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  • Qt qml listview 列表视图控件(下拉刷新、上拉分页、滚动轴)

    Qt qml listview下拉刷新和上拉分页主要根据contentY来判断。但要加上顶部下拉指示器、滚动条,并封装成可简单调用的组件,着实花了我不少精力:)




     1 下拉刷新和上拉分页逻辑
     2     /下拉刷新
     3     /上拉更多
     4     /滚动栏
     5     /工具栏半拉显隐
     6 Author: surfsky.cnblogs.com
     7 Lisence: MIT 请保留此文档声明
     8 History:
     9     init. surfsky.cnblogs.com, 2015-01
    10     add initPosition property. 2015-01




    控件使用非常简单,只要实现 onLoad 和 onLoadMore 事件即可,其他的和标准的ListView差不多。

     1 /**
     2 新闻示例
     3     下拉刷新
     4     上拉分页
     5     滚动轴
     6     顶部工具栏
     7     顶部工具栏自动吸附
     8     当前行高亮
     9 Author: surfsky.cnblogs.com 2015-01
    10 */
    11 ListViewEx{
    12     id: view
    13      500
    14     height: 800
    15     pageSize: 50
    16     snapHeader: true
    17     initPosition: 'header'
    19     // 顶部新闻图片栏
    20     headerComponent: Component{
    21         PageView{
    22             id: pv
    23              view.width
    24             height: 100
    25             clip: true
    26             Rectangle{pv.width; height:pv.height; color: 'green'}
    27             Rectangle{width:pv.width; height:pv.height; color: 'yellow'}
    28             Rectangle{width:pv.width; height:pv.height; color: 'blue'}
    29         }
    30     }
    32     // 行UI代理
    33     delegate: Text {
    34         id: wrapper;
    35         width: parent.width;
    36         height: 32;
    37         font.pointSize: 15;
    38         verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter;
    39         horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter;
    40         text: content;
    41         //color: ListView.view.currentIndex == index ? "white" : "#505050";
    42         MouseArea {
    43             anchors.fill: parent;
    44             onClicked:  wrapper.ListView.view.currentIndex = index;
    45         }
    46     }
    49     //-----------------------------------------
    50     // 数据加载事件
    51     //-----------------------------------------
    52     onLoad:{
    53         for (var i = 0 ; i < pageSize ; ++i)
    54             model.append({"index": i, "content": "Item " + i})
    55     }
    56     onLoadMore:{
    57         for (var i = pageSize*page ; i < pageSize*(page+1); ++i)
    58             model.append({"index": i, "content": "Item " + i})
    59     }
    60 }



     1     //-------------------------------------
     2     // 下拉刷新和上拉分页逻辑
     3     //-------------------------------------
     4     onMovementEnded: {
     5         //console.log("movementEnded: originY:" + originY + ", contentY:" + contentY + ", reflesh:" + needReflesh + ", more:" + needLoadMore);
     6         // 刷新数据
     7         if (needReflesh){
     8             lv.headerItem.goState('load');
     9             model.reflesh();
    10             needReflesh = false;
    11         }
    12         // 加载新数据
    13         else if (needLoadMore){
    14             model.loadMore();
    15             needLoadMore = false;
    16         }
    17         else {
    18             var h1 = lv.headerItem.loader.height;
    19             var h2 = lv.headerItem.indicator.height;
    21             // 头部区自动显隐(拖动过小隐藏头部,反之显示)
    22             if (snapHeader){
    23                 if (contentY >= -h1/3 && contentY < 0)
    24                     moveToFirst();
    25                 if (contentY >= -h1 && contentY < -h1/3)
    26                     moveToHeader();
    27             }
    28             // 刷新区自动显隐
    29             if (contentY >=-(h1+h2) && contentY < -h1)
    30                 moveToHeader();
    31         }
    32     }
    33     onContentYChanged: {
    34         // 下拉刷新判断逻辑:已经到头了,还下拉一定距离
    35         if (contentY < originY){
    36             var dy = contentY - originY;
    37             if (dy < -10){
    38                 lv.headerItem.goState('ready');
    39                 needReflesh = true;
    40             }
    41             else {
    42                 if (pressed){
    43                     //console.log(pressed);
    44                     //needReflesh = false;   // 如何判断当前鼠标是否按下?如果是按下状态才能取消刷新
    45                     lv.headerItem.goState('');
    46                 }
    47             }
    48         }
    49         // 上拉加载判断逻辑:已经到底了,还上拉一定距离
    50         if (contentHeight>height && contentY-originY > contentHeight-height){
    51             var dy = (contentY-originY) - (contentHeight-height);
    52             //console.log("y: " + contentY + ", dy: " + dy);
    53             if (dy > 40){
    54                 needLoadMore = true;
    55                 //console.log("originY:" + originY + ", contentY:" + contentY + ", height:" + height + ", contentheight:" + contentHeight);
    56             }
    57         }
    58     }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/surfsky/p/4352898.html
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