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  • 当被监控的应用发生问题时,heartbeat会failover么?

    从maillist上别人给出的答案可以看出,如果不做额外的工作,比如,那么heartbeat只有在收不到heartbeat package的时候才会failover,换言之,如果heartbeat的daemon工作正常,但是被监控的服务已经down掉 了,heartbeat也是不会做双机切换的。


    If you want to monitor the apache service with Heartbeat Release 1 then
    use Mon from Kernel.org to monitor your services.
    If you want to configure heartbeat in Release 2 style you could set up a
    monitoring through OCF scripts. For this you should read further on in
    the online docs of linux-ha.
    You are right. Heartbeat by itself only switches over to the other node,
    if it receives no more heartbeat signal of the other node.

    Hope that helps...


    Eric Zhang wrote:
    > Hi, linux-ha:
    > I am a newbie of Heartbeat. I have a question now: Will the
    > heartbeat failover from primary server to backup server when the
    > resource is unavailable? I mean, suppose such a situation: I run Apache
    > as my web server and it is the resource that hearbeat will monitor, when
    > the primary server was down, the backup server will not hear the
    > heartbeat so the failover begins. But if the heartbeat daemon of primary
    > server works right but my Apache doesn't work, what will happen? Will
    > this trigger a failover event?
    > Actually, I don't know the details of heartbeat's resource manager.
    > Heartbeat's resource manager needs the resource scripts implement
    > "status, start, stop" commands, that means I can do a lot of jobs in
    > these three commands, I can do a lot of checking works in "status"
    > command, if my resource works abnormally, the resource script will
    > return words "bad" or some other things, whatever, just no "ok". If so,
    > will heartbeat begin failover when my resource script doesn't return
    > "ok" or, heartbeat only begin failover when the primary server doesn't
    > send heartbeat packages?
    > I wish everyone can understand me. Thanks for any suggestions.
    > Eric Zhang
    > 2006-11-02
    > _______________________________________________
    > Linux-HA mailing list
    > Linux-HA@lists.linux-ha.org
    > http://lists.linux-ha.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-ha
    > See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems
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