import bs4 import requests import urllib2 import time import base64 session=requests.Session() response=session.get('') soup=bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text) s=soup.find('img') #get the img tag #print s #we get s,but the type of s is class #print s['src'] #use [] get the tag's attributes #use .string get the text between<tag>and</tag> #get tag's attributes src=s['src'] #get text of the photo photo=src.split(',',1)[1] #decode the photo photo=base64.b64decode(photo) #show photo #print photo # we take <text></text>,sort by x text=photo.split("<line",1)[0] text=text.split(">",1)[1] text=text.split("</text>") #print text #get char and x pos ans={} for chars in text: print chars length=len(chars) if length<3: break char=chars[length-1] ch=chars.split() x=ch[1].split('"')[1] x=int(x) ans[x]=char print length,char,ch[1],x,ans[x] ans=sorted(ans.iteritems(), key=lambda d:d[0], reverse =False ) print ans url='' s='' #print type(ans) #after sorted ,type(ans)=list?? for ch in ans: s=s+ch[1] url=url+s flag=session.get(url) print flag.text