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  • 学生成绩管理系统

      1 //学生成绩管理系统 V1.0
      2 //student.cpp
      3 //Made By SUT_Hui 
      4 //2012-3-12
      5 //wangchunhui@wangchunhui.cn 
      7 #include <iostream>
      8 #include <fstream>
      9 #include <string>
     10 #include <iomanip> 
     12 //#define course_mount 5
     14 using namespace std;
     16 /*
     17 //----------------------------------------------------------course 类
     18 class course
     19 {
     20     private:
     21     state int Course_number_count;
     22     string Course_name;
     23     string Course_teacher;
     24     public:
     25     course();
     26     void add_course();
     27     ~course();
     28 };
     29 */
     30 int n=0;//TEST = 4,Normal = 0;
     31 int  m=0, i=1, j=0;
     32 double class_course_everage[4]={0};
     34 //----------------------------------------------------------student 类
     36 class student
     37 {
     38     private:
     39 //    static int count; 
     40     string Student_name;
     41     string Student_No;
     42     char Student_sex;
     43     double Student_score_everage;
     44     double Maths;
     45     double Chinese;
     46     double English;
     47     double CPP;
     48     public:
     49     student();
     50     void init_student();
     51 //    void score_everage();
     52     void init_score();
     53     string getStudent_No();
     54     string getStudent_name();
     55     char getStudent_sex();
     56     double getscore_sum();
     57     double getStudent_score_everage();
     58     double getStudent_score_Maths();
     59     double getStudent_score_Chinese();
     60     double getStudent_score_English();
     61     double getStudent_score_CPP();
     62     ~student()
     63     {
     64         cout<<"Waitng..."<<endl;
     65     }
     66 }students[40];
     68 //-----------------------------------------------------------函数声明
     70 void welcome();
     71 int Main_student();
     72 int Main_student_input_1();
     73 int Main_student_input_1();
     74 int Main_student_list_2();
     75 int Main_student_correct_3();
     76 int Main_student_coursename_4();
     77 int Main_student_scoreinput_5();
     78 int Main_student_courseeverage_6();
     79 int Main_student_class_courseeverage_7();
     80 int Main_student_ALL_8();
     81 int Main_copyright_9();
     83 //-----------------------------------------------------------main 函数 
     85 int main()
     86 {
     87     welcome();
     88     return Main_student();
     89 }
     91 //-----------------------------------------------------------class student 类函数定义
     93 student::student()
     94 {
     95     Student_name = " ";
     96     Student_No = " ";
     97     Student_sex = 'M';
     98     Maths = 0.0;
     99     Chinese = 0.0;
    100     English = 0.0;
    101     CPP = 0.0;
    102 }
    104 //__________________________TEST
    105 /*
    106 student::student()
    107 {
    108     Student_name = "未命名";
    109     Student_No = "#########";
    110     Student_sex = 'M';
    111     Maths = 50.50;
    112     Chinese = 50.50;
    113     English = 50.50;
    114     CPP = 50.50;
    115 }
    116 //___________________________TEXT 
    117 */
    119 void student::init_student()
    120 {
    121     int len_name, len_No;
    122     cout<<"
    123     cout<<"              姓名:";cin>>Student_name;getchar();
    124     cout<<"              学号:";cin>>Student_No;getchar();
    125     cout<<"              性别:(F/M)";cin>>Student_sex;getchar();
    126     len_name = Student_name.length();
    127     len_No = Student_No.length();
    128     if(len_name < 6)
    129     {
    130         for(;len_name<6;len_name++)
    131         {
    132             Student_name += " ";
    133         }
    134     }
    135     if(len_No < 9)
    136     {
    137         for(; len_No < 9; len_No++)
    138         {
    139             Student_No+=" ";
    140         }
    141     }
    142 }
    144 void student::init_score()
    145 {
    146     cout<<"                "<<"学生-"<<students[i].getStudent_name()<<"成绩录入:"<<endl;
    147     cout<<"                "<<"数学:"; cin>>Maths;getchar();
    148     cout<<"                "<<"语文:"; cin>>Chinese;getchar();
    149     cout<<"                "<<"英语:"; cin>>English;getchar();
    150     cout<<"                "<<"C++ :"; cin>>CPP;getchar();
    151 }
    152 /*
    153 void student::score_everage()
    154 {
    155     Student_score_everage=(Maths+Chinese+English+CPP)/4;
    156 }
    157 */
    158 string student::getStudent_No()
    159 {
    160     return Student_No;
    161 }
    163 string student::getStudent_name()
    164 {
