since 4.1.0
The purpose
This feature allows end user to organize the event logging on the client side. Also this feature may be useful in a binding with standard or custom reporting frameworks.//这个功能是用来组织客户端事件日志,便于分析测试细节和撰写测试报告。
The API was designed the way which allows end user to select events (searching, navigation, exception throwing etc.) which should be listened to. It contains the following list of interfaces (new items may be added further)://有如下API。
is the basic interfaceio.appium.java_client.events.api.general.AlertEventListener
is for the listening to alertsio.appium.java_client.events.api.general.ElementEventListener
is for the listening to actions related to elementsio.appium.java_client.events.api.general.JavaScriptEventListener
is for the listening to java script executingio.appium.java_client.events.api.general.ListensToException
is for the listening to exceptions which are thrownio.appium.java_client.events.api.general.NavigationEventListener
is for the listening to events related to navigationio.appium.java_client.events.api.general.SearchingEventListener
is for the listening to events related to the searching.io.appium.java_client.events.api.general.WindowEventListener
is for the listening to actions on a windowio.appium.java_client.events.api.mobile.ContextEventListener
is for the listening to the switching to mobile contextio.appium.java_client.events.api.mobile.RotationEventListener
is for the listening to screen rotationio.appium.java_client.events.api.general.AppiumWebDriverEventListener
was added to provide the compatibility with user's implementation oforg.openqa.selenium.support.events.WebDriverEventListener
. Also it extends some interfaces above.
Briefly about the engine.
This is pretty similar solution as the org.openqa.selenium.support.events.EventFiringWebDriver
of the Selenium project. You can read about this thing there The blog post.//这个功能来源于selenium,但克服了selenium中每次只能监听一个事件的缺点。
Here we were trying to improve existing drawbacks and restrictions using:
API splitting, see above.
the binding of some Spring framework engines with AspectJ.
How to use
It is easy.//使用方法:将driver和被监听的事件传入EventFiringWebDriverFactory。
import io.appium.java_client.events.api.general.AlertEventListener;
public class AlertListener implements AlertEventListener {
import io.appium.java_client.events.api.general.ElementEventListener;
public class ElementListener implements ElementEventListener {
//and so on
import io.appium.java_client.events.EventFiringWebDriverFactory;
import io.appium.java_client.events.api.Listener;
AndroidDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(parameters);
driver = EventFiringWebDriverFactory.getEventFiringWebDriver(driver, new AlertListener(),
new ElementListener());
AndroidDriver driver2 = new AndroidDriver(parameters);
List<Listener> listeners = new ArrayList<>();
listeners.add(new AlertListener());
listeners.add(new ElementListener());
driver = EventFiringWebDriverFactory.getEventFiringWebDriver(driver2, listeners);
What if there are listeners which used everywhere by default.
In order to avoid the repeating actions an end user is free to do these things://高级用法:将监听事件作为一种自动启动的服务,不必显式地监听。这种用法来源于java自身的SPI。
- create folders
and put the fileio.appium.java_client.events.api.Listener
there. Please read aboutSPI.//创建/META-INF/services文件夹,把一个文件放到其中。
- define the list of default listeners at the
And then it is enough//使用监听事件。
//and so on
import io.appium.java_client.events.EventFiringWebDriverFactory;
AndroidDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(parameters);
driver = EventFiringWebDriverFactory.getEventFiringWebDriver(driver);
If there are listeners defined externally when this collection is merged with default set of listeners.
How to reuse customized WebDriverEventListener
If an end user has their own org.openqa.selenium.support.events.WebDriverEventListener
implementation then in order to make it compatible with this engine it is enough to do the following.//高级用法:扩展被监听的事件。
import org.openqa.selenium.support.events.WebDriverEventListener;
import io.appium.java_client.events.api.general.AppiumWebDriverEventListener;
public class UsersWebDriverEventListener implements WebDriverEventListener, AppiumWebDriverEventListener {
or just
import io.appium.java_client.events.api.general.AppiumWebDriverEventListener;
public class UsersWebDriverEventListener implements AppiumWebDriverEventListener {