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  • How to build a K2 SharePoint Workflow

    How to build a K2 SharePoint Workflow


    1.Create a Application Management by SharePoint Central Administration

    2.Create Site Collection

    3.Configure K2 Setting:

     a.Open SharePoint Central Administration

     b.click K2 for sharepoint

    c.configure all k2 setting

    4.Create a List or Library or other item to prepare the environment

    5.Make sure that K2 Student has export rights on the K2 Server to able to deploy the process.

    6. Configure the List or Library smartobject.

    A. Click the Site Actions drop down menu on the SharePoint Portal home page

    B. Select K2 Site Settings

    C. Click the SmartObject Service Management link

    D. Check the checkbox by Departments

    E. Click the Create button


    7.Turn to K2 studio,build the K2 process.


    Sample :Build leave request process

    1. Open K2 Studio
    2. Create a new SharePoint workflow process that integrates with the SharePoint Portal and the Denallix Leave Requests list
    3. Set the Start Action for the process to be when a new item is created in the Denallix Leave Requests list
    4. Create a User Task to Approve or Decline the Leave Request and assign it to the Originator’s Manager
    5. Rename and connect the Activities
    6. Use the Process Helper to delete the item if the Leave Request was declined
    7. Add a Mail Event Wizard to the design canvas and configure the wizard to send an email if the request was declined
    8. Add process data fields to the Folio
    9. Add a SharePoint List Item to create a new Department Calendar Item on the Department Site based on the Leave Request Metadata
    10. Continue configuring the List Item Wizard to use the SmartObject to determine what the name of the Calendar is based on the Department
    11. Continue configuring the List Item Wizard to use the Metadata from the original leave request item to populate the new Calendar Item, including the start and end dates for the leave request
    12. Rename and connect the Activities
    13. Copy the Declined Email Event and Paste it into the Approved Activity, and change the email to reflect the Approved status of the Leave Request
    14. Copy the Create Department Calendar item to also create a Calendar item on the master HR Calendar
    15. Copy the Delete List Item event to also remove the Leave Request item after it has been approved
    16. Save your work

    Note:if you want to know more ,please see the k2 blackpoint student document:Try it_Leave Request.pdf



    8.Deploy the K2 process to integrate with Share Point technologies

    A. On the Home tab on the Ribbon, click on the Deploy button



    B. Click Next to advance the wizard to the Server and Project Settings page. Leave the Environment set to Development

    C. Click Finish


    D. To ensure the deployment was successful, wait until you see Deployment Succeeded in the Status bar:


    9.Open your site ,click K2 Management to add your k2 process to process portal.


    A. Launch Student’s Browser using the desktop icon

    B. Click on the K2 Management tab on the top navigation bar

    C. On the left hand Quick Launch bar, click the Settings link

    D. Check the SharePoint\Leave Request checkbox

    E. Click OK

    10.Give administrative rights to user.


    A. On the Quick Launch bar, click the Process Rights link

    B. Click on the Actions drop down menu

    C. Select Add

    D. In the section titled Portal Processes, check the SharePoint\Leave Request checkbox

    E. In the section titled Add Users or Groups, type mike into the textbox

    F. Click on the Check Names button below the People Picker textbox

    Note: You should see Mike’s name change to be underlined and capitalized, indicating that SharePoint has the correct user to grant rights.

    G. In the section titled Give Permissions, check the Admin checkbox

    H. Click OK

    11.Give start right to all domain user.

    A. Click on the Actions drop down menu

    B. Select Add

    C. In the section titled Portal Processes, check the SharePoint\Leave Request checkbox

    D. In the section titled Add Users or Groups, type domain users into the textbox

    E. Click on the Check Names button below the People Picker textbox

    Note: You should see the group’s name change to be underlined and capitalized, indicating that SharePoint has the correct group to grant rights.

    F. In the section titled Give Permissions, check the Start checkbox

    G. Click OK

    12.At last step,you can verify your process.

    If you want to know more ,please see the k2 blackpoint student document:Try it_Leave Request.pdf


    For this demostration,we use approvals from both the Active Directory Manager and a Role,manager can set by organization of active diretory,role can set by Management Console of K2 Site Setting

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sunjunlin/p/2025063.html
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