    165     return Student_name;
    166 }
    168 char student::getStudent_sex()
    169 {
    170     return Student_sex;
    171 }
    173 double student::getscore_sum()
    174 {
    175     return (Maths+Chinese+English+CPP);
    176 }
    178 double student::getStudent_score_everage()
    179 {
    180     Student_score_everage=(Maths+Chinese+English+CPP)/4;
    181     return Student_score_everage;
    182 }
    184 double student::getStudent_score_Maths()
    185 {
    186     return Maths;
    187 }
    189 double student::getStudent_score_Chinese()
    190 {
    191     return Chinese;
    192 }
    194 double student::getStudent_score_English()
    195 {
    196     return English;
    197 }
    199 double student::getStudent_score_CPP() 
    200 {
    201     return CPP;
    202 }
    204 //-----------------------------------------------------------函数定义 
    206 void welcome()
    207 {
    208     cout<<"
    209     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    210     cout<<"             =                                      ="<<endl;
    211     cout<<"             =          学生成绩管理系统 V1.0       ="<<endl;
    212     cout<<"             =                                      ="<<endl;
    213     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    214     cout<<"             =             MADE BY  SUT_HUi         ="<<endl;
    215     cout<<"             =           START AT    2012/3/12      ="<<endl;
    216     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    217     cout<<"
    218     getchar();
    219     system("cls");
    220 }
    222 int Main_student()
    223 {
    224     int flag = 0;
    225     while(!flag)
    226     {
    227         char choose;
    228         cout<<"
    229         cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    230         cout<<"             =                                      ="<<endl;
    231         cout<<"             =          学生成绩管理系统 V1.0       ="<<endl;
    232         cout<<"             =               管理界面               ="<<endl;
    233         cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    234         cout<<"             =         1.学生基本信息录入           ="<<endl;
    235         cout<<"             =         2.学生基本信息列表           ="<<endl;
    236         cout<<"             =         3.学生基本信息修改           ="<<endl;
    237         cout<<"             =         4.科目名称修改               ="<<endl;
    238         cout<<"             =         5.分数录入                   ="<<endl;
    239         cout<<"             =         6.个人成绩状况               ="<<endl;
    240         cout<<"             =         7.班级成绩状况               ="<<endl;
    241         cout<<"             =         8.总表                       ="<<endl;
    242         cout<<"             =         9.版权信息                   ="<<endl;
    243         cout<<"             =         0.退出                       ="<<endl;
    244         cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    245         cout<<"             请选择:"; 
    246         do{
    247             cin>>choose;getchar();
    248             switch(choose)
    249             {
    250                 case '1':system("cls"); flag = Main_student_input_1();system("cls"); break;
    251                 case '2':system("cls"); flag = Main_student_list_2(); break;
    252                 case '3':system("cls"); flag = Main_student_correct_3(); break;
    253                 case '4':system("cls"); flag = Main_student_coursename_4(); break;
    254                 case '5':system("cls"); flag = Main_student_scoreinput_5(); break;
    255                 case '6':system("cls"); flag = Main_student_courseeverage_6(); break;
    256                 case '7':system("cls"); flag = Main_student_class_courseeverage_7(); break;
    257                 case '8':system("cls"); flag = Main_student_ALL_8(); break;
    258                 case '9':system("cls"); flag = Main_copyright_9(); break;
    259                 case '0':return (0);
    260                 default:flag++;cout<<"             输入有误请重新输入:";  
    261                         if(flag == 10) {cout<<"ERROR!"<<endl<<"正在退出"<<endl;return (1);}
    262             }
    263         }while(flag);
    264         system("cls");
    265     }
    266 }
    268 int Main_student_input_1()
    269 {
    270     cout<<"
    271     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    272     cout<<"             =                                      ="<<endl;
    273     cout<<"             =          学生成绩管理系统 V1.0       ="<<endl;
    274     cout<<"             =            学生基本信息录入          ="<<endl;
    275     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    276     cout<<"              请输入学生人数(MAX=40):";
