:        NOVICE
    Server-Version:     09.00
    Updated-Date:       05-OCT-2001 05:27:02
    Authors:            MEPRESTO.US
    Attachments:        NONE
    Content-Type:       TEXT/PLAIN
    Products:           5/RDBMS (9.0);  
    View:   X$KCBLDRHIST
             [K]ernel [C]ache [B]uffer [L]oad management
               [d]irect [r]ead [hist]ory
     Column          Type               Description
     --------        ----               --------
     ADDR            RAW(4|8)           address of this row/entry in the array or SGA
     INDX            NUMBER             index number of this row in the fixed table array
     INST_ID         NUMBER             oracle instance number
     DRTHRUPT        NUMBER             throughput of direct reads
     TOTLSLTS        NUMBER             Total number of slots as seen by CKPT
     INCREASE        NUMBER             Increase bit
          KCBLHV_STAY    0        Do not increase number of slots
          KCBLHV_INCR    1        Increase number of slots
          KCBLHV_SYNC    2        Syncronize mode
     REALSLTS        NUMBER             Total number of slots as seen by the PQ slaves
    Notes from source:
       One copy of the history vector is allocated per instance.
       Each entry corresponds to a different time snapshot.
       Every 3 seconds, the next entry is updated.
       Each entry contains the following information:
       - Throughput of direct reads during the last 3 seconds expressed in
         blocks per second.
       - Total number of slots (1). The background process every 3 seconds adds
         up the number of slots in all active sessions. This is possible
         since every session maintains statistics about its number of slots.
       - Total number of slots (2). Each slave running adaptive direct reads
         adds regularly its number of slots to the history vector.
         The reason for having two different variables representing the
         same logical entity is because either of those two variables
         alone is not accurate enough. For example, if just before the end
         of the 3 second interval, a new slave started then (1) will not be
         accurate. On the other hand, if a slave just missed the chance to
         add its number of slots in the last entry, then (2) is wrong.
         So before any decision is taken, we make sure that (1) is identical
         to (2).
       - Increase bit. This bit indicates the decision taken by the background
         process for the next 3 seconds interval based on the previous history
         entries. Check the note in kcblclc for more information about the
         increase bit.
    KCBLHSZ  1000        Size of History Vector in number of rows
     KCBLHSLTRT  25       Minimum percentage increase in number of slots
    Minimum percentage increase in throughput expressed in percentage
    increase in the number of slots. For example, if we have a 40% increase
    in the number of slots, then the minimum increase in
    throughput needs to be 40% * 25% = 10%. So this number
    correlates the increase in number of slots with the throughput.
    The minimum increase in throughput is used by the background process
    as will be seen later. The latter compares the current increase in
    throughput with the minimum increase to determine whether to increase
    the number of slots in the system or not.
    Maximum IO Wait to Cumulative time ratio where slave is CPU bound
    expressed in percentage. If that IO wait to cumulative time ratio
    is greater than this number, then the slave is considered IO bound
    and would increase number of slots if background process indicates
    to do so. Otherwise, the slave is considered CPU bound and
    consequently ignores all decisions taken by the background process.
    The state for adaptive direct reads is composed of a persistent and
    nonpersistent state. Persistent state means that kcbl state is
    maintained across uses of a load descriptor. In other words, the
    state is maintained across kcbldrini calls. The reason for that is
    that sometimes kcbldrini is called multiple times for the same table
    or index... We don't want to restart the adaptation from scratch
    everytime kcbldrini is called. Instead we would like to maintain some
    state so that in case kcbldrini is called again on that same object,
    no redundant adaptation is needed.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/suncoolcat/p/3290265.html
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