我下面提出的解决方案是在Redis中缓存所有输出的HTML 内容而无需再让WordPress重复执行页面脚本。这里使用Redis代替Varnish设置简单,而且可能更快。
安装 Redis
如果你使用的是 Debian 或者衍生的操作系统可使用如下命令安装 Redis:
apt-get install redis-server
或者阅读 安装指南
使用 Predis 作为 Redis 的 PHP 客户端
你需要一个客户端开发包以便 PHP 可以连接到 Redis 服务上。
这里我们推荐 Predis. 上传 predis.php 到 WordPress 的根目录。
步骤1:在WordPress 的根目录创建新文件 index-with-redis.php ,内容如下:
// Change these two variables:
$seconds_of_caching = 60*60*24*7; // 7 days.
$ip_of_this_website = ‘’;
– This file is written by Jim Westergren, copyright all rights reserved.
– See more here:
– The code is free for everyone to use how they want but please mention my name and link to my article when writing about this.
– Change $ip_of_this_website to the IP of your website above.
– Add ?refresh=yes to the end of a URL to refresh it’s cache
– You can also enter the redis client via the command prompt with the command “redis-cli” and then remove all cache with the command “flushdb”.*/
// Very necessary if you use Cloudfare:
}// This is from WordPress:
define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, true);
// Start the timer:
function getmicrotime($t) {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(” “,$t);
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
}$start = microtime();
// Initiate redis and the PHP client for redis:
$redis = new PredisClient(”);// few variables:
$current_page_url = “http://”.$_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’].$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’];
$current_page_url = str_replace(‘?refresh=yes’, ”, $current_page_url);
$redis_key = md5($current_page_url);
// This first case is either manual refresh cache by adding ?refresh=yes after the URL or somebody posting a comment
if (isset($_GET[‘refresh’]) || substr($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], -12) == ‘?refresh=yes’ || ($_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’] == $current_page_url && $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] != ‘/’ && $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] != $ip_of_this_website)) {
$redis->del($redis_key);// Second case: cache exist in redis, let’s display it
} else if ($redis->exists($redis_key)) {
$html_of_current_page = $redis->get($redis_key);
echo $html_of_current_page;
echo “<!– This is cache –>”;
// third: a normal visitor without cache. And do not cache a preview page from the wp-admin:
} else if ($_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] != $ip_of_this_website && strstr($current_page_url, ‘preview=true’) == false) {
$html_of_current_page = file_get_contents($current_page_url);
$redis->setex($redis_key, $seconds_of_caching, $html_of_current_page);
echo “<!– Cache has been set –>”;// last case: the normal WordPress. Should only be called with file_get_contents:
} else {
}// Let’s display some page generation time (note: CloudFlare may strip out comments):
$end = microtime();
$t2 = (getmicrotime($end) – getmicrotime($start));
if ($_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] != $ip_of_this_website) {
echo “<!– Cache system by Jim Westergren. Page generated in “.round($t2,5).” seconds. –>”;
步骤2:将上述代码中的 IP 地址替换成你网站的 IP 地址
步骤3:在.htaccess 中将所有出现 index.php 的地方改为 index-with-redis.php ,如果你使用的是 Nginx 则修改 nginx.conf 中的 index.php 为 index-with-redis.php(并重载 Nginx : killall -s HUP nginx)。
1.没有Redis 的情况下,平均首页执行1.614 秒,文章页0.174 秒(无任何缓存插件)
2.使用Redis 的情况下,平均页面执行时间0.00256秒
我的环境是Nginx + PHP-FPM + APC + Cloudflare + Redis. 安装在一个 nano VPS 中,无缓存插件。
访问 wp-admin
要访问 wp-admin 必须使用 /wp-admin/index.php 代替原来的 /wp-admin/.