    277     cin>>n;
    278     for(i=0;i<n;i++)
    279     {
    280         students[i].init_student();
    281     }
    282     cout<<"
    283     cout<<"              录入完毕,按回车返回主菜单...";getchar();
    284     return 0;
    285 }
    287 int Main_student_list_2()
    288 {
    289     cout<<"
    290     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    291     cout<<"             =                                      ="<<endl;
    292     cout<<"             =          学生成绩管理系统 V1.0       ="<<endl;
    293     cout<<"             =            学生基本信息列表          ="<<endl;
    294     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    295     cout<<"               序号     学号       姓名       性别   "<<endl;
    296     for(i=0;i<n;i++)
    297     {
    298     cout<<"                "<<setw(2)<<i+1<<"   "<<students[i].getStudent_No()<<"    "<<students[i].getStudent_name()<<"       "<<students[i].getStudent_sex()<<endl;
    299     }
    300     cout<<"
    301     cout<<"              按回车返回主菜单...";getchar();
    302     return 0;
    303 }
    305 int Main_student_correct_3()
    306 {
    307     cout<<"
    308     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    309     cout<<"             =                                      ="<<endl;
    310     cout<<"             =          学生成绩管理系统 V1.0       ="<<endl;
    311     cout<<"             =            学生基本信息修改          ="<<endl;
    312     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    313     cout<<"                                                     "<<endl;
    314     cout<<"                                                     "<<endl;
    315     cout<<"                            未注册组件               "<<endl;
    316     cout<<"                                                     "<<endl;
    317     cout<<"                                                     "<<endl;
    318     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    319     cout<<"               按回车返回主菜单...";getchar(); 
    320     return 0;
    321 }
    323 int Main_student_coursename_4()
    324 {
    325     cout<<"
    326     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    327     cout<<"             =                                      ="<<endl;
    328     cout<<"             =          学生成绩管理系统 V1.0       ="<<endl;
    329     cout<<"             =             科目名称修改             ="<<endl;
    330     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    331     cout<<"                                                     "<<endl;
    332     cout<<"                                                     "<<endl;
    333     cout<<"                            未注册组件               "<<endl;
    334     cout<<"                                                     "<<endl;
    335     cout<<"                                                     "<<endl;
    336     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    337     cout<<"               按回车返回主菜单...";getchar();
    338     return 0;
    339 }
    341 int Main_student_scoreinput_5()
    342 {
    343     cout<<"
    344     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    345     cout<<"             =                                      ="<<endl;
    346     cout<<"             =          学生成绩管理系统 V1.0       ="<<endl;
    347     cout<<"             =              学生分数录入            ="<<endl;
    348     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    349     for(i=0;i<n;i++)
    350     {
    351         students[i].init_score();
    352     }
    353     cout<<"
    354     cout<<"              按回车返回主菜单...";getchar();
    355     return 0;
    356 }
    358 int Main_student_courseeverage_6()
    359 {
    360     cout<<"
    361     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    362     cout<<"             =                                      ="<<endl;
    363     cout<<"             =          学生成绩管理系统 V1.0       ="<<endl;
    364     cout<<"             =             个人成绩状况             ="<<endl;
    365     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    366     cout<<"               序号    学号        姓名      平均分  "<<endl;
    367     for(i=0;i<n;i++)
    368     {
    369         //students[i].score_everage();
    370         cout <<setiosflags(ios::fixed);
    371     cout<<"                "<<setw(2)<<i+1<<"   "<<students[i].getStudent_No()<<"    "<<students[i].getStudent_name()<<"     "<<setw(6)<<setprecision(2)<<students[i].getStudent_score_everage()<<endl;
    372     }
    373     cout<<"
    374     cout<<"              按回车返回主菜单...";getchar();
    375     return 0;
    376 }
    378 int Main_student_class_courseeverage_7()
    379 {
    380     cout<<"
