/*--用存儲過程實現的分頁程式 顯示指定表、視圖、查詢結果的第X頁 對於表中主鍵或標識列的情況,直接從原表取數查詢,其他情況使用臨時表的方法 如果視圖或查詢結果中有主鍵,不推薦此方法 --鄒建 2003.09(引用請保留此資訊)--*/ /**//*--調用示例 select top 20 * from product_schedule where brand='oem' exec p_show 'product_schedule',10,2,'','schedule_id' select top 20 * from product_schedule where brand='oem' and 1=2 exec p_show 'select schedule_id, priority, merchandising_team, merchandizer, customer,brand from product_schedule where brand=''oem'' and 1=1 ', 10,2,' priority, merchandising_team, merchandizer, customer','schedule_id' select * from uv_product_report order by year,month,day,product_dest,brand,styling,qty exec p_show 'uv_product_report',1500,4,'year,month,day,product_dest,brand,styling,qty','year,month,day,product_dest,brand,styling,qty' --*/ if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[p_show]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[p_show] GO CREATE Proc dbo. p_show @QueryStr nvarchar(4000), --表名、視圖名、查詢語句 @PageSize int=10, --每頁的大小(行數) @PageCurrent int=1, --要顯示的頁 @FdShow nvarchar (4000)='',--要顯示的欄位列表,如果查詢結果有標識欄位,需要指定此值,且不包含標識欄位 @FdOrder nvarchar (1000)='' --排序欄位列表 as declare @FdName nvarchar(250) --表中的主鍵或表、臨時表中的標識列名 ,@Id1 varchar(20),@Id2 varchar(20) --開始和結束的記錄號 ,@Obj_ID int --對象ID --表中有複合主鍵的處理 declare @strfd nvarchar(2000) --複合主鍵列表 ,@strjoin nvarchar(4000) --連接欄位 ,@strwhere nvarchar(2000) --查詢條件 select @Obj_ID=object_id(@QueryStr) ,@FdShow=case isnull(@FdShow,'') when '' then ' *' else ' '+@FdShow end ,@FdOrder=case isnull(@FdOrder,'') when '' then '' else ' order by '+@FdOrder end ,@QueryStr=case when @Obj_ID is not null then ' '+@QueryStr else ' ('+@QueryStr+') a' end --如果顯示第一頁,可以直接用top來完成 if @PageCurrent=1 begin select @Id1=cast(@PageSize as varchar(20)) exec('select top '+@Id1+@FdShow+' from '+@QueryStr+@FdOrder) return end --如果是表,則檢查表中是否有標識更或主鍵 if @Obj_ID is not null and objectproperty(@Obj_ID,'IsTable')=1 begin select @Id1=cast(@PageSize as varchar(20)) ,@Id2=cast((@PageCurrent-1)*@PageSize as varchar(20)) select @FdName=name from syscolumns where id=@Obj_ID and status=0x80 if @@rowcount=0 --如果表中無標識列,則檢查表中是否有主鍵 begin if not exists(select 1 from sysobjects where parent_obj=@Obj_ID and xtype='PK') goto lbusetemp --如果表中無主鍵,則用臨時表處理 select @FdName=name from syscolumns where id=@Obj_ID and colid in( select colid from sysindexkeys where @Obj_ID=id and indid in( select indid from sysindexes where @Obj_ID=id and name in( select name from sysobjects where xtype='PK' and parent_obj=@Obj_ID ))) if @@rowcount>1 --檢查表中的主鍵是否為複合主鍵 begin select @strfd='',@strjoin='',@strwhere='' select @strfd=@strfd+',['+name+']' ,@strjoin=@strjoin+' and a.['+name+']=b.['+name+']' ,@strwhere=@strwhere+' and b.['+name+'] is null' from syscolumns where id=@Obj_ID and colid in( select colid from sysindexkeys where @Obj_ID=id and indid in( select indid from sysindexes where @Obj_ID=id and name in( select name from sysobjects where xtype='PK' and parent_obj=@Obj_ID ))) select @strfd=substring(@strfd,2,2000) ,@strjoin=substring(@strjoin,5,4000) ,@strwhere=substring(@strwhere,5,4000) goto lbusepk end end end else goto lbusetemp /**//*--使用標識列或主鍵為單一欄位的處理方法--*/ lbuseidentity: exec('select top '+@Id1+@FdShow+' from '+@QueryStr +' where '+@FdName+' not in(select top ' +@Id2+' '+@FdName+' from '+@QueryStr+@FdOrder +')'+@FdOrder ) return /**//*--表中有複合主鍵的處理方法--*/ lbusepk: exec('select '+@FdShow+' from(select top '+@Id1+' a.* from (select top 100 percent * from '+@QueryStr+@FdOrder+') a left join (select top '+@Id2+' '+@strfd+' from '+@QueryStr+@FdOrder+') b on '+@strjoin+' where '+@strwhere+') a' ) return /**//*--用臨時表處理的方法--*/ lbusetemp: select @FdName='[ID_'+cast(newid() as varchar(40))+']' ,@Id1=cast(@PageSize*(@PageCurrent-1) as varchar(20)) ,@Id2=cast(@PageSize*@PageCurrent-1 as varchar(20)) exec('select '+@FdName+'=identity(int,0,1),'+@FdShow+' into #tb from'+@QueryStr+@FdOrder+' select '+@FdShow+' from #tb where '+@FdName+' between ' +@Id1+' and '+@Id2 ) GO