    381     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    382     cout<<"             =                                      ="<<endl;
    383     cout<<"             =          学生成绩管理系统 V1.0       ="<<endl;
    384     cout<<"             =             科目平均分查询           ="<<endl;
    385     cout<<"             ========================================"<<endl;
    386     cout<<"                       科目        平均分            "<<endl;
    387     for(i=0;i<n;i++)
    388     {
    389         class_course_everage[0]+= students[i].getStudent_score_Maths();
    390         class_course_everage[1]+= students[i].getStudent_score_Chinese();
    391         class_course_everage[2]+= students[i].getStudent_score_English();
    392         class_course_everage[3]+= students[i].getStudent_score_CPP();
    393     }
    394     cout <<setiosflags(ios::fixed);
    395     cout<<"                      数 学:"<<"        "<<setw(6)<<setprecision(2)<<class_course_everage[0]/n<<endl;
    396     cout<<"                      语 文:"<<"        "<<setw(6)<<setprecision(2)<<class_course_everage[1]/n<<endl;
    397     cout<<"                      英 语:"<<"        "<<setw(6)<<setprecision(2)<<class_course_everage[2]/n<<endl;
    398     cout<<"                       C++ :"<<"        "<<setw(6)<<setprecision(2)<<class_course_everage[3]/n<<endl;
    399     cout<<"
    400     cout<<"              按回车返回主菜单...";getchar();
    401     return 0;
    402 }
    404 int Main_student_ALL_8()
    405 {
    406     for(i=0;i<n;i++)
    407     {
    408         class_course_everage[0]+= students[i].getStudent_score_Maths();
    409         class_course_everage[1]+= students[i].getStudent_score_Chinese();
    410         class_course_everage[2]+= students[i].getStudent_score_English();
    411         class_course_everage[3]+= students[i].getStudent_score_CPP();
    412     }
    413     cout<<"
    414     cout<<"             =========================================================="<<endl;
    415     cout<<"             =                                                        ="<<endl;
    416     cout<<"             =                   学生成绩管理系统 V1.0                ="<<endl;
    417     cout<<"             =                     学生成绩信息总表                   ="<<endl;
    418     cout<<"             =========================================================="<<endl;
    419     cout<<"              序号   学号     姓名   数学   语文   英语    C++   平均分"<<endl;
    420     for(i=0;i<n;i++)
    421     {
    422     //    students[i].score_everage();
    423     cout <<setiosflags(ios::fixed);
    424     cout<<"                "<<i+1<<" "<<students[i].getStudent_No()<<"  "<<students[i].getStudent_name()<<setw(7)<<setprecision(2)<<students[i].getStudent_score_Maths()<<setw(7)<<setprecision(2)<<students[i].getStudent_score_Chinese()<<setw(7)<<setprecision(2)<<students[i].getStudent_score_English()<<setw(7)<<setprecision(2)<<students[i].getStudent_score_CPP()<<setw(7)<<setprecision(2)<<students[i].getStudent_score_everage()<<endl;
    425     }
    426     cout<<"              "<<"==平均分==      ***  "<<setw(7)<<setprecision(2)<<class_course_everage[0]/4<<setw(7)<<setprecision(2)<<class_course_everage[1]/4<<setw(7)<<setprecision(2)<<class_course_everage[2]/4<<setw(7)<<setprecision(2)<<class_course_everage[3]/4<<setw(7)<<setprecision(2)<<(class_course_everage[0]+class_course_everage[1]+class_course_everage[2]+class_course_everage[3])/16; 
    427     cout<<"
    428     cout<<"             按回车返回主菜单...";getchar();
    429     return 0;
    430 }
    432 int Main_copyright_9()
    433 {
    434     cout<<"
    435     cout<<"            =========================================="<<endl;
    436     cout<<"            =                                        ="<<endl;
    437     cout<<"            =           学生成绩管理系统 V1.0        ="<<endl;
    438     cout<<"            =                                        ="<<endl;
    439     cout<<"            =========================================="<<endl;
    440     cout<<"            =                                        ="<<endl;
    441     cout<<"            =             MADE BY SUT_Hui            ="<<endl;
    442     cout<<"            =                                        ="<<endl;
    443     cout<<"            =All Copyright Reserved 2012-2012 SUT_Hui="<<endl;
    444     cout<<"            =    GPL2.0 2011 SUT_Hui Project TEAM    ="<<endl;
    445     cout<<"            =========================================="<<endl;
    446     cout<<"             按回车返回主菜单...";getchar();
    447     return 0;
    448 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/suthui/p/3767263.